Fill in the blanks with the given expressions.Retrieved from . Following up a contactTo?Teruko KatoFrom? David WilsonSubjectRequest from London office_____________________________________________________________________________---------------- Ms Kato------------------------------------ after I met Masuru Yamagawa at our office in London last week. Mr Yamagawa told me that you were in charge of food exports to Europe for JN International and he asked me to contact you.------------------- David Wilson -------------------------------------- food imports to the UK. ------------------------ local offices in China and Vietnam -------------------------- the movement of food products to the UK.------------------------- for us to meet in Japan to discuss importing Japanese food products to the UK? -----------------------------------, please suggest some possible dates when I could come to Osaka and visit your office.--------------------------------David WilsonDavid WilsonImport ManagerSouth East AsiaMy name is If you would like to meet Yours sincerely I deal with Would it be possible I am emailing you Dear and I am responsible for and I oversee 2. Updating / delegating tasksTo?James RitchieFrom? C TuviSubjectRe: plan for new Istanbul Gallery_____________________________________________________________________________-------------- James----------------------------------------- the plan for our new art gallery ------------------------------ what we need you to do. -----------------------------------------. -------------- finished the decorating, and all the artwork and lighting is in place. ------------------------------------ start organizing the opening night. -------------------------- organize the food and wine for the evening? ---------------------------------- contact journalists to invite them to the opening night on 4 March. -------------------------------- sending out invitations is next Friday, so you need to start organizing this straight away. -----------------------------get back to me if you need more information. --------------------------CemilCemil TuviTuvi Galleryand to let you know We’ve Regards We now need toPlease Could you I’d also like you to Dear The deadline for I’m emailing to update you on At the moment everything is on track.Fill in the blanks with the given expressions.Retrieved from . Placing an order / making a bookingTo?Olivia StewartFrom? Anna TrainitoSubjectBooking Friday 21 August_____________________________________________________________________________-------- Olivia--------------------------------- a table ---- four at the rooftop executive restaurant--- 1.00 p.m. --- Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he’s very interested in architecture, so ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------? ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236.-----------------------------------------Ana TrainitoDear Many thanks would it be possible to have a table with views of the cityat Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? For on I’d like to book4. Cover email with document attachedTo?Claude GuillaudFrom? Marcus RobinsonSubjectWebsite presentation_____________________________________________________________________________-------------- Claude------------------------------ a copy of my presentation for the meeting next week. ------------------------------- the handout that I’m going to give to everyone. ------------------------- both documents for me --------------------------------------------------------?? ----------------------------------------------.ThanksMarcusThanks Please find attached Could you check Hi I’d be really grateful for any suggestions. and let me know what you thinkI’ve also attached a copy of 5. Confirming arrangementsTo?P SchottFrom? Melanie GilbertSubjectBooking confirmation GWS0012Y_____________________________________________________________________________……………………………………..…………………………….. two days at Limewood Spa. The Spa expects you on the evening of Thursday 12th. Your personal trainer …………………………………… 9.00 a.m. on the Friday morning. He will assess your needs and provide you with a plan to ensure that you make the most of your stay with us. …………………………….. booking any of our other facilities, ………………………………… website and online booking system. …………………………………. to seeing you …………………………………….. a pleasant stay.………………………………………Melanie GilbertLimewood Spatwo days at Limewood Spa. The Spa expects you on the evening of Thursday 12th. Your personal trainer 9.00 a.m. on the Friday morning. He will assess your needs and provide you with a plan to ensure that you make the most of your stay with us. booking any of our other facilities, website and online booking system. is meeting you at Best wishes I am writing to confirm your We look forward to please check our If you are interested in and I hope you have Dear Customer6. InvitingTo?Saskia VanknaapFrom? Clarissa JonesSubjectYour visit on Wednesday 5 May_____________________________________________________________________________…………………. Saskia………………………………………. invite you to the product launch party………. 5 March. The party ………….……………………. 6.00 p.m. and will take place in the Roebuck Hotel. Dinner and drinks will be provided. …………………………………………….. . ……………………………………………………………………….. 14 February.……………………………….ClarissaWe would be delighted if you could come. With best wishes will take place We would like to Please let me know if you will be able to attend byDear on will start at7. Cover email with images attachedTo?STAFFFrom? Han Yoo JinSubjectSecurity upgrade_____________________________________________________________________________Dear All………………………..we have recently had a number of security breaches in our offices. ……………that we have had to introduce a series of new security measures. ……………………………………………..a diagram that shows how to use the new security pass system. It also includes a map displaying all the new security equipment on site.