WINTER 2019 Beasley Media Group

Nationwide Contest Activation Memo

(DEC 17, 2018)

This Activation Memo should address most questions and cover everything you need to know regarding the nationwide promotion – please read it in its entirety. Updates, if any, will be sent to you via email.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to call or email Justin Chase, Executive Vice President of Programming, at (239) 778-4069 or Justin@.

Snapshot Summary

The Winter 2019 Nationwide Contest will involve two methods of entry: (1) mobile app entry; and (2) online entry. The contest will be conducted five (5) times each weekday at approximately 8am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm and 6pm Eastern Time (“ET”) from Monday, January 7, 2019, through Monday, February 4, 2019, excluding Monday, January 21, 2019 (MLK Day). For our west coast stations, the contest will happen at 5am, 8am, 10am, 1pm, and 3pm Pacific Time (“PT”) (each a “Contest”). Entrants will listen to participating stations for the cue to enter (“Cue”). Each Cue will include a daily unique Key Word (“Key Word”). Upon hearing the Cue, entrants will have up to a fifteen minute window (until 15 minutes after the hour) to enter by mobile phone/device or online (each an “Entry Window”). To enter by mobile phone/device, entrants nationwide must enter the Key Word on the station’s mobile app. Listeners can also enter online at the station’s website by entering the Key Word. Online entrants will have the same entry deadline as mobile phone/device entrants for each Cue. Following each Entry Window, all entrants with the correct Key Word will be combined into one pool and one randomly selected entry will be chosen as a potential winner of $1,000. Additionally, on February 5, 2019 at 10:00am Eastern Time, every eligible entry from the entirety of the contest will be combined into one entry pool from which one (1) grand prize winner will be selected and awarded a $10,000 prize. Each potential winner will be contacted promptly following their selection and their eligibility will be verified. Every participating station will give the same Key Word (in either English or Spanish, depending on the format of the station), however each Contest’s Key Word will be unique. Some stations requested “alternate” Key Words which will also be accepted. Audio will be emailed to all participating station PDs to complete that hour’s contest. This process will be repeated for the entire promotion (20 contest days).


The contest is open to legal residents of the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and DC) who are age 19 years or older if a resident of Alabama or Nebraska, 21 years or older if a resident of Mississippi and 18 years or older in other states.

Dates & Prizes

The contest will begin on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 5:00 a.m. PT / 8:00 a.m. ET and end with the final Cue to enter on Monday, February 4, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. PT / 6:00 p.m. ET. No contest will take place on Monday, January 21, 2019.

The $10,000 grand prize drawing will be conducted on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 7:00a.m. PT / 10:00a.m. ET

There is a total of twenty (20) contest days, and a total of one hundred (100) $1,000 prizes and one (1) $10,000 prize will be awarded.

On each weekday (Monday through Friday), five (5) cash prizes will be awarded.

Total value of all $1,000 cash prizes: $100,000.00

Total value of $10,000 grand prize: $10,000

Total value of all prizes offered: $110,000.00

Entry Periods By Time Zones

5am to 5:15am, 8am to 8:15am, 10am to 10:15am, 1pm to 1:15pm, 3pm to 3:15pm PT

8am to 8:15am, 11am to 11:15am, 1pm to 1:15pm, 4pm to 4:15pm, 6pm to 6:15pm ET

code words / times to win

***separate attachment***

Music Format Stations vs. Spoken Word Format Stations

Each weekday during the contest dates there will be five (5) Cues announced on-air on each participating station which will include the day’s unique Key Word.

All participating music format stations shall announce their Cues and Key Words as close to the top of the hour as possible. All participating spoken word format stations or stations that have “fixed news/service mark elements” at the top of the hour shall have the discretion to select the times for their Cues to best fit with their programming between one (1) and five (5) minutes after the top of each hour of contest play; however, spoken word format stations should select one time and remain with that time to schedule listening appointments. All stations should air the cue as close to the top of the hour as possible to give listeners plenty of time to enter the contest.

Upon hearing the Cue to enter, listeners will enter the contest by submitting the Key Word via app, or online entry form no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the start of each hour during which the Cues are announced. All listeners will have the same entry deadline to enter regardless of the station/format to which they are listening.

