
Backpack 2



Area of Foreign Languages



I. Objectives

← Revise notions from previous year.

← Identify classroom objects.

← Ask and answer questions, make requests correctly.

← Classify words in different categories.

← Practise the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of sentences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Following the example from the recording, act out the dialogue in pairs.

­ Ask and answer about quantities and stick the stickers.

­ Point to the appropriate photo while listening to different sentences. Repeat the sentences whilst carrying out the actions.

­ Practise a dialogue in pairs, referring to an illustration.

­ Count the objects in the illustrations and practise dialogues in pairs.

­ Ask and answer about what the children in the illustration are doing.

­ Express verbally simple sums.

­ Point to the illustrations and ask and answer about them.

­ Listen to the story in the little book, pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions about the story and summarise it in groups. Match the story to own experiences and evaluate it.

­ Exchange books and say what they see on each page.

­ Play the pair game with cards, describing the drawing in each card they pick up.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make a graph showing the quantity of different classroom objects.

­ Complete sentences in writing based on the images.

­ Name each element, count it and write the corresponding quantity.

­ Guess and write the number of objects in each bag.

­ Distinguish the pronunciation of contracted and complete words.

­ Read the sentences and choose the illustration which corresponds to them.

­ Recite and read a chant.

­ Act out the reading of the little book. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Make a book about school objects, sticking in photos and labelling them.

­ Write descriptions of the actions or objects in the illustrations. Count the number of objects in each illustration and write it.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- First day of class; school supplies; objects; actions; people; numbers; (five) and (six) are (eleven); chant; cool; time for school; special backpack; what comes out of (Max)'s backpack?; how many (pencils) come out?; do you want a (backpack) like (Max)’s?; what do you want to come out of your backpack?; The Special Backpack is a good title for this story; the story is funny; I want to read the story again; I want to read this story to my friend; I like the pictures in this story; backpack book.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Video.

- Flashcards.

- Stick and say.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Contractions.

- Look at the pages (4 and 5).

- Bag.

- Tick the correct picture.

- Picture clues.

- Make groups.

- Tell the class.

- Maths.

- Write the letter.

- Act it out.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Clapping game.

- Pass the books.

- Pick it up!

- Do a puzzle!

- Know it? Show it!

- Charades.

- Now I know.

- What was easy to learn?

- What was hard to learn?

- What do you want to learn more about?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Participate actively in the tasks and games proposed in class.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Enjoy the team games and show good sportsmanship when competing.

­ Show interest in looking after material.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ Help the pupils to understand the concept of the classroom and their own personal space within it.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: revision of the colours and numbers 1 to 20, some classroom objects, oral expression of sums, pronunciation of contracted and complete words.

← Mathematical competence: numbers 1 to 20 (revision)

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: personal space within the classroom.

← Social and civic competence: showing sportsmanship when competing.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their performance in the crossword game and in the game matching cards in pairs.

← The children write the answer which describes the action or name of the object in the illustration.

← They write their name in response to the question “What’s your name?”

← The pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← The pupils have to complete the test of unit 1, page 27.

← Finally we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify toys, games and prepositions of place.

← Express tastes and preferences.

← Ask and answer questions, make requests correctly.

← Practise the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of sentences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to and sing the song of the unit.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the reading of sentences.

­ Hold dialogues in pairs about the illustration.

­ Practise dialogues about what they like to do, following the example.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on words from the key vocabulary.

­ Make a survey with classmates about their favourite games and show the results on a table.

­ Listen to a recording and write the number of each conversation in its square.

­ Ask and answer questions about an illustration in order to test their memory.

­ Listen to the story in the little book, miming and pointing to the illustrations.

­ Answer questions about the story, summarise it in pairs and match it to own experiences.

­ Ask and answer questions about the figures projected on a shadow screen.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs playing the board game.

­ Ask questions about drawings of objects that, shown in certain spaces, illustrate the prepositions of place.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make a mural with images of toys and games, correctly labelled.

­ Illustrate each dozen, write the number, its name and draw the corresponding quantity of elements.