…………………………………………., ……………………………… security on extension +4000.Yoo-Jin Han Head of Security8. Summery of a meeting / giving good newsTo?WORLDWIDE SALESFrom? Ramos NelsonSubjectAnnual sales meeting_____________________________________________________________________________Dear All……………………………… pass on the results of our annual sales meeting …………………………..Holmes Plastic worldwide sales team has made record sales over the last twelve months.To summarize, this year we expect to see a rise in sales of 150% and the chances are that this rapid rise will continue next year. ………………………..and this achievement is a result of your hard work in a very demanding market.The board …………………………………….bonuses will be awarded to everyone on the team for your work this year. I also plan to visit each regional office by the end of the month to congratulate everybody personally.……………………………………….well done everyone!9. Responding to, apologizing about, and confirming an orderTo?Pekka HalonenFrom?Jason FleetSubjectYour order (WDIYA120006)______________________________________________________________________________Dear Pekka HalonenThank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 100 steel doors (code: 11100876), which you placed with us last week.According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon.Please accept my apologies once again.Yours sincerelyJason Fleet10. Suggesting and RecommendingTo?Tobias TreichlerFrom? Marco PedrazziniSubjectSummer conference_____________________________________________________________________________Dear TobiasThank you for your email about having the summer conference in September rather than June. You mentioned that it was not possible to hold the conference in Zurich, but how about holding it here in Lugano? I think it’s a good idea to have it here, as many people are coming from Milan.If you are happy with my suggestion, it’s probably worth booking hotels now as Lugano can be very busy in the summer.What do you think?Best regardsMarco11. Confirming decisionsTo?Anthony SappFrom? Bakhoum OmarSubjectRe: new hotel in Luxor_____________________________________________________________________________Hi AnthonyThanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions.This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him.As far as I’m concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail?YoursOmarOmar BakhoumEgypt ManagerRoses Hotels12. Giving information / responding to questionsTo?Jaime SanchezFrom? Jeremy MilesSubjectExecutive toy_____________________________________________________________________________Dear Mr SanchezThank you for your email requesting further information about our new executive desk toy. It was invented by an innovative Norwegian designer and is made out of titanium. I have attached a document with more product details, including a photo and the price. If you would like to place an order, please call our customer order line on 0151 496 0994, or if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or telephone.Yours sincerelyJeremy Miles13. Asking for helpTo?Robert TerryFrom? Janice WeiSubjectURGENT machine registration number RDV0027288_____________________________________________________________________________Dear BobI am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288.The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced.We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help.Yours sincerelyJaniceJanice WeiRo SilkSuzhouChina14. Accepting and declining invitationsTo?Macgill CFrom? Valentina RastelliSubjectMeeting in Rome_____________________________________________________________________________Dear ChristinaThank you for your email last week inviting me to visit your production facility in Ireland. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am afraid I am unable to come next week after all. Something has come up with one of our shops in Rome and as a result I have to be there all next week.I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am still very keen to meet you and talk about possibility of stocking your product range in our department stores in Italy. I was wondering if you would like to visit us here in Italy instead? I would be delighted to meet the week after next and discuss our business ideas.I do apologize once again and I look forward to your reply.With very best wishesValentina15. Confirming future actionTo?Patrick TailorFrom? Vasily NekrichSubjectNew console line_____________________________________________________________________________Hi PatrickThank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. I would like to summarize what we’ve agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these are luxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you?You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I’m going to find out and I’ll get back to you on this by the end of this week. Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any time this week and we can run through everything in more detail.RegardsVasily16. Thanking after a business tripTo?Alan MarksFrom? Rafael CupulSubjectNew drink_____________________________________________________________________________Dear AlanThank you very much for your hospitality in Brighton. I really enjoyed the trip and you made me feel very welcome. ?It was great to finally meet everybody. I was really impressed by your ideas and I am sure that together we will succeed in selling our chocolate drink in the UK. As you suggested, Andrés Carre?o will come to Brighton next week. He will share his expertise with your team and we can look for ways of adapting the recipe for British tastes. I am sure it is going to be a fantastic project and I am very much looking forward to working with you.With very best wishesRafaelRafael RossiSales Manager ................

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