
Name _______________________________________ Period _____ Date _____________________SOUND AND LIGHT TEST REVIEWObjectivesDescribe a compressional/longitudinal wave and label its parts.Explain how sound travels through different mediums.Identify what influences the speed of sound.Describe how the ear enables you to hear.Recognize how amplitude, intensity, and loudness are related.Describe how sound intensity is measured and what levels can damage hearing.Explain the relationship between frequency and pitch.Discuss the Doppler Effect.Explain how vibrating charges produce electromagnetic waves.Describe the frequency, wavelength, and speed of electromagnetic pare the various types of electromagnetic waves.Be able to list some helpful and harmful properties of electromagnetic waves.Explain how light is reflected.Discuss how refraction separates white light.Describe the different between light (additive) color and pigment (subtractive) color.Know the eleven vocabulary words.Know the four SAT vocab words.3590925156845ReviewIn the diagram to the right, name the type of wave, and label its parts. Label what one wavelength looks like.Name _____________________________A ________________________________B ________________________________Indicate which type of wave each is (circle correct choice):Sound is a MECHANICALNON-MECHANICAL wave.Light is a MECHANICALNON-MECHANICAL wave.Fill in the blank: Sound is produced by a _________________________. As one individual particle is ___________________, it transmits the disturbance to the next __________________ particle. This disturbance continues to be passed on to the ______________________. The result is that _______________ is transported without the actual transport of _______________.The speed of a wave depends on three things. Discuss all three and indicate how each can increase the speed of a sound wave.ElasticityDensityTemperatureThe ear hears by keeping a vibration going. Starting with the eardrum, list all the parts of the ear that vibrate (in order) until you get to auditory nerve.Explain how sound intensity is measured, what part of the sound wave do you read, and how it is related to loudness of a sound.Fill in the table about sound intensity:SounddBSounddBSounddB2060120Fill in the blank: As the amplitude _______________, the sound loudness ________________.Explain how sound frequency is measured, what part of the sound wave do you read, and how it is related to the pitch of a sound.Circle the correct choices: As the frequency (increases, decreases), the pitch goes (up, down).Humans can hear sounds from _____ Hz to ____________ Hz. Sounds below 20 Hz are called ______________________ and sounds above 20,000Hz are called _____________________.The Doppler Effect occurs due to __________________ in the perceived _______ of a sound due to a ____________ sound source. The sound _____________ in front of the source and __________________ behind the sourceExplain how electromagnetic waves are produced.4171950952500In the diagram to the right, indicate the following:Type of wave ________________________Label a wavelength and explain how frequency is measured in this wave.What is meant by the “vacuum of space”?The speed of a light wave is ___________________ than the speed of a sound wave?Fill in the table below.Type of EM WaveBeneficial PropertiesHarmful PropertiesGamma RayRadio WaveX-RayInfraredUltravioletMicrowaveList the EM waves in the table above in order of increase energy, left to right.List the EM waves in the table above in order of increasing wavelength.What is happening to the frequency of the waves listed in #18, left to right?51435003314700Circle the correct choices: As the frequency (increases, decreases), the wavelength (increases, decreases).When light is reflected, what happens? Show in the diagram to the right.When you look at a mirror, you stand in _________ of the mirror, but your image is _________ the mirror.Fill in the blanks: The light that ________________ as it crosses a surface into a material ____________________ and is shown as a refracted ray. Refraction occurs when light’s ___________________ changes. Remember: The speed of light is ______________________ in different materials. White light is a _______________ of all colors. When white light is directed through a _______________, the individual colors are refracted and we see a _____________________.Describe a convex lens and a concave lens.Name the three additive (light) colors and the three subtractive (pigment) colors. What is the main difference between them (Hint – it is how their colors are seen by our eyes): ................

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