





English for International Tourism - Teaching Programme



- To know the form and use of the continuous aspect of verbs

- To know vocabulary to describe visuals

- To read some texts about the History of Tourism

- To speak about tourism developments

- To listen to an expert talking about tourism

- To listen to an expert talking about pull factors to motivate tourists

- To listen to an expert making predictions

- To read an article about China

- To write a description

- To read an article about European travel trends

- To describe visuals

- To listen to a talk about using visual aids to present statistics

- To read an email about the European travel market

- To listen to some interviews about travelling

- To read an email about Chinese people who want to travel to Europe

- To listen to people talking about tourism

- To improve English pronunciation


Communication Skills

- Reading some texts about the History of Tourism

- Speaking about tourism developments

- Listening to the representative of the United NationsWorld Tourism Organization talking about tourist motivations

- Listening to an expert talking about pull factors to motivate tourists

- Listening to an expert talking about tourism trends

- Listening to an expert making predictions for the future

- Reading an article about China

- Writing a description for an airline magazine of the developments that haven taken place in a country

- Reading an article about European travel trends

- Listening to a talk about using visual aids to present statistics

- Reading an email about the European travel market

- Listening to some interviews about travelling

- Reading an email about Chinese people who want to travel to Europe

- Listening to people talking about tourism

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Continuous tenses

B. Vocabulary

- The history of tourism

- Tourist motivations: push and pull factors

- Describing visuals

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To think about travelling

- To make predictions about the future of tourism

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To debate about tourism

- To show interest in China


Moral and civic education

To greet and introduce people

To talk about other countries with respect and interest.

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Consumer education

To debate about different kinds of trips

To debate about motivations to travel

Road Safety

To use the car carefully


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 1

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 1

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 14-15

- Workbook, Unit 1


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 8-15 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB |Students have to use numbers |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) |Page 13 ex 6 |Students speak about statistics |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |SB pages 13, 14, 15. |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | |Online Skills. | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource | | |

| |Book |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| | |Students use digital formats | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB page. 8, 11, 13 |Students read a text and know about the History of Tourism |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read a text and know about a country (China). |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB page.9, 10, 13, 15 |Students use visuals and statistics to describe any situation | |

| |(Listening) | | |

| |SB page.11 (Writing) |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 1 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 11, A portrait of |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |China (Speaking) |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |SB Page 11 (Writing) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB & WB Unit 1 |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| | |China | |

| | |History of tourism | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write a description | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. Formative |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (Unit 1, pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) | |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |SB Pages 9, 13 (Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| | |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |SB Pages 11 (Writing) | |and will power |

| |WB Unit 1 | | |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of countable nouns

- To know the form and use of uncountable nouns

- To know collocations

- To know web words

- To know vocabulary about advertising and publicity

- To read some dictionary entries

- To listen to people trying a new website

- To write a set of instructions

- To read a text about social media

- To speak about social media

- To read an article about using social media

- To read an article jobs

- To listen to an interview about jobs

- To listen to a webmaster talking

- To read a blog about designing a web page

- To read an email from a webmaster

- To read an article about deposits and final payments

- To read an extract from the Genesis Valley

- To read a consultant’s report


Communication Skills

- Reading some dictionary entries

- Listening to people trying a new website

- Writing a set of instructions giving ideas to create a web page

- Reading a list of advantages and disadvantages of using social media

- Speaking about using social media

- Reading an article about using social media to promote Australia

- Reading an article about the best job in the world

- Listening to an interview about the best job in the world

- Listening to a webmaster talking about mainting and improving a website

- Reading a blog about designing a web page

- Reading an email from a webmaster about updating terms and conditions

- Reading an article about deposits and final payments

- Reading an extract from the Genesis Valley Project home page

- Reading a consultant’s report

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Countable nouns

- Uncountable nouns

B. Vocabulary

- Advertising and publicity

- Web words

- Collocations

Sociocultural Aspects

- To think and talk about working conditions

- To debate about the crisis

- To debate about qualities and skills to get a job

- To think and talk about social networks

- To debate about internet


Moral and civic education

To show interest in working conditions

To respect others race, religion and genre

To debate about the use of internet

Environmental education

To respect the sea and the nature

Education for equality

To be aware of equality to get a job, focusing on qualities and skills

Consumer education

To debate about different kinds of trips

To debate about internet


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 2

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 2

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 22-23

- Workbook, Unit 2


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 16-23 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB page 21 |Students speak about deposits and payments |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 2, SB page 16, 20, |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| |21). |Online Skills. | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource | | |

| |Book |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| | |Students use digital formats | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB page.19, 20, 21, 22 |Students read a text and know about advertising and publicity |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students speak about jobs |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB page.17, 19, 20, 23 |Students read about websites | |

| |(Listening) |Students read about projects | |

| |SB page.21 (Writing) | | |

| |Internet |Students read a text and learn about different airlines | |

| |Online Skills, | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 2 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 19, The best job |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |in the world (Speaking) |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |SB Page 21 (Writing) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB & WB Unit 2 |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| | |Means of transport | |

| | |Social media | |

| | |Jobs | |

| | |Webs | |

| | |Advertising and publicity | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write an email | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference ( pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |



- To make predictions

- To know how to express different degrees of certainty

- To know vocabulary about brands and branding

- To know vocabulary about hotels

- To speak about international brands

- To listen to a seminar about branding in the hospitality industry

- To read an article about boutique hotels

- To read some tweets about hotels in the future

- To listen to people talking about future technological developments

- To read an article about future developments in the hotel industry

- To speak about hotels in the future

- To speak about starting a business

- To read extracts about a business plan

- To listen to people talking about opening a bed and breakfast

- To listen to people talking about money

- To listen to people giving advice

- To read an article about tourism management students

- To read three articles about three different properties

- To speak about buying a property

- To listen to students talking about benefits

- To write an email


Communication Skills

- Speaking about international brands

- Listening to a seminar about branding in the hospitality industry

- Reading an article about boutique hotels

- Reading some tweets about hotels in the future

- Listening to people talking about future technological developments

- Reading an article about future developments in the hotel industry

- Speaking about hotels in the future

- Speaking about starting a business

- Reading extracts about a business plan

- Listening to people talking about opening a bed and breakfast

- Listening to people talking about money

- Listening to people giving advice

- Reading an article about tourism management students

- Reading three articles about three different properties

- Speaking about buying a property

- Listening to students talking about benefits

- Writing an email

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Making predictions

- Degrees of certainty

B. Vocabulary

- Brands and branding

- Boutique hotels

- Hotels of the future

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about hotels

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To debate about problems, solutions and letters of complaint, just in case

- To think and talk about the future

- To debate about businesses


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries with respect and interest.

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Road Safety

To use the car carefully

Environmental education

To respect the nature

Education for equality

To be aware of equality to get a job, focusing on qualities and skills

Consumer education

To think about businesses


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 3

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 3

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 30-31

- Workbook, Unit 3


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 24-31 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB |Students speak about financing businesses |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) |Page. 29, ex 4, 5 | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

| |Page 31 | | |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 3, SB page 31). |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Book |Students use digital formats (formal email, Unit 3, page 31) | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB page 25, 27, 29, 30, 31|Students read a text and know about boutique hotels |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read a text and know about hotels and the future |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB page 24, 26, 29, 31 |Students read and speak about starting a business | |

| |(Listening) | | |

| |SB page.31 (Writing) |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 3 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Pages 24, 25 Boutique |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |hotels |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |SB & WB Unit 3 |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| | |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| | |Boutique hotels | |

| | |Starting a business | |

| | |The future | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write an email | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference ( pages 111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 24, 28, 31 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| | |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |SB Pages 31 (Writing) | |and will power |

| |WB Unit 3 | | |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |

| |SB, WB. | | |



- To know the form and use of reporting verbs in English

- To use the reported speech

- To know vocabulary to speak about ecotourism

- To know verb + noun collocations

- To listen to people talking about possible positive and negative effects of tourism in Goa

- To listen to people talking about tourism in Goa

- To read a text about the impacts of tourism growth

- To read an article about tourism in Goa

- To know vocabulary about tourism and community

- To write a report about tourism in Goa

- To read an email about the Galapagos Islands

- To do a quiz about the Galapagos Islands

- To listen to people talking about the environment and the Galapagos Islands

- To read a text about how to ensure that a meeting is successful

- To listen to part of a meeting about the sinking of the Ms Discovery

- To write the minutes of a meeting

- To read an extract from a travel blog about the Brijuni Archipielago

- To listen to the representative of the Croatian Wildlife Association talking

- To read a report about eco resort on Mali Brijun

- To write an email summarizing the discussion of a project


Communication Skills

- Listening to people talking about possible positive and negative effects of tourism in Goa