Winning Entrant/Alternate(s)

Each $1,000 winning entrant is determined by random generation and forwarded to the Beasley Contest Operator (“Contest Operator”), who then calls the winner for audio recording. Five (5) additional names will be selected to use as alternates in case the first potential winner selected is not eligible or cannot be contacted within the required time period. If this occurs, we will go to the second name selected as the next potential prize winner (and so on until a winner is determined).

Script For Winners

Once we have the winner on the phone, we will get consent to record and broadcast the call, and then we will record the winner’s reaction with a “Generic Jock” using the following script:



➢ (Recorded by winner) “HI, THIS IS (name) AND I JUST WON ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!

Immediately following the recording of this script, the Contest Operator will email winner’s audio to participating stations within thirty (30) minutes. The Contest Operator will prepare a Generic Jock plus winner audio track, then a “winner only” audio track with the Generic Jock suppressed (except for minimal inevitable feed-back through the winner’s phone). This track can be used for promotional purposes and/or playback. Your station is responsible for archiving any winners you may want to keep.

As soon as the winner is recorded and emailed to all stations, we will ask the winner what station they were listening to. We will then alert that station’s in-studio hotline or email the local PD and give them the winner’s contact information so they can arrange for a live interview with the winner. FCC rules apply to calling from your studio with the intent to air the conversation. When calling anyone, even a prize winner, you must seek the winner’s CONSENT PRIOR TO airing any interview or live conversation, or recording it for future use on the air. You must seek the consent of the winner before starting the recorder or placing the winner live on-air - (before the “hello”).

Using Winners On-Air

We would STRONGLY encourage you to “payoff the contest” by playing back the winner audio. Recent research has shown that listeners are increasingly suspicious that radio contests are rigged. Therefore, we believe that the best way to prove our contests are legitimate is by featuring the winner on the air! So whenever possible, please payback the winner audio using these guidelines.

When a listener from your station is a winner, you may identify the winner as a winner of your station’s contest. Example: “We have a winner in the [CONTEST NAME]!” as long as somewhere in that copy you mention that the contest is part of a multi-market promotion or multi-city contest, or that the winner was the “randomly selected nationwide entrant”.

When the winner is not a listener from your station, you can identify the winner by name only if you also do one of two things, EITHER: (1) Identify winner’s city/state; OR (2) Announce that he is a winner in the “multi market promotion” or the “multi-city contest” or “he/she was the random nationwide entrant” or some other way to let listeners know that this is a multi-city promotion. You may not, under any circumstance identify a winner that is not a listener of your station as a winner in your station’s contest.

You cannot “dub in” your on-air personality to make it sound like he/she is talking to or asking the questions and/or interacting with the winner that you get from email – unless that winner is from your market and your jock has personally called the winner. You can, however, use the winner clips on winner promos as long as you do not mislead the listeners that the winner is a winner from your station.

The way to handle this is to say something live like “there’s been another winner, and here’s what happened” (roll tape of winner reaction). For promos, use “random nationwide entrant” or other ways to clarify the national aspect.

Winner Processing

All winners will be processed in the Naples corporate office. Winner Packets will be mailed to winners from corporate. There is nothing for the local market to do with respect to processing.

Creating Appointments – Always Pre-Promote the Next Appointment

The objective of this contest is to create additional occasions for your station and a good way to create occasions is to set appointments. In this contest, there are five (5) appointments per day at 8am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm and 6pm ET (and 5am, 8am, 10am, 1pm, and 3pm PT). You may not pre-announce the Key Words, you should only give the daily Key Word at the pre-determined time. The goal here is to be promoting the next appointment frequently… always sending listeners to the pre-determined times to listen and enter to win $1000.

General Questions

➢ How Successful Will the Contest Be for My Station?

The ratings success depends upon the creativity, amount of promotion, and how good you are as a programmer of letting listeners know when the times for Key Word release are happening. After watching many other stations in other companies executing these contests, we have noticed that having creative promos and the number of times the station mentioned the contest were the reasons for a ratings increase. If a particular station went up in the ratings, we have found those two things to be taking place at that station. So the success or failure rate of any nationwide contest is within your control. Creativity + Number of mentions (we strongly recommend at least once per quarter hour) = success.

➢ How Many Winners Will I Get from My Market or Station?

Winners are not guaranteed; they are a bonus for your market. Remember that winners are completely random; it is whoever (after entering following the Key Word release time) is selected at random. Count on zero.

In the end, the probability that your station will have a winning listener is affected by:

➢ Your station’s ability to precisely announce the Key Word (not early or late).