­ Make a word map about games and toys.

­ Read the sentences in turns and point to the appropriate illustrations.

­ Stick the stickers in the appropriate place, based on the reading of sentences.

­ Read the sentences about the photos and answer the questions we ask about them.

­ Make a word map with the games and activities they like.

­ Write the name of a verb based on jumbled letters of the same.

­ Write the most appropriate action verb next to each object of the game.

­ Read the sentences and circle the correct answer, based on the illustrations.

­ Find key words in a paragraph.

­ Read and recite a chant looking closely at the illustration.

­ Using the illustrations and the context, extract the meaning of the words in the little book. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Write a monologue for one of the figures and act it out for the class.

­ Complete sentences with a word, a preposition of place or the name of a number.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Fun and games; we like playing; we like counting; toy or game; behind; in front of; next to; in; on; under; is it (behind) (Carlos)?; put the rubber (on) your desk; he’s (behind) (Tania’s desk); who likes (riding bikes)?; what do (they) like doing?; (I) like (playing football); what do you do with (a ball)?; (throw) it; (Carlos) and I like (playing chess); having fun; where do (children) play this game?; what do (they) play with?; do you think this game is fun?; why or why not?; big book of games.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Flashcard.

- Video.

- Student’s Book.

- Stick and say.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Spelling.

- Count and write how many.

- Number words.

- Look and circle.

- Recognise key words.

- Ask (five) friends.

- Tell the class.

- Art.

- Memory game.

- Act it out.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Make a book.

- Shadow shapes.

- Demonstration.

- Play a game!

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know.

- What did you like learning in this unit?

- What do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

- Vocabulary work.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Participate in the activities we propose.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and the songs.

­ Enjoy the games and show interest in looking after toys.

­ Respect others’ toys.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We encourage the children to respect their classmates in order to socialise well in class.

­ We take advantage of the topic of the unit in order to encourage the children to play with any toy or game, without taking into account their sex.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: colours, numbers, clothes, action verbs (revision) games and toys; behind, in front of, next to, in, on, under.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: looking after toys.

← Social and civic competence: respecting others’ toys.

← Cultural and artistic competence: shadow puppets, performance.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: looking after toys, illustrated dictionary.

IV. Assessment

• We control the use of like + ...ing, as well as words from the vocabulary.

• The pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

• The pupils have to complete the test of unit 2, page 28.

• Finally, we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and we will begin to make an illustrated dictionary.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify rooms in the house and furniture.

← Ask and answer questions, make requests correctly.

← Practise the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of sentences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to and sing the song of the unit whilst pointing to the members of the family in the illustration.

­ Practise a dialogue based on an illustration and stick on stickers.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds from the key vocabulary.

­ Practise in pairs dialogues about an illustration, following the pattern given in the example.

­ Practise the dialogue following the example, first based on the photos and afterwards on their own houses.

­ Identify rooms and objects in photos and answer the questions we ask about them.

­ Ask the classmate and note the answer in the corresponding place.

­ Practise the intonation of a yes/no question in contrast to an informative question.

­ Listen to and recite the chant while they follow it in the text.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer a series of questions about the story and summarise it in groups. Match the story to own experiences.

­ Build a house using boxes and toy furniture and talk about it.

2. Reading and writing

­ Show photos of their relatives, labelled appropriately.

­ Make a conceptual map with names of rooms in the house.

­ Make a family tree in order to fill it in throughout the unit.

­ Write the appropriate answers based on the illustrations.

­ Write about their family following the instructions given.

­ Draw a relative who they have written about.

­ Match each image to the corresponding sentence.

­ Write riddles about the illustrations and read them to the class.

­ From the context of the little book, extract the meaning of unknown words. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Write a note to the main character of the story, following the instructions given.

­ Choose a room, an object and a member of the family and draw them. Write two sentences below each drawing following the model and talk about their work.

­ Look for the object named in each question and identify the room in which it appears in order to complete the sentences.

­ Read the first sentence and complete the second of each pair.

