SAME SUN HERE Reading Questions There is a curse on the _________ Bridge (Brooklyn p2) How do the two protagonists’ names fit together? (River and Meena. Meena means fish. Fish swim in a river)How many flights of stairs are in Meena’s building? (5)Where is Meena from? (Mussoorie, India)How does Meena get to the laundry? (In her neighbor, Mrs. Lau’s, little red cart).What is the # on the Alien Registration card? (I-551)Who is Cuba and what does he look like? (Dog with a black coat and a white star on his chest)What is the color of pagoda blossoms when they fall? (Yellowish green)What body of water is the boy named after? (Cumberland or Powell river) What book is Meena reading? (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn p2)Who is Kiku? (Meena’s brother) What is Kiku’s secret girlfriend’s name? (Ana Marie) What does Meena miss every day? (the mountains of India)Who is River’s favorite human? (Mamaw)Where did River’s Dad used to work and where does he work now? (He was a coal miner, but now he works construction in Biloxi Mississippi)What would River like to be someday? (newspaper reporter) What is River’s favorite sport? (basketball) Who is really strict about grammar and why? (Ms. Stidham because she doesn’t want people to judge her students poorly just because they are from Kentucky)How did Meena pick River as her penpal? (Because she got some okra from Kentucky and the picture looked just like India, green with lots of mountains)21. Who is River’s Mamaw’s doctor and how is he connected to Meena? (Dr. Patel. He is also from India).22. What is River’s favorite song and who is the composer? (Wildflowers by Tom Petty)23. What poem by Kilmer does River’s Mamaw shout when they are out walking in the woods? (Trees)24. What kind of poetry does River like? (Sharon Kreetch “Love that Dog”)26. What is the name of River’s dog and what expression does he always wear? (Rufus. smiling)27. Where does Meena keep her box of special things? (behind the sack of rice in the pantry)28. What type of literature does Meena and River share in their letters? (poetry)29. What upsetting experience does Kiku and Meena have in the library? (a man called them terrorists, Kiku said a bad word, and they were asked to leave)30. What does River look like and what is his heritage? (Red hair and freckles, Irish and Scottish)31. Why did Meena have to clean the sofa? (Kiku got bicycle grease on it from his legs)32. Where does Meena’s dad work and how often does he get to come home? (New Jersey—once a month)33. What is Meena’s nickname? (Mee-Mee)34. Why must Ana Maria be a secret girlfriend? (Because in India, the parents choose the girls and boys for their children to date and marry)35. Who does Meena miss so much that she sometimes has to just stop and stand still? (Dadi, her grandmother who still lives in India)36. What is a bindi? (a small piece of red felt or ruby. It is like a sticker. It is a religious symbol that marks a place of wisdom. Meena wears hers when she goes to the temple or a party).37. What does the pavement smell like after a rain? (stones)38. What offends Meena? (When people make fun of her accent)What does MTR stand for? (Mountain top removal) ................

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