- Listening to people talking about tourism in Goa

- Reading a text about the impacts of tourism growth

- Reading an article about tourism in Goa

- Writing a report about tourism in Goa

- Reading an email about the Galapagos Islands

- Listening to people talking about the environment and the Galapagos Islands

- Reading a text about how to ensure that a meeting is successful

- Listening to part of a meeting about the sinking of the Ms Discovery

- Writing the minutes of a meeting

- Reading an extract from a travel blog about the Brijuni Archipielago

- Listening to the representative of the Croatian Wildlife Association talking

- Reading a report about eco resort on Mali Brijun

- Writing an email summarizing the discussion of a project

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Reporting verbs

- Reported speech

B. Vocabulary

- Tourism and community

- Ecotourism

- Verb + noun collocations

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To show interest in Galapagos Islands

- To debate about the impacts of tourism

- To debate about meetings and successful meetings


Moral and civic education

To respect cultural heritage

To talk about other countries with respect and interest.

To offer advice

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Environmental education

To respect the nature

To respect the country

To think and talk about the impact of tourism in Nature

To think and talk about the climate change

Consumer education

To offer the best of qualities to customers

To debate about future tourism


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 4

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 4

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 38-39

- Workbook, Unit 4


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 32-39 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB |Students have to speak about statistics and population |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) |Page 34 | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 4, SB page 34). |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Book |Students use digital formats | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB, pages 33, 34, 35, |Students read a text and know about a country or city (Goa). |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |3638, 39 (Reading) |Students read a text and know about a country or city (The Galapagos Islands). |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 32, 35, 37, 39 |Students read a text and know about successful meetings. | |

| |(Listening) | | |

| |SB page 33(Writing) | | |

| |Internet |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| |Online Skills, | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 4 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 36, 37 Top tips |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |for successful meetings |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |(Reading and speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 33, 37 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 4 |Impacts of tourism | |

| | |Galapagos Islands | |

| | |Successful meetings | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write a report | |

| | |Minutes of a meeting | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. Formative |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference ( pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 36, 34, 37 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 33, 37 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 4 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of the passive voice

- To know vocabulary about airports

- To read an article about airports

- To listen to passengers talking

- To read passenger security regulations

- To read the description of the baggage handling process

- To listen to people talking about incidents with the check-in desk staff

- To listen to a customer service agent

- To calm passengers down

- To read an article from a magazine for airline professionals

- To listen to a conversation between representatives of the Regional Airport Authority

- To read some reports

- To write the minutes of a meeting


Communication Skills

- Reading an article about what makes a good airport

- Listening to people talking about their experience as passengers

- Reading passenger security regulations

- Reading the description of the baggage handling process

- Listening to people talking about incidents with the check-in desk staff

- Listening to a customer service agent for a flight delivering some bad news to passenger

- Reading an article from a magazine for airline professionals

- Listening to a conversation between representatives of the Regional Airport Authority

- Reading some reports

- Writing the minutes of a meeting

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Passive voice

B. Vocabulary

- Airport facilities

- Airport security procedures

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To think about rules and regulations

- To debate about security

- To think and talk about means of transport

- To show interest in discovering new countries


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries with respect and interest

To respect different tastes

To talk about rules and regulations

Education for peace

To respect different countries

To respect the country

Consumer education

To offer the best of qualities to customers

To search for the best offers


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 5

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 5

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 1: pages 48-51

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 46-47

- Workbook, Unit 5


| |



|Communication in the |SB page 40-47 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence | | |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 4, SB page 47). |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Book |Students use digital formats | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB page 41, 42, 43, 46, 47|Students read a text and know about airports |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read a text and know about airport security |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 41, 44, 45, 46 | | |

| |(Listening) | | |

| |SB page 47 (Writing) | | |

| |Internet |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| |Online Skills | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 5 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 42, 43 Passenger |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |security regulations |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |(Reading and speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 47 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 5 |Jobs | |

| | |Airports | |

| | |Security | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write the minutes of a meeting | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 45 (Speaking) |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| | |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 47 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 5 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of the past tense in English