­ Write as many words as they can from each of the following categories: “Rooms, Objects, Family members”.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Our new house; our families; where do I write (‘Sue’)?; sink; sofa; table; coffee table; lamp; chair; rug; TV; living room; shelves; bed; bedside; radio; phone; computer; wardrobe; bedroom; curtains; cooker; fridge; kitchen; cupboards; window; dining table; picture; plant; dining room; bath; shower curtain; wash-basin; mirror; bathroom; what’s in your (living room)?; there’s a (chair) and a (sofa); moving day; where is (Sonia) going?; how does (Sonia) feel at the beginning of the story?; how many (bedrooms) has her new house got?; welcome, (Sonia)!; I hope you like your new (...) and you new (...); your new friend, (...); neighbourhood.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Stick and say.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Look at pages 28 and 29.

- Write about your family.

- Art.

- Memory game.

- Work with a partner: ask questions. Write the answers.

- Write the letter.

- Riddles.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Build a house.

- Houses around the world.

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know!

- What did you like learning in this unit?

- What do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Participate in activities proposed in class.

- Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

- Show initiative when talking in English in front of the class.

- Show interest in respecting and looking after the spaces and objects in the classroom.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We help them to be aware of the importance of respecting and loving the people they live with.

- We teach them that they must look after the house they live in and collaborate in household tasks.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: numbers, colours, members of the family and prepositions of place (revision), rooms in the house and furniture; it’s and they’re.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the house.

← Social and civic competence: collaborating in household tasks.

← Cultural and artistic competence: building a house with boxes.

← Learning-to-learn competence: difference in intonation between the yes/no questions and the informative questions.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: initiative when speaking English, illustrated dictionary.

IV. Assessment

← The pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← The pupils have to complete the test of unit 3 on page 29 and the revision test for units 1-3 on pages 36 and 37.

← Finally, we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and they will write the words of vocabulary in different categories.


I. Objectives

• Revise previous notions.

• Identify shops and businesses in the city.

• Compare the topic of the unit with own experiences.

• Ask and answer questions, make requests correctly.

• Know important monuments and buildings of other countries.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to and sing the song of the unit, pointing to the shops in the illustration.

­ Listen to and repeat the sentences of the recording and show understanding by answering a series of questions.

­ Place stickers based on the recording.

­ Hold dialogues in pairs about the illustrations and photos, following the example given.

­ Practise the pronunciation of sounds based on the vocabulary in the recording.

­ Answer questions about where certain people or objects are to be found.

­ Answer yes/no questions based on the images.

­ Answer questions about where certain places are to be found on a map.

­ Complete the dialogue, compare answers and ask and answer questions in pairs.

­ Ask and answer questions about a plan, based on the model of dialogue given.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions about the story and classify the buildings according to their preferences. Relate the story to own experiences.

­ Say what shape the buildings we show them are.

­ Make a plan of their street and present it to the class.

­ Make a plan of the classroom (or of a floor of the school) and present it.

­ Cut out the cards, line them up and give instructions to a classmate so that they can place them in the same position as he does.

2. Reading and writing

­ Label a mural of drawings and photos of surrounding places.

­ Create additional verses for the chant, with other names of shops.

­ Find the shops on the map, based on what is read in a paragraph.

­ Write the number of each conversation in the square of each illustration.

­ Guess the meaning of new words using the context and illustrations of the little book to help them. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Write real names of establishments under several categories of shops.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• My town; our town; where I live; supermarket; clothes shop; shoe shop; video shop; toy shop; bookshop; computer store; music shop; restaurant; crisps; a (supermarket) has got (crisps); (Main Street) gas got a (school); what other things are on (Main Street)?; Who knows?; shopping in town; (Juan) is between (Lucía) and (Paula); (Lucía) is on the corner of (Main Street) and (River Street); is the (computer store) on the corner?; what is between the (music shop) and the (restaurant)?; post office; bus station; bank; hospital; is there a (bank) or on (Oak Street)?; what is next to (hospital)?; find a doctor; get help; shop for food; police station; fire station; is there a (post office) on (Pine Street)?; it’s (on the corner); where can you (post a letter)?; at the (post office); see fire engines; get money; buy a bus ticket; try out computers; greengrocer’s shop; library; train station; cinema; my city Kitty; cat; kitten; places around the world; tourists take lots of pictures; the (...) is amazing; what is Mountain Lodge?; is Kenya in Africa or Asia?; where is the Eiffel Tower?; what do the tourists do?; (Maria) sits between (David) and (Tomas); the (board) is behind the (teacher’s desk).