➢ How many of your listeners are participating in the contest.

➢ Your listeners’ luck at being drawn at random from among all entries.

The corporate office can certify that one market is not given an advantage over any other market.

Of course, Program Directors want to have winners for their market. However, local winners have nothing to do with how an individual station will do in the ratings from this nationwide contest. The only thing that will increase your ratings is how well you get people to tune in to listen for the Cue and play for a chance to win the contest.

➢ Tracking Your Markets Winners

If you desire to track your local winners, you’ll need to do that at your station. Assign someone the duty of keeping the number and/or names of winners your station/market has. We will put out a report listing all winners, but only after the contest is completed.


This brings us to the all-important legal section, which has been designed to accommodate the mobile phone/device “app” entry and online method. Templates for the written rules, on-air disclosures, and other legal guidelines are given in this Memo and should be carefully followed. We will not review your Material Terms legal copy or accept questions about modifying the guidelines in this Memo. If you have questions about what is and is not permissible, check this memo first – and if you still have a legal question, let us know. There should be few if any questions given the guidelines that legal has drafted, simply follow the guidelines outlined in this memo.

Promotion Names

***All promotion names AND SPONSORS must be approved in advance by justin chase.***

The contest title must not mislead listeners that the promotion is station-exclusive. In particular, from a legal standpoint, the goal is to not confuse listeners or mislead them. We want listeners to know that they are competing against other listeners in other markets for a single jackpot one time each day.


In addition, stations may sell sponsorships, but any sponsorship(s) must have prior approval by Justin Chase before the contest goes live. Suggested approved language and examples of prohibited language follow.

Sample Approved Promo Language:

“The [CONTEST NAME] … brought to you on [STATION] by [SPONSOR]”

“... [STATION] and [SPONSOR] are giving you a chance to win $1,000 cash and qualify for the $10,000 grand prize in the [CONTEST NAME].”

“... [STATION] and [SPONSOR] are giving you a chance to win a share of $110,000 cash in the [CONTEST NAME].”

Sample Non-Allowed Promo Language:

“[STATION] will award $1,000 in [SPONSOR’S] [CONTEST NAME]”

(Station isn’t awarding this locally, and the sponsor may not be possessive.)

“[STATION] is giving you a chance to win $1,000 in [SPONSOR’S] [CONTEST NAME]”

(Note that possessive punctuation still implies sponsor exclusivity.)

Pre-Contest Promos

Pre-contest promos must not imply that this is a station-exclusive promotion (e.g., “96-3 KKLZ will give away $1,000 every day!” would be prohibited). Pre-contest teasers should not mislead listeners with respect to the multi-city or multi-market aspect of the prize. (Sample Approved Teaser Language: “96-3 KKLZ will be giving you a chance to win $1,000 and qualify for the $10,000 grand prize!! Listen next week for details on how to enter to win.”)

Website, Direct Mail, Print Promotion, Outdoor, TV, Transit

The paramount concept with advertising applies to simplicity. To avoid problems, you need to make certain that the average listener can watch your TV spot, see your outdoor piece, or view your website and clearly understand that this is a multi-city contest. This also applies to all promotions on websites that are not your station websites.

Promotions outside of your airwaves must include the disclosure that the contest is multi-city or multi-market. This is to be included in every television spot, on every outdoor or transit board. In television spots, direct mail, print, and online, you must be able to clearly read that the contest is a nationwide, multi-market, or multi-city contest.

The Most Important Legal Rule

As you are reviewing the following legal information remember that this is completely different than the way we were trained in the radio industry. This contest is not exclusive. Remove words and phrases that imply ownership. This is contrary to everything that you have been taught regarding radio promotions. No one has ever before told you to not take full ownership when promoting a station event or contest. Follow these guidelines to avoid legal difficulties. Trouble arises when a station tries to make it sound like the contest is “theirs” or “local” or otherwise tries to take ownership of the contest or that somehow the station is independently running the contest.

Minimum On-Air Compliance – Critical Guidelines for On-Air Copy

Each cue to call, call to action, or sounder must include a “nationwide” and “multi-station” reference. (Sample Approved Language: “… This hour’s Key Word in the [CONTEST NAME] Nationwide Contest is ‘Lucky!’ Enter today’s Key Word “lucky” on our mobile app or at our website, once again enter “lucky”, L-U-C-K-Y, on our app or enter online at [URL] by 8:15am Eastern! We’ll call you if you’re randomly selected and you’ll win $1,000! Plus, all who enter will be in the drawing for the $10,000 grand prize. Complete contest rules are available at [station URL].”)