- To speak about the past

- To describe a heritage site

- To know guiding expressions

- To know vocabulary to talk about architecture

- To read some texts about famous World Heritage sites

- To listen to some information about Pompeii and Altamira

- To write a short description about a World Heritage site

- To speak about St Petersburg

- To read some extracts about the Winter Palace in St Petersburg

- To listen to people talking about the Gold Drawing Room

- To listen to some tour guides in Russia

- To listen to people talking about date, measurements and statistics

- To speak about a walking tour

- To read an article about a museum collection

- To listen to a curator and interior designer talking about an exhibition

- To read an inventory


Communication Skills

- Speaking about the past

- Reading some texts about famous World Heritage sites

- Listening to some information about Pompeii and Altamira

- Writing a short description about a World Heritage site

- Speaking about St Petersburg

- Reading some extracts about the Winter Palace in St Petersburg

- Listening to people talking about the Gold Drawing Room

- Listening to some tour guides in Russia

- Listening to people talking about date, measurements and statistics

- Speaking about a walking tour

- Reading an article about a museum collection

- Listening to a curator and interior designer talking about an exhibition

- Reading an inventory

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Past tense

B. Vocabulary

- Describing a heritage site

- Architecture

- Guiding expressions

Sociocultural Aspects

- To respect other cultures

- To debate about museums and Art

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To show interest in discovering Russia

- To show interest in discovering St Petersburg

- To debate about heritage sites

- To show interest in Art


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries and cultures with respect and interest.

To respect Art

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Consumer education

To debate about culture and money

Health Education

To think and talk about Art and health


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 6

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 6

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 58-59

- Workbook, Unit 6


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 52-59 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB Page 57 |Students talk about dates, measurements, statistics |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the Unit |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |tourism/teachersresources |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 6, SB page 54). |Online Skills. |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | | | |

| | |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Students use digital formats | |

| |Book | | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB page 52, 54, 55, 58 |Students read a text and know about a country or city (St Petersburg). |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read a text about world heritage sites |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 53, 55, 56, 57, |Students speak about Architecture | |

| |58 (Listening) |Students read and speak about exhibitions | |

| |SB page 53 (Writing) | | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, | | |

| | |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| | | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 6 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 52, 53 World |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |Heritage Sites (Reading |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |and speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 53 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 6 |Jobs | |

| | |St Petersburg | |

| | |Architecture | |

| | |Art and museums | |

| | |Heritage sites | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write a description | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 52, 54, 57 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 53 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 6 |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit |and will power |



- To know the form and use of the third conditional

- To speak about hypothetical situations

- To use collocations with event

- To listen to an event coordinator talking

- To speak about the role of an events coordinator

- To read an email about a conference

- To speak about a conference that went wrong

- To listen to an interview about a festival

- To speak about the Ws questions

- To guess from a listening what SMART stands for

- To read an event brief

- To design an event

- To read a contract

- To debate about legal matters

- To read an event planner agreement

- To speak about finalizing arrangements

- To write contract details

- To read an article about music

- To listen to a journalist talking about music

- To read some messages about an upcoming festival


Communication Skills

- Speaking about hypothetical situations

- Listening to an event coordinator talking

- Speaking about the role of an events coordinator

- Reading an email about a conference that went wrong

- Speaking about a conference that went wrong

- Listening to an interview about the organization of a festival

- Speaking about the Ws questions and events managers

- Reading an event brief

- Reading a contract

- Reading an event planner agreement

- Speaking about finalizing arrangements

- Writing contract details

- Reading an article about music

- Listening to a journalist talking about music

- Reading some messages about an upcoming festival

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Hypothetical situations

- Third conditional

B. Vocabulary

- Collocations with event

- Event management

- Contracts

Sociocultural Aspects

- To respect other cultures

- To think about social and personal differences

- To think and talk about jobs

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To show interest in festivals

- To show interest in music

- To show interest in cultural tourism

- To show interest in Asia


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries and cultures with respect and interest.