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Listen and stick.

- Ask and answer.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Review buildings with associated pictures.

- Look at pages 40 y 41.

- Write yes, there is or no, there isn’t.

- Our community.

- Where I go to.

- Complete the map.

- Preposition game.

- Talk about the map with a partner.

- Explore your community.

- Others building in he community.

- Play a game.

- What are tourists?

- I don’t know but I know that my family takes pictures when we visit other places.

- “Tourist” means a person who visits other places.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Buildings shape.

- Make a map.

- Sharing maps with family.

- Classroom map.

- Play a game!

- Know it? Show it!

- Look at your drawings.

- Now I know!

- What did you learning in this unit?

- What do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

- Categories.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Collaborate in group work and respect classmates.

­ Show interest in knowing surroundings.

­ Participate actively in the activities proposed in class.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We help the children to understand the need to behave in a civilised manner in the city, being polite to everyone.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: new prepositions of place, shops and businesses in the city.

← Mathematical competence: square, rectangle, circle and triangle (revision).

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: knowing surroundings, maps.

← Social and civic competence: respecting classmates in group work, civic behaviour.

← Learning-to-learn competence: difference in intonation between yes/no questions and informative questions.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: illustrated dictionary.

IV. Assessment

← In the card game we control the use of prepositions of place and vocabulary in general.

← The pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← The pupils have to complete the test of unit 4 on page 30.

← Finally, we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and they will write the words of vocabulary in different categories.


I. Objectives

• Revise previous notions.

• Identify jobs, actions and related places of work.

• Compare the topic of the unit to own experiences.

• Practise dialogues with a classmate following a model.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to the song, finding the words in the book and describing the illustrations. Sing and mime the song.

­ Listen to and repeat the sentences on the recording and answer the questions we ask them in order to check understanding.

­ Stick the sticker in the appropriate place and describe it with a sentence.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the key vocabulary.

­ Practise dialogues following a model and based on the illustrations.

­ Answer the question a bout what each professional does.

­ Ask classmates about their father’s and mother’s jobs and tell the rest of the class the results.

­ Ask and answer about the place where each professional works.

­ Recite and read the chant and do the actions described.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions about the story and summarise it in pairs. Relate the story to own experiences.

­ Cut out puppets, draw the stage and make dialogues between them in pairs.

­ Create puppets with the jobs of the members of their families and make conversations.

­ Play the board game holding dialogues with their classmate.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make a mural with illustrations of people working. Give a title to the images or describe them.

­ Make a list with the jobs of their relatives and their places of work.

­ Create a word map with the jobs they know.

­ Guess the meaning of the title and the theme of the song using the illustrations to help you.

­ Create additional verses with their relatives’ jobs.

­ Complete the sentences with the names of professions or verbs and compare them in pairs.

­ Spell out professions in pairs.

­ Look in a paragraph for sentences that talk about different professions and complete the sentences with words from the table.

­ Recognise the predictable patterns of the text. Guess the meaning of new words using the context and illustrations to help. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Make a book with the professions they would like to have when they are older, each one making a page with their drawing and description.

­ Write a description about a day in their life.

­ Make a graph, classifying the words of vocabulary and talk about what they have learnt in the unit.