Any additional promotional copy must not imply that the contest is being conducted only locally.

Best Practice Suggestions

Minimum Daily On-Air Disclosures

( 5x Daily: KEY WORD ANNOUNCEMENT must have a “nationwide” or “multi-market” reference;

( PLUS: Any references to the promotion off-air, on television, in any outdoor media, online, in email, or in print must clearly disclose that this is a nationwide, multi-market, or multi-city contest.

Legal Compliance Copy promo – no longer required

Employees at legacy Beasley stations may remember that in previous contests, the FCC required “The Legal Compliance Promo” (what the FCC considered “Material Contest Terms”) to air once per day. However, the FCC has changed its policy regarding these types of promos and is now allowing stations to direct listeners to the station’s website for contest rules. For this contest, rules will be posted on your website and all of your recorded promos must state that listeners can view your rules on your website as indicated above, please tag all your recorded promos with the following copy: “complete contest rules are available at [station URL]”.



Enclosed below are the generic contest rules that will be posted on your website by Shannon Kelley (Shannon.kelley@). If your station is participating in the full contest with no customization, the version of the rules below will be accurate. However, if your station is NOT participating in the full contest (for example: starting the contest late or early, or not participating with certain occasions), you will need to customize the rules by adjusting the highlighted copy for your station. After you have adjusted, please send to Shannon Kelley no later than Dec 27th for review and she will ensure they are posted on your contest page.

During the contest, please place the rules at your front desk as you normally would for any contest.

Taking “Breaks” From the Contest; Starting Late/Ending Early

While we don’t want to see this happen, if a station needs to take a day or two off from the contest to do a live charity event, or for some other reason, this will need to be approved by the EVP of Programming. Plus, this must be made clear to the audience, and be included in your written rules prior to the start of the contest. In no case will approval to take a break from the contest by granted by the EVP of Programming once the contest has begun. You must make any planned interval in the contest clear from the beginning of the contest. Also, remember to adjust the total amount of prizes offered to listeners in your promos and live copy, since it will be LESS than the maximum specified in the model rules and copy. If your jock accidentally misses the contest or plays sounder at the wrong time – no need to do anything, it is a mistake, and pick back up with the next contest on time. We are covered in the rules for this type of situation, so no need to announce this.

The following pages are the official rules

for the nationwide contest in template form.

Please insert station(s) information in brackets, only if your station is not participating in the entire contest.

Do not change anything else in the rules

except for the insertion points.

[1K Giveaway]

Beasley Media Group’s Winter 2019 Nationwide Contest

(Jan-Feb 2019)



1. DESCRIPTION: The Beasley Media Group Winter 2019 Nationwide Contest (“Promotion”) begins on Monday, January 7, 2019, and will run through Monday, February 4, 2019. The Promotion is being conducted by Beasley Media Group, LLC and its participating radio stations (the “Stations”) as listed below. The Promotion, known as “The 1K Giveaway” on the Stations, will begin on Monday, January 7, 2019, and will run through Monday, February 4, 2019, weekdays (excluding Monday, January 21, 2019) between the hours of 5am Pacific Time (“PT”) / 8am Eastern Time (“ET”) and 3:15pm PT / 6:15pm ET (“Promotion Period”).

2. SPONSOR: (If any)[Insert name and address of any approved Sponsor, remove if none]

3. ADMINISTRATOR: Beasley Media Group, LLC., 3033 Riviera Drive, Suite 200, Naples, FL 34103

4. ELIGIBILITY: The Promotion is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia (U.S.) who are at least eighteen (18) years of age or the age of majority in their state of residence, whichever is older as of date of entry (“Contestant”). Contestants will be competing with listeners from approximately forty six (46) radio stations in multiple radio markets across the United States. Employees, directors and officers and their immediate families (spouses and siblings, parents and children and their spouses) and household members of Beasley Media Group, JacApps, Jacobs Media, and Promotion sponsors (if any), and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, distributors, affiliates, service providers, advertising and promotion agencies and companies involved in the design, implementation and execution of the Promotion (collectively the “Promotion Entities”), other radio stations in the metropolitan areas of the participating stations and members of their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouses) or persons living in the same households as such persons, whether related or not, are not eligible to participate or win. This Promotion is governed by Florida law and is subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations. Promotion is void in Puerto Rico, and US Territories and jurisdictions (including overseas military installations) and where prohibited. Contestants are required to provide truthful information and Beasley Media will reject and delete any entry that it discovers to be false or fraudulent. Beasley Media will disqualify any entry from individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements and will also delete any entry as required by law.