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Health education

To think about the importance of culture and mental health

Consumer education

To debate about consumerism and culture

To debate about contracts

Environmental education

To respect the environment


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 7

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 7

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 66-67

- Workbook, Unit 7


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 60-67 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB page 62, 67 |-Students speak about numbers |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | |- Students read and speak about percentages |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 7, SB page 61, 65, |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| |66). |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| | |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Students use digital formats | |

| |Book | | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB pages 61, 63, 65, 66 |Students read a text and know about events |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read a text and know about an Asian music festival |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 60, 62, , 66 | | |

| |(Listening) | | |

| |SB page 65 (Writing) |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 7 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Pages 64, 65 Event |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |planner agreement |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |(Reading and speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 65 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 7 |Managing events | |

| | |Contracts | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write contract details | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 60, 63, 65 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 67 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 7 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of dependent prepositions

- To know adjectives describing personality

- To speak about different ways to find a job

- To listen to people talking about jobs

- To read some job advertisements

- To speak about remuneration

- To speak about aspects that motivate people in a job

- To speak about an ideal job

- To speak about themselves

- To listen to people talking about writing CVs

- To speak about the perfect CV

- To read a cover letter

- To write a cover letter

- To use dependent prepositions

- To listen to a human resources manager talking about interviews

- To write a list of questions for an interview

- To speak about handling interview questions

- To listen to two candidates for a job

- To read an advertisement

- To role play an interview

- To read the description of a hotel

- To listen to people talking about the profile of an assistant manager

- To read two CVs

- To write a letter of acceptance to a successful candidate

- To improve English pronunciation


Communication Skills

- Speaking about different ways to find a job

- Listening to people talking about how they found a job

- Reading some job advertisements

- Speaking about remuneration

- Speaking about aspects that motivate people in a job

- Speaking about an ideal job

- Speaking about themselves

- Listening to a human resources manager, a careers advisor and a former student talking about writing CVs

- Speaking about the perfect CV

- Reading a cover letter

- Writing a cover letter

- Listening to a human resources manager talking about interviews

- Writing a list of questions for an interview

- Speaking about handling interview questions

- Listening to two candidates for a job

- Reading an advertisement

- Reading the description of a hotel

- Listening to people talking about the profile of an assistant manager

- Reading two CVs

- Writing a letter of acceptance to a successful candidate

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Dependent prepositions

B. Vocabulary

- Applying for a job

- Remuneration

- Adjectives describing personality

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To respect people

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To show interest in travelling abroad

- To debate about rules and regulations

- To debate about hotels

- To think and talk about jobs

- To debate about ideal jobs

- To think and talk about CVs and interviews to find a job


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries and cultures with respect and interest.

To think and talk about rules and regulations

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Education for equality

To respect people, no matter their sex, race or religion


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 8

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 8

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 74-75

- Workbook, Unit 8


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 68-75 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB page 75 |Students speak about ages and percentages |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 8, SB page 69, 75). |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| | |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Book |Students use digital formats | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB pages 69, 71, 74, 75 |Students read a text and know about applying for a job |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read texts about covering letters |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 68, 70, 72, 73, |Students read and speak about CVs | |

| |74 (Listening) |Students read and speak about interviews | |

| |SB page 71 (Writing) | | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| | | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 8 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Pages 68, 69 Applying |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |for a job (Reading and |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 71 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 8 |Jobs | |

| | |CVs | |

| | |Covering Letters | |

| | |Interviews | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write a cover letter | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 71 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 8 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of relative clauses

- To know vocabulary to talk about food

- To know vocabulary to talk about culinary tourism

- To know vocabulary to describe food

- To do a quiz about world cuisine

- To listen to an interview with a chef

- To speak about local cuisine

- To read an article about culinary tourism

- To read a text about how to tempt customers with a menu

- To listen to people describing dishes

- To listen to a waiter in a Turkish restaurant

- To write sentences describing dishes

- To listen to people talking about what makes a good restaurant

- To read some online reviews on a travel site

- To listen to a restaurant manager talking to his staff

- To role play a feedback session between a restaurant manager and a server

- To write a review about a meal

- To listen to people talking about a gastronomic tour in Peru

- To read a gastronomic tour

- To read customer feedback

- To listen to people talking about organizing a tour

- To improve English pronunciation


Communication Skills

- Listening to an interview with a chef

- Speaking about local cuisine

- Reading an article about culinary tourism

- Reading a text about how to tempt customers with a menu

- Listening to people describing dishes

- Listening to a waiter in a Turkish restaurant

- Writing sentences describing dishes

- Listening to people talking about what makes a good restaurant

- Reading some online reviews on a travel site

- Listening to a restaurant manager talking to his staff

- Writing a review about a meal

- Listening to people talking about a gastronomic tour in Peru

- Reading a gastronomic tour

- Reading customer feedback

- Listening to people talking about organizing a tour

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Relative clauses

B. Vocabulary

- Food

- Culinary tourism

- Describing food

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To show interest in culinary tourism

- To show interest in discovering Peru

- To show interest in gastronomy

- To show interest in discovering new countries

- To debate about consumerism and society

- To think and talk about customer rights and obligations


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries and cultures with respect and interest.