3. Knowledge of language through use

­ 3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• My busy family; busy people; when I grow up; an office building; workers; chef; factory; nurse; who works in a (shop)?; lab; a (chef) works in a (restaurant); fire; hot; smoke; fire engine; burning; hose; water; put out; ladder; emergency; musician; scientist; actor; dancer; pilot; makes music; does experiments; makes films; dances in a theatre; helps people get well; flies planes; what does a (fire-fighter) do?; a (fire-fighter) (puts out fires); what do you want to be?; I want to be a (doctor); working hard; factory worker; shopkeeper; who (helps people get well)?; a (doctor)(helps people get well); music studio; when I am tall; when I am a man/woman; when I am twelve; busy friends; (he) wants to be a (teacher) when (he) grows up; what does (Magda) do after school?; on what day does (he) (play the piano)?; what does (she) want to be when (she) grows up?; who wants to be a (musician)?; busy puppets.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Stick and say.

- Get ready.

- Occupation review.

- Spelling.

- Ask five friends.

- Tell the class.

- Charades.

- Write the letter.

- Places people work.

- Act it out.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Make a class book.

- Finger puppets.

- A day in the life.

- Play a game.

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know!

- What did you like learning in this unit?

- What do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in learning from their classmate in pair work.

­ Participate in activities proposed in class.

­ Show interest in the work of their relatives.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We help the children to understand the importance of work as the contribution of each member of society to the same.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: revision of previous notions, professions, actions and related places of work.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: different types of work.

← Social and civic competence: relatives’ work.

← Cultural and artistic competence: dialogue of puppets.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: learning from classmates in pair work.

IV. Assessment

← In the board game we control the use of the present simple and the vocabulary.

← Pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← Pupils have to complete the test of unit 5 on page 31.

← Finally, we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and they will write the words of vocabulary in different categories.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify the parts of the day and the time.

← Express daily activities and routines.

← Compare the topic of the unit with own experiences.

← Practise dialogues with classmates following a model.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to the recording following the text and pointing to the clock which corresponds to each sentence. Check understanding by answering a series of questions.

­ Ask each other the time in pairs, sticking the sticker on the clock they choose.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the key vocabulary.

­ Describe the photos and guess the moment of the day that each one shows. Read the text and answer questions.

­ Practise dialogues following a model and based on the illustrations.

­ Practise asking and answering questions in groups of three. Practise dialogues following a model and based on the illustrations.

­ Practise asking and answering questions in groups of three.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs using what and when.

­ Conduct a class survey to find out when they do different activities, fill in a graph and tell the class about the results.

­ Play “Simon says” doing the corresponding actions.

­ Listen to the recording and write the number of each conversation in the corresponding square.

­ Ask and answer questions according to what is written on a piece of paper.

­ Listen to the story, pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions related to the story and guess the main character’s favourite colour. Act it out and relate it to own experiences.

­ Make a clock with the cut outs, stick the activities appropriately and practise the dialogue in pairs following the example.

­ Work in pairs, one of them presenting their clock and the other asking questions about what their classmate has said.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make a mural with the parts of the day, sticking illustrations of different activities in each column.

­ Draw what they like to do at their favourite time of the day and present them, with a descriptive sentence below.

­ Make a list of the activities which their relatives do throughout the day and present it in class.

­ Read the sentences to find out which of the words in the square is the correct one. Compare results in pairs.

­ Write sentences using the words from the square and the language from previous units. Read them in pairs.

­ Look in a paragraph for sentences that describe daily activities, fill in the graph and compare answers in pairs.

­ Recognise the predictable patterns of the text. Guess the meaning of the new words, using the context and the illustrations to help you. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ In groups, make books which represent the different activities form certain moments of the day.

­ Write a story parallel to the one in the story of the book and illustrate it.

­ Write under each image the corresponding activity and time.

­ Look in the unit for unknown words and find out the meaning from the context. Write sentences with them and illustrate them.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Every day; morning; afternoon; evening; night; my favourite time of day; get up; eat lunch; read a book; go to bed; wake up; I (wake up) in the morning; o’clock; can you point to (three) o’clock?; what time is it?; what time does (she) (get up)?; weekday; what does (he) do every (weekday)?; I (get up) at (seven) o’clock (everyday); get dressed; feed the bird; play with (her) friends; eat dinner; when does (she) (get up)?; (she) (eats dinner) at (six) o’clock (every evening); what do you do (every day)?; when do you (go to bed)?; do (Sam) and (Cindy) like doing the same things in (the afternoon)?; do they do (homework) at the same time?; yes, probably; are (Cindy) and (Sam) in the same class at school?; no, since they leave for school at different times; eats breakfast; hurry; late; what is (the mother) saying to (the children)?; what does (the mother) want (the children) to do?; are they late for school?; is it a weekday?; what day is it?; perfect (Penny); ribbon; soap; what does (Penny) do at (7.00 in the morning)?; how do you know?; comb; dress; towel; toothbrush; so (yellow) must be (her) favourite colour; what we do (every evening); make a clock; my clock says (three) o’clock.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Stick and say.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Review daily activities.