5. AGREEMENT TO THE OFFICIAL RULES: By participating in the Promotion, each participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts these Official Rules and the decisions of the Administrator, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Promotion. Winning the prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.

6. HOW TO ENTER: There are two (2) ways to enter. Contestants may enter online or via mobile app entry as follows:

a. To participate in the Promotion, Station listeners will need to listen to a participating Station each weekday during the Promotion Period at 8am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm eastern time or 5am, 8am, 10am, 1pm, 3pm pacific, when at each time a Cue will be announced. The Cue will include a unique Key Word. Upon hearing the Cue, enter by entering the Key Word on the station’s mobile app or by entering online no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the start of the hour during which the Cue is announced to be entered for a chance to win a $1,000 cash prize and the $10,000 cash grand prize.

b. On each weekday throughout the Promotion, five (5) potential nationwide prize winners will be randomly selected – (i) one (1) between the hours of 5:00 a.m. PT / 8:00 a.m. ET and 5:15 a.m. PT / 8:15 a.m. ET. (ii) one (1) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET and 8:15 a.m. PT / 11:15 a.m. ET. (iii) one (1) between the hours of 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET and 10:15 a.m. PT / 1:15 p.m. ET. (iv) one (1) between the hours of 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET and 1:15 p.m. PT / 4:15 p.m. ET. (v) one (1) between the hours of 3 p.m. PT / 6:00 p.m. ET and 3:15 p.m. PT / 6:15 p.m. ET. A total of one hundred one (101) Prizes will be awarded in the Promotion. Stations may also announce exact times that future Cues will be played. Station listeners will be entering along with listeners from other stations around the country who will also receive the Key Word announcements at similar times and will be entering before the same Entry Period deadline for each Cue.

c. Each entry window shall close at the start of the fifteenth (15th) minute after the top of the hour in which the Cue is announced, regardless of when the Cue airs (each, an “Entry Period”). Each participating station reserves the right to announce the Cue between the first one (1) and fifteen (15) minutes of the hour. Following each Entry Period, Beasley Media will conduct a random drawing from among all mobile app and online entrants who provided the correct Key Word nationwide during that Entry Period (the “Entry Period Pool”), and one (1) potential nationwide $1,000 cash prize winner will be randomly selected and called by Beasley Media promptly following his/her selection. Only one (1) entry per person, per Cue is permitted regardless of the method of entry. The randomly selected Contestant must be available at the time of Beasley Media’s call to be eligible to win the prize. Once reached by phone, the randomly selected Contestant will be deemed the potential $1,000 cash prize winner (upon confirmation of eligibility). At the time of the call, the potential prize winner will be required to provide all information requested to verify eligibility. Information requested includes their full name, complete address (including zip code), day and evening phone numbers and date of birth. Beasley Media will attempt to call the randomly selected entrant five (5) times shortly following the random drawing for the applicable Entry Period. No voicemail message will be left. If the potential prize winner fails to answer the calls or is disconnected or is otherwise found to be ineligible, the prize will be forfeited and the Station will randomly select another entrant from the same Entry Period Pool to be the potential $1,000 prize winner. This will continue until the $1,000 prize is awarded in that hour (time permitting). By participating in the Promotion entrants consent to Beasley Media contacting them by phone at the telephone number from which the mobile entry was received or as indicated by the entrant on the online entry form. Any and all fees arising out of the transmission of or receipt of a mobile call shall solely be the responsibility of the entrant. Message and data rates may apply per the entrant’s carrier. Beasley Media does not guarantee, and shall not be responsible for, the connection or timeliness of any such entries.