To respect different cultures

To respect different gastronomies

Consumer education

To debate about consumerism and food

Education for equality

To respect people, no matter their sex, race or religion

Health education

To debate about food and health


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 9

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 9

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 82-83

- Workbook, Unit 9


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 76-83 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence |SB page 80 |Dates |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 9, SB page 80, 81, |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| |82). |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| | |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Students use digital formats | |

| |Book | | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB pages 76, 77, 78, 80, |Students read a text and know about a country or city (Peru) |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |82, 83 (Reading) |Students read texts about tempting customers |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 76, 79, 80, 81, |Students read texts about culinary tourism | |

| |82 (Listening) |Students read reviews | |

| |SB page 81 (Writing) |Students read customer feedback | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, | | |

| | |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| | | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 9 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Pages 80, 81 Online |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |reviews (Reading and |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 81 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 9 |Jobs | |

| | |Gastronomy | |

| | |Tempting customers | |

| | |Customers | |

| | |Travelling and eating | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write a restaurant review | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 77, 78, 81 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 81 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 9 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |



- To know the form and use of the modal verbs

- To know vocabulary about sports

- To speak about minimizing risks

- To read the advice given by a hotel manager and a restaurant chef

- To speak about potential risks in hotels and restaurants

- To know vocabulary about types of risks

- To know vocabulary about risk prevention

- To speak about risks and risk prevention

- To listen to people talking about risk management

- To speak about extreme sports

- To speak about adventure sports

- To listen to a news report about an accident at a ski resort

- To read a web article about an accident

- To write sentences speculating about the causes of accidents

- To know how to deal with crisis

- To listen to a conversation between tour operators

- To listen to people giving advice about an emergency

- To read an article about the media

- To role play an interview

- To speak about different tourist destinations

- To speak about different tourist destinations and the crisis

- To play the Olympic Game

- To listen to an interview with a member of the organizing committee for the Olympic Games

- To improve English pronunciation


Communication Skills

- Speaking about minimizing risks

- Reading the advice given by a hotel manager and a restaurant chef

- Speaking about potential risks in hotels and restaurants

- Speaking about risks and risk prevention

- Listening to people talking about risk management

- Speaking about extreme sports

- Speaking about adventure sports

- Listening to a news report about an accident at a ski resort

- Reading a web article about an accident

- Writing sentences speculating about the causes of accidents

- To listen to a conversation between tour operators

- Listening to people giving advice about an emergency

- Reading an article about the media

- Speaking about different tourist destinations

- Speaking about different tourist destinations and the crisis

- Listening to an interview with a member of the organizing committee for the Olympic Games

Language reflections

A. Language and grammar functions

- Modal verbs

B. Vocabulary

- Types of risks

- Risk prevention

- Adventure sports

Sociocultural Aspects

- To debate about other countries

- To respect other cultures

- To show interest in sports

- To show interest in adventure sports

- To think and talk about risks and solutions

- To think about social and personal differences

- To show interest in different cultures and countries

- To think and talk about travelling and the crisis


Moral and civic education

To talk about other countries and cultures with respect and interest.