- Write about you.

- Questions with ‘what’ and ‘when’.

- Read and tick.

- They, at the same time.

- Ask three friends.

- Tell the class.

- Act it out.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Using pictures as clues to meaning.

- Makes a class book.

- Teach a family member.

- Memory game.

- Play a game!

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know.

- What was your favourite activity?

- What did you like learning about?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Collaborate in group work and respect classmates.

­ Show interest in knowing classmates’ routines.

­ Participate in activities proposed in class.

­ Show initiative when expressing oneself in English in front of the class.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We help the children to show their way of life and to respect that of their classmates and relatives.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: parts of the day and habitual activities, asking the time and saying the hours; you and I; questions with what and when; the third person.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: different ways of life.

← Social and civic competence: respecting different ways of life.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: initiative for expressing oneself in English.

IV. Assessment

← Pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← Pupils have to complete the test of unit 6 on page 32 and the revision test of units 4-6 on pages 38 and 39.

← Finally, we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit, and they will find out from the context the meaning of unknown words t.


I. Objectives

• Revise previous notions.

• Identify foods and food categories.

• Express tastes and preferences.

• Compare the topic of the unit with own experiences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on key vocabulary.

­ Practise dialogues following the model and based on the illustrations.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs, looking at the images.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions related to the story and classify the foods that appear in it.

­ Make a book about their favourite food and present it to classmates.

­ Organise in class a food fair, the children take turns to act out the roles of sellers and buyers.

2. Reading and writing

­ Do a presentation of food and drink classified in specific categories.

­ Make a map of foods writing the name of each one in its corresponding category.

­ Give instructions for writing each food in the corresponding column, depending on whether it ends in a vocalic or consonantal sound or if it is uncountable.

­ Match each name to its corresponding image and answer the questions we ask them.

­ Classify the food cards into a, an, or some using the marked clothes pegs to help.

­ Take a food flashcard, name it and place it in the corresponding category.

­ Read the sentences and circle the words which are an example from each category.

­ Read and solve the riddles in pairs, taking turns.

­ Create own riddles. Read them and solve them in pairs.

­ Write down classmate’s and own tastes on a Venn diagram. Share it in class.

­ Recognise the predictable patterns of the text. Guess the meaning of new words using the context and illustrations for help. Do an echo reading and another all together.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Favourite foods; foods and drinks; meat; fish; vegetable; desserts; snacks; fruit; (meat) dishes; yum, yum; a; an; some; ice cream; cake; juice; what kind of food is it?; which (fruit) is (yellow)?; which (dessert) has a (circle) shape?; bananas; pears; grapes; potatoes; sweet corn; peas; cheese; crackers; nuts; steak; lamb; salmon; shellfish; poultry; chicken; milk; water; lemonade; apple pie; biscuits; what do you want to eat?; I want a (sandwich) and a (lemonade); strawberries; bread; chocolate; tea; oranges; burgers; chips; peppers; carrots; this food has one (‘s’), one (‘t’)...; riddle; rice pudding; do they both like (ice cream)?; we both like; who has got food?; has (Bobby) got food?; food comes from everywhere; popcorn; tortilla chips; (popcorns) and (tortilla chips) come from (plants); where do (tortilla chips) come from?; what comes from (the ocean)?; pasta; lemons; pine nuts; eggs; trout; flour.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Listen and sing.

- Enrichment.

- Food shapes.

- Fun with articles.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Revise food categories.