d. To enter via Mobile app device: To enter by mobile app device, upon hearing the Cue, enter the day’s Key Word on the station’s mobile app during the Cue’s Entry Period. Data rates may apply. Promotion Entities are not responsible for any fees or charges incurred for and associated with mobile entries. The mobile app entry method is designed to work with most iPhone, iPads, and Android tablets, and Android phones of the major wireless carriers in the United States, but the Promotion Entities make no guarantee that any particular wireless device or service provider will participate. Entrants should check their phone’s features to see if they have that capability. Entrants should consult their wireless service provider’s pricing plan for details. Entry by mobile app will not improve your chance of winning. By entering by the mobile app, each entrant consents to receive up to five (5) notification phone calls on their mobile phone if randomly selected as a potential winner. Further, by entering by the mobile app, entrants agree to accept all applicable charges associated therewith.

e. To enter via Online Entry: To enter online, upon hearing the Cue visit the Station’s website and follow the links and instructions to enter the Promotion and complete and submit the online entry form during the respective Entry Period following the Cue. By entering online, each entrant consents to receive up to five (5) notification phone calls on their provided phone number if randomly selected as a potential winner. Internet entries will be deemed made by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry. The authorized account holder is the natural person who is assigned to the email address by an internet access provider, online service provider or other organization that is responsible for assigning an email address or the domain associated with the submitted email address. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same email address. Online entries submitted may not be acknowledged or returned.

f. Entrants may enter only once per Entry Period, regardless of the method of entry (i.e., only one (1) entry per person per Cue). Additional entries will be disqualified by the Promotion Entities solely at their discretion. Each eligible entry submitted during an Entry Period will automatically be included in the $10,000 grand prize random drawing, regardless of whether or not they won the $1,000 prize; and an entrant may have up to a total of one hundred (100) entries in the $10,000 grand prize drawing, depending on how many total eligible entries the entrant submitted during the Entry Periods during the Promotion Period. A listener may only win one $1,000 cash prize during the Promotion, and only one $1,000 cash prize winner per household is permitted during the Promotion Period. For this Promotion only, restrictions that would prevent a listener from winning if he/she had won another recent Beasley Media station contest or promotion will not apply. Use of any device to automate entry is prohibited. Proof of submission of an entry shall not be deemed proof of receipt by Beasley Media. Beasley Media’s computer is the official time keeping device for the Promotion. Any attempt by any Contestant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different identities, registrations or any other methods will void that participant’s entries and that Contestant may be disqualified.

g. In the event of an equipment malfunction, Beasley Media reserves the right to award prize to a randomly selected entrant from the immediately prior Entry Period pool, except that any such Contestant who was awarded the prize for such Entry Period will be excluded. Given the volume of participation, Contestants may experience an inability to access website to enter.

h. Online listeners to streamed broadcasts may experience a lag in transmissions due to buffering limitations. Entrants should not rely on streamed broadcasts to participate in any contest as they may be disadvantaged when participating in on-air contests. Entrants are encouraged to listen to the Station for the Cues on-air. The Promotion Entities are not responsible for online streaming delays or outages.

7. PRIZES: No more than the advertised number of prizes shall be awarded. A prize may not be sold, traded, or commissioned, and is not exchangeable, transferable, or redeemable for cash except in the Promotion Entities’ sole discretion. Prize details and availability are subject to change. There are no substitutions unless specified by Beasley Media and Beasley Media reserves the right to substitute any prize (or prize component) with another prize (or prize component) of equal or greater value at its sole discretion. Prizing may be fulfilled by a third party fulfillment company. The Promotion Entities are not in any way responsible or liable for damages resulting from shipping and handling, loss, use or misuse of any prize awarded in this contest. The prize is awarded if properly claimed according to the Rules and if there are sufficient eligible entries. All other costs and expenses related to prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided are the sole responsibility of winner(s). If the winner is disqualified or is found to be ineligible for the contest, Beasley Media reserves the right to determine an alternate winner or not to award the prize, at its sole discretion. Each Pprize is either $1,000 cash or $10,000 cash (in the form of a check made payable to the prize winner upon confirmation of his/her eligibility).  The Station may award up to one hundred (1001) total $1,000 prizes and up to one (1) $10,000 grand prize for an approximate total retail value for the Promotion of $110,000. Each cash prize will be issued as a check payable to the order of the prize winner upon verification of eligibility and upon timely receipt of all completed prize winner paperwork. Checks will be processed and mailed within four to eight weeks upon verification of eligibility and receipt of all completed prize winner paperwork. All taxes, including but not limited to, federal, state, and local taxes, and any other costs and expenses associated with the acceptance and use of a prize are solely the responsibility of the winner. The prize winners will each be issued an IRS Form 1099 for the value of their respective prize(s).