Education for peace

To respect different countries

Consumer education

To debate about consumerism and travelling

Environment education

To respect the environment

Education for equality

To respect people, no matter their sex, race or religion

Road Safety

To use the car carefully

Health care

To debate about sports and health


I. Communication skills

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Writing Bank: pages 96-101

- Students’ Book. Pairwork Files: pages 102-110

- Workbook, Unit 10

II. Language reflections

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Grammar reference: pages 111-115

- Workbook, Unit 10

- Workbook. Tourism Terms: pages 44-45

III. Sociocultural aspects

- Students’ Book. Review and consolidation 2: pages 92-95

- Students’ Book. Case study: pages 14-15

- Workbook, Unit 10


| |



|Communication in the |SB page. 84-91 |All the activities un this book use language as a tool for written and oral |To show interest and curiosity towards the English Language |

|mother tongue and in | |communication |To show interest towards the anglosaxon culture |

|foreign languages (C1) | | | |

|Mathematical competence | | |To use new technologies in order to revise what they have learnt |

|(C2) | | |To use new technologies while they are learning English |

|Digital competence (C4) |Internet |Students Students use internet and webs pages to search for information about the |To understand different cultures |

| |Online Skills |Unit |To enjoy learning about a new culture |

| |(Unit 10, SB page 90, |tourism/teachersresources |To learn how to use different methodologies |

| |91). |Online Skills. | |

| | | | |

| | |Read texts (emails, articles…) from different websites | |

| |Online Teacher’s Resource |Students use digital formats | |

| |Book | | |

|Cultural awareness and |SB, page s 84, 87, 89 |Students read a text and know about minimizing risks |To understand different cultural and linguistic manifestations |

|expression (C6) |(Reading) |Students read texts about adventure sports |To enjoy learning by using different cultural manifestations |

| |SB pages 85, 86, 88 |Students speak about sports | |

| |(Listening) |Students read and speak about the media | |

| |SB page 90 (Writing) | | |

| |Internet | | |

| |Online Skills, |Students read a text and learn about different cultures | |

| | | | |

| | |They write an original text. | |

| | |They role play a situation | |

| | |They visit web pages in order to learn more about the given topic | |

| | |tourism | |


|Knowledge and connection |SB & WB Unit 10 |Students learn and think about: studying, habits and proper methodologies |To develop a critical mind when observing reality |

|with the world and | | |To know the world they are living in |

|environment C3) | | | |

|Social and civic |SB Page 89 Briefing the |Students speak about: |To use the English language to communicate with other people |

|competences. |media (Reading and |Different countries |To develop communication skills |

|(C5) |speaking) |Different cultures |To express their own ideas and to listen to others |

| |SB Page 91 (Writing) |Share experiences |To know the anglosaxon culture |

| |SB & WB Unit 10 |The media | |

| | |Crisis and solutions | |

| | |Sports | |

| | |Adventure sports | |

| | |Minimizing risks | |

| | | | |

| | |Students write an email | |


|Learning to learn (C7) |Eval. formativa |Students do self-assessment activities |To be aware of their level and of the skills they need to improve |

| |SB (Review and consolidation)| | |

| |Eval. sumativa |Students do exercises, practising what they have learnt in the unit (SB and WB) |To show interest towards learning and studying |

| |SB y WB: | | |

| |Evaluación sumativa | |To develop strategies to improve their learning |

| |SB |Students learn to use the book and the extra materials : | |

| |Autoevaluación |Students’ Book | |

| |Review and consolidation |Reading strategy | |

| | |Listening strategy | |

| | |Speaking strategy | |

| |SB |Grammar reference (pages111-115). | |

| |WB |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Phrasal verbs | |

| | |False friends | |

| | |Phonetic chart | |

| | |Audio script (pages 116-128) | |

| | |Pair-work files (pages. 102-110). | |

| | |Online Skills | |

| | |Writing bank (ps. 96-101). | |

| | |Active Teach. | |

| | |Workbook | |

| |Internet |Grammar | |

| |Online Skills, |Tourism Terms (page. 44-45). | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |Irregular verbs | |

| | |Audio scripts (pages 53-63) | |

| | | | |

| | |To think about the strategies they have used (Reading Strategy, Listening Strategy, | |

| | |Speaking Strategy, Writing Strategy) | |

| | |To visit web pages to learn more and to improve | |

| | |tourism/ | |

| | |Online Skills. | |

|Being autonomous (C8) |SB Pages 85, 86, 89, 90, 91 |Students study on their own or do exercise in couples |To listen and to speak showing a positive and polite attitude |

| |(Speaking) |Students prepare exercises they have to analyse, prepare and check: |To show personal initiative |

| |SB Page 90 (Writing) |Students do their homework (WB). |To develop personal qualities, such as initiative, determination |

| |WB Unit 10 | |and will power |

| | |Students do assessment and self -assessment activities per Unit | |


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