- Spelling.

- A question that has to be solved or guessed.

- Make a riddle.

- Talk about foods you like with a partner.

- Maths connection.

- Write the letter.

- Bobby doesn’t know what he wants to eat.

- He is very slow.

- Act it out.

- Before/during.

- Making predictions.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Reading for details.

- Classifying details.

- Vocabulary work.

- Food ratings.

- Know it? Show it!

- Write words.

- Now I know!

- What did you like learning in this unit?

- What was easy to understand?

- What was hard for you to understand?

- Plan a meal.

- Ranking.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Participate with initiative in the activities proposed in class.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in learning from own mistakes and those of classmates.

­ Show interest in comparing their tastes with those of classmates.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We teach the children to socialise in class, respecting turn taking conventions, collaborating in group activities and learning from classmates.

­ We show the children the importance of a healthy and varied diet.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: classification of foods, a, an and some;

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: a healthy diet.

← Social and civic competence: comparing own tastes to those of classmates.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creating riddles.

← Learning-to-learn competence: learning from mistakes.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: initiative in classroom activities.

IV. Assessment

← Pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← Pupils have to complete the test from unit 7, page 33.

← We will talk about what we have learnt in the unit.

← They will label images of food and classify them according to whether they like them more or less.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify farm and zoo animals.

← Express animal’s characteristics.

← Express sentences in singular and plural and practise contractions.

← Practise the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of sentences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Name the animals in the photos and repeat the sentences in the recording. Answer a series of questions to check understanding.

­ Stick the sticker of each animal in its corresponding habitat based on what is heard in the recording.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the key vocabulary.

­ Find out the meaning of words of vocabulary, making comparisons and using the illustrations to help.

­ Practise dialogues following a model and based on the illustrations.

­ Ask questions about what an animal can do in order to guess which one it is.

­ Ask questions with what using the verbs in the table.

­ Exchange questions using the sentences in the grammatical table.

­ Ask yes/no questions in order to guess the animal their classmate is thinking about.

­ Ask classmates about their favourite animal and make a graph.

­ Listen to a recording and note the number of each conversation in the corresponding table.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions related to the story and talk about the possible feelings of the characters.

­ Create a mural each one drawing a different animal, talk about it.

­ Cut out the illustrations of the animals and stick them on the board. In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out which animal the classmate has in each cell.

­ Make sentences about animals using specific characteristics.

2. Reading and writing

­ Stick photos of animals on a mural and write a descriptive sentence under each one.

­ Name and classify photos of animals under the categories of farm and zoo.

­ Make word maps with actions and characteristics of animals.

­ Read the question and circle the appropriate answer.

­ Complete the sentences with the verbs from the table.

­ Make lists of animals with specific characteristics.

­ Recite the chant whilst they read it and organise themselves in groups, each one taking turns to recite a verse.

­ Create new verses for the chant, mime them and teach them to the rest of the class.

­ Find out the meaning of new words, using the context and illustrations to help. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Read the story emphasising the expression and using different voices for different characters.

­ Create stories in groups with other animals, draw them and present them in the classroom.

­ Write the corresponding name under each photo.

­ Use the words from the table to complete the sentences.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Fun at the Zoo; same and different; farm; zoo; which animal in the (song) is not in the (picture)?; lion; snake; giraffe; peacock; monkey; its; their; sharp; tail; which animal has got (sharp teeth)?; which one has got (long tail)?; claws; trunk; cheetahs; squeeze; crocodiles; kangaroos; polar bears; elephants; lift heavy things; seals; has a (crocodile) a (big mouth)?; yes, it has; no, it hasn’t; tiger; what animal is (the boy) acting like?; act like the animals; the lion and the rabbit; what can (the rabbit) do?; why does (King Lion) want (Rabbit)?; what does (Rabbit) to (the lion)?; is there another lion in the forest?; (King Lion) catches (Rabbit) for his dinner; King Lion roars, ‘I’m king of this forest!’; how do you think (King Lion) feels?; do you want to be (King Lion) or (Rabbit)?; tortoise; hare; mouse; make a mural; soft feathers.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcard.