8. WINNER SELECTION: Potential $1,000 cash prize winners will be determined as described above and will be notified by telephone beginning approximately fifteen (15) minutes following each Entry Period. Listeners from approximately forty- six (46) radio stations in multiple radio markets across the United States will be participating at the same time(s). Odds of being selected as a $1,000 cash prize winner depend on the combined number of entries received from all markets.

Potential $10,000 cash grand prize winner will be determined in a random drawing conducted on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 7am PT / 10am ET from all eligible entries received from approximately forty-six (46) radio stations in multiple radio markets across the United States during all combined Entry Periods in the Promotion. Odds of being selected as the $10,000 cash prize winner depend on the number of eligible entries received from approximately forty-six (46) radio stations in multiple radio markets across the United States during all combined Entry Periods in the Promotion.

Decisions of Beasley Media with respect to the Promotion are final.

9. WINNER NOTIFICATION: Beasley Media may notify potential prize winners by telephone with follow up correspondence by email, U.S. Mail and/or courier. Winners must execute and return any required affidavit of eligibility and/or liability/publicity release within five (5) days of notification attempt or prize will be forfeited. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, fails to sign and return the required affidavit of eligibility and/or liability/publicity release within the required time period, or if a prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable, the potential winner forfeits the prize.


a. By participating, Contestants agree to: (a) release Promotion Entities, their respective directors, officers, agents and employees (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind caused by their participation, including the unauthorized or illegal access to personally identifiable or sensitive information or the acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of the prize; and (b) except where prohibited by law, consent to the use by Beasley Media, the Station, or any other participating station, or their designees or agents, of winner’s name, hometown, likeness, statements and other personally identifiable information for promotion, advertising and marketing purposes in any media throughout the world without additional consideration and consent or prior review. To the extent not prohibited by law, winners also agree to provide Beasley Media with an interview, which may be used in connection with the Promotion. Promotion Entities are not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate transcription of Entry information, or for any human or other error, late, lost, or misdirected mail, or any other error or malfunction related to or resulting from participation in this Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY A CONTESTANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE, TAMPER WITH THE ENTRY PROCESS, OR OTHERWISE UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, PROMOTION ENTITIES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO COOPERATE IN THE PROSECUTION OF ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL(S) AND TO PURSUE ALL REMEDIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. If for any reason the Promotion is not able to be executed as planned (in whole or in part), due to computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, action of entrants, technical failures, or any other causes which in the opinion of Administrator and/or Sponsor, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Promotion, Administrator and/or Sponsor reserves the right at their sole discretion to disqualify any suspect entry or Contestant and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion. In the event of any cancellation, termination or suspension, notice thereof will be posted at the stations website and/or the event(s) and determination of the prize winner will be made, from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received as of the date of the termination, cancellation or suspension, as Administrator and/or Sponsor determines in their sole discretion. Entries not complying with all rules are subject to disqualification.

b. Payments of all federal, state and local taxes are solely the responsibility of the winner. The winner will be required to complete and submit an IRS Form W-9 with the winner’s full Social Security Number or the equivalent for receipt of any prize valued at $600 or more or for any prizes awarded by the Station (or any other commonly owned stations in the Station’s market) in a calendar year with an aggregate value of $600 or more. Failure to submit a completed Form W-9 or equivalent upon request will result in forfeiture of the prize. Such winnings of $600 or more will be reported to the IRS.

c. Participation in the Promotion and/or acceptance of prize constitutes entrant’s and/or winner’s agreement to release, discharge, and hold harmless JacApps, Jacobs Media, Beasley Media, the Promotion’s sponsor(s), the participating radio stations, their licensees, and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated entities, their advertising and promotional agencies, prize suppliers, and participating sponsors, and their respective officers, shareholders, directors, employees, agents and representatives and all of their successors and assigns from and against any and all claims or liability arising directly or indirectly from the prize and participation in the Promotion, including but not limited to any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy and prize delivery.

d. Beasley Media’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of this provision. If due to circumstances beyond the control of Beasley Media, including any force majeure event or other event of local or national importance, any segment of the Promotion is delayed, rescheduled, postponed or cancelled, Beasley Media reserves the right, but not the obligation, to cancel, terminate, suspend, or modify the Promotion and shall not be required to award a substitute prize. Further, the Released Parties are not responsible if any part of a Promotion prize that cannot be awarded due to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather, acts of terrorism, or other factors beyond the Released Parties’ control.

