
PPOA Board Meeting Sept. 1, 10:00 AMPPOA Meeting HouseApproved Meeting Minutes Kit Korf called the meeting to order at 10:00 AMWelcome/ Introductions:Board Members Present:Kit Korf – PresidentBarbara Arnold – Vice PresidentAna Ohnesorgen – Secretary Juana Gray – Member at LargeRichard Thomas – Member at LargeBoard Members Absent:Yves DeClerck – TreasurerBill Dolmovic – Member at LargeOthers present:Betty KorfLorna McWilliamsPatty RuegerLarry GrayMike McWilliamsCarol RoseSteve RoseMichelle McWilliamsTom GriesbackLorna GriesbachFrank OhnesorgenReview and Approval of the Past Minutes: The minutes from July 7, 2019 were approved by a motion from Rich Thomas and a second from Juana Gray and a vote by the board.II. Treasurer’s Report:Budget approval: Account 30,831, $10,863 in fire brigade account. There are 119 paid PPOA members. The report was approved by a motion from Juana Gray and a second from Rich Thomas and a vote from the board.Iii. Old Business:Update on Summit Siren – Dave LaPere, Fire Brigade captain, doing research and will report at next meeting. Rich stated that it was rebuilt about 10 years ago. Once the new water tank was installed, siren never reconnected.Update on USDA burning piles – Dave LaPere will call for status. Forest service piles of limbs etc. have not been burnt. Not known if notification to public must be made. Status of PPOA by-Laws: Rich Thomas sent updates to members for review, one update suggestion is to change name of new secretary. Next step is to announce changes to members and then have meeting to vote for the changes. Send to newsletter for membership announcement. Would like to post version with redlined changes, one with changes made. By-laws indicate that by-law changes must be mailed out. Proposal is to put announcement as insert into newsletter, and in newsletter to request hard copy or view on website, place hard copies in mail room. * send to secretaryUpdate on the Plaque for the PCSD building - Plaque for memorial bench area: 15 x 15 metal commemorative plaque developed by Bill and Tom: What is proper for process for design decision, budget, review proposed names, bring to next meeting. Suggestion to use upper case and lower case as appropriate. Update on a new entrance sign: Bill and Tom to come up with efficient, easily maintained designCommemorative shelter: completed. Thank you to all who helped through different stages of development. Concept developed three years ago. Guidelines need to be developed for plaques to be placed in shelter. Clean up of undeveloped lots: Clean up of undeveloped lots - Dana and Dave working with 3-year grant to remove trees and branches from property. Contact Jeff Gletne to pick up limbs from property . Dana to report at next meeting.Gift for Dave and Jennifer - Gift of wine has been purchased by Patty Rueger. Amount approved was $120. Receipt was submitted.Status of replacing the mail building door - Door has been purchased and will be installed next week.Status of board members renewing - All renewed, new secretary Ana OhnesorgenGround rules for plaques for memorial building - Proposal not ready. Guidelines for plaques, size, design. Dave LaPere offered to bring criteria from another memorial wall as example.Replacing the roof on the mail building. – Barbara Arnold suggested shake roofs on mail building be replaced as an example for rest of development. Table for when roof needs to be replaced. Review condition of roof in May of 2020.Another grant for fire prevention - pick up trash along road, remove trees, may be another grant.Fire Brigade Grant writing team – Dave LaPere re: grant fire writing team: Nonprofit number needed for grants-Kit will email to Dave. Treasurer has it also. Status of trailer on lots - Building permit required and may have trailer during construction. Must have building permit for water access. MR20 ordinance restricting trailers under certain criteria. Possible next steps: PPOA formally notify, contact county for enforcement, take to court, owners agreed to CCR when they purchased property. Dave offered to look up public records to see if there is a construction permit on file. No contact or action at this time.Fire Brigade budget - $10,863. We need protocol for expenditures. Dave requested pre-paid credit card for purchases. Provide receipts to board. Large purchases would be pre-approved by PPOA. One card for equipment, one for renewable like fuel etc.Rich made motion and a second from Barbara Arnold to authorize two credit cards for Dave for expenditures for Fire brigade. Approved by board.IV. New BusinessGuidelines for newsletter: 225 newsletters mailed in August. Printing/stamps cost $500. Reviewed mailing list. 119 active members. At least 20 names not on list or paying dues. About 100 addresses that are not paying dues. 16-page limit for mailing to limit increase in costs. Proposal: send only to dues members. Send out notification for members to opt in. Recommendation to opt in for hard copies of members, make available on website. Post in mail office. Notify in Nov. and Feb. Place in effect for May. Editors to develop proposal for next meeting. V. Committee Reportsa) Sunshine Committee: Tammy S. not presentSocial Committee: Juana Gray - Wants to continue with Christmas event-very positive event, establish date, maybe weekend after. Nov. 30 for potluck event to go forward on a Saturday. Work with Lodge owners. *Need new calendar in meeting room. Street signs - Discussed various designs, signs need to be visible from both sides. Maybe color code, exit signs, need cost proposal, and sign design, establish volunteer work group day.Fire Brigade - PFB-ponderosa fire brigade. Dana Steward named as assistant chief. Proposal for Fire event competition, pay a fee to enter and win prize as fund raiser. Want to support community and lodge with large event, established training sessions: Admin/EMS/firefighting training. Establish hold harmless agreements for members. Is there a hold harmless agreement for property owners? Establish drivers training. Reviewed last meeting priority, first aide, CPR, next meetings will include structure fire, arson investigation meeting, auto extrication instruction. Fire extinguishers were re-serviced at Tom’s cost, thank you Tom. Next meeting Sept. 15. Call out credits needs to be updated. PCSD Liaison- Leak in pipes, waiting until after holiday to fix. Two budgets – water and snow costs. Snow costs were very high this last winter, went over by $30,000. Looking into increase in tax revenue to cover snow issues. Tax increase could go to vote. All property owners or registered voters. Mail box committee: Tammy Steward not presentVII. Announcements: The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 1, 2019, at 10:00 am.The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pmSubmitted by,Ana OhnesorgenPPOA Secretary ................

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