e. Contestants understand, acknowledge and agree that the Released Parties shall not be liable for losses or injuries of any kind resulting from the rejection of an entry given Beasley Media’s belief that the contestant was abusing or tampering with the Promotion entry process in any manner or due to any technical malfunction of the telephone or network transmission line or any entries that are late, delayed, garbled, incomplete, misdirected, lost, corrupted or otherwise not in compliance with the rules or applicable law.

f. The Released Parties are not responsible for: (i) typographical or other errors in the printing, the offering, or the administration of the Promotion or in the announcement of a prize; (ii) incorrect or inaccurate entry information, human error, failure, or omission; (iii) unauthorized human intervention; (iv) entries not received due to difficulty accessing the internet, service outage or delays, equipment malfunctions, disconnections, or other technological failures, dropped calls or interruptions; (v) misdirected, misdialed, incomplete, incorrect, or late mobile text or website entries; and (vi) any cancellations, delays, diversions, or substitutions or omissions whatsoever by any transportation providers or any other persons or entities providing any services to winner(s) including any results thereof such as changes in services or location necessitated by same.

g. Any disputes that may arise hereunder shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida without regard to the conflicts of laws principles of any jurisdiction. Venue with respect to any such disputes shall be had in the state and federal courts of the State of Florida.

h. ENTRANT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION: Information collected from Contestants is subject to the Beasley Media’s Privacy Statement for U.S. Consumers,

To receive Promotion results (winners list), visit . Winners list will be available after 2/11/19. A copy of the Official Rules and a list of winners (when complete) are available during regular business hours at the main studio of any of the participating stations. All requests must be received by 3/1/19. For copies of the Official Rules or for a list of winners following completion of the Promotion, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (VT residents are not required to include return postage) specifying “Official Rules” or “Winner List” to Beasley Media’s Winter 2019 Nationwide Promotion Winner List or Official Rules Request, Beasley Media Group, 3033 Riviera Drive, Suite 200, Naples, FL 34103


1. KOAS-FM/Las Vegas, NV

2. KKLZ-FM/Las Vegas, NV

3. KCYE-FM/Las Vegas, NV

4. KVGS-FM/Las Vegas, NV

5. KDWN-AM/Las Vegas, NV

6. WKML-FM/Fayetteville, NC

7. WZFX-FM/Fayetteville, NC

8. WFLB-FM/Fayetteville, NC

9. WUKS-FM/Fayetteville, NC

10. WAZZ-AM/Fayetteville, NC

11. WNKS-FM/Charlotte, NC

12. WBAV-FM/Charlotte, NC

13. WSOC-FM/Charlotte, NC

14. WPEG-FM/Charlotte, NC

15. WKQC-FM/Charlotte, NC

16. WLLD-FM/Tampa, FL

17. WRBQ-FM/Tampa, FL

18. WPBB-FM/Tampa, FL

19. WQYK-FM/Tampa, FL

20. WYUU-FM Tampa, FL

21. WJBR-FM/Wilmington, DE

22. WBOS-FM/Boston, MA

23. WROR-FM/Boston, MA

24. WKLB-FM/Boston, MA

25. WBQT-FM/Boston, MA

26. WCSX-FM/Detroit, MI

27. WRIF-FM/Detroit, MI

28. WMGC-FM/Detroit, MI

29. WHHD-FM/Augusta, GA

30. WDRR-FM/Augusta, GA

31. WCHZ-FM/Augusta, GA 

32. WKXC-FM/Augusta, GA          

33. WMMR-FM/Philadelphia, PA

34. WMGK-FM/Philadelphia, PA

35. WBEN-FM/Philadelphia, PA

36. WXTU-FM/Philadelphia, PA

37. WJPT/Fort Myers, FL     

38. WRXK/Fort Myers, FL

39. WXKB/Fort Myers, FL

40. WRKK-HD2, Fort Myers, FL

41. WWCN/Fort Myers, FL

42. WMGQ-FM/Middlesex-Somerset-Union, NJ

43. WJRZ-FM/Monmouth-Ocean, NJ

44. WDHA-FM/Morristown, NJ

45. WMTR-AM/Morristown, NJ

46. WRAT-FM/Monmouth-Ocean, NJ


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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