- Video.

- Enrichment.

- Animal comparisons.

- Vocabulary work.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Questions words.

- Read and circle.

- Spelling work.

- Ask five friends.

- Tell the class.

- Animal characteristics.

- Add to the chant.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Read with expression.

- Tell a story.

- Accordion books.

- Play a game!

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know!

- What did you like in this unit?

- What do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy/hard to understand?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Participate with initiative in the activities proposed in class.

­ Show interest in respecting and looking after animals.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and the songs.

­ Show interest in learning from own mistakes and those of classmates.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We teach the children the importance of getting on well with the animals around us.

­ We show the children the need to respect and look after the animals around us, as well as the need to respect spaces and animals from habitats further away.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: farm and zoo animals and their characteristics; possessive its and their; sentences with can and can’t; questions with what and with have got.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: animals from habitats far away.

← Social and civic competence: respecting and looking after animals.

← Learning-to-learn competence: practising contractions, intonation and rhythm, sentences in inverted commas versus narrative sentences.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: illustrated dictionary.

IV. Assessment

← We will use the self assessment table in activities like the board game, making the poster of an animal or saying a sentence about an animal including a given characteristic.

← Pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← Pupils have to complete the test of unit 8 on page 34.

← Finally we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and they will draw an invented animal based on a series of characteristics.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify the months of the year and activities carried out in them.

← Practise the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of sentences.

← Relate the topic of the unit to own experiences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to the song of the unit and match the activities of the illustration to the months in which they are carried out. Sing the song.

­ Listen to and repeat the sentences. Answer a series of questions to check their understanding.

­ Based on what is heard in the recording, stick the stickers in the corresponding place.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the key vocabulary.

­ Practise dialogues following a model based on the illustrations.

­ Practise the pronunciation of combined consonants from the key vocabulary.

­ Answer the questions about what the characters in the photos are doing each month and express what they are doing and what they are not doing.

­ Interview classmates about the date of their birthday in order to fill in the graph. Count the number of birthdays there are each month.

­ In pairs, ask questions with who and answer them.

­ Based on what they hear, write the corresponding letter next to each number.

­ Talk in pairs about what they always or never do at weekends.

­ Name their favourite month and the activities they carry out in it.

­ Say in pairs their favourite month and activity following the model given.

­ Listen to the story pointing to the illustrations and miming.

­ Answer questions about the story and summarise it in pairs. Relate it to own experiences.

­ Talk about their posters in groups of three so that the first explains to the second and the third asks questions.

­ Play with the cards and the board in order to make sentences about what they do in certain months of the year.

­ Practise questions with what using vocabulary from previous units.

­ Use the key vocabulary from the unit to answer questions.

2. Reading and writing

­ Do a presentation about the activities of each month of the year. Write something about them.

­ Make a list of familiar things and situate them in the appropriate month.

­ Make a word map about a celebration.

­ Write sentences about the illustrations based on the grammatical table.

­ Recite and read the chant. Match the illustrations to the words.

­ Recognise the predictable patterns of the text. Find out the meaning of new words using the context and illustrations to help. Do an echo reading and another one all together.

­ Make a poster with pockets that represent their favourite months and put in them illustrations that represent the activities carried out in each one.

­ Draw a festivity, write about it and present it to the class.

­ Write on the calendars the names of the months that are missing.

­ Do a chant with the words they find difficult to remember, illustrate it.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- Twelve months make a year; my birthday month; beach; when do you go to the (beach)?; celebrations; activities; always; never; January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December; who goes to (the beach) in (January)?; where does (Adam) live?; Argentina; Spain; Poland; when do they start school in (Argentina)?; what do they celebrate in (Poland) in (September)?; in (Argentina) what do they do in (February)?; they have a special holiday for harvest festival; when is your birthday?; my birthday is in (February); when do you give each others presents?; what special holidays do you celebrate?; (March), stand next to (June); who has a birthday in (October)?; my favourite month is (…); do you know why?; I always (…) in (…); where do they celebrate (Las Posadas)?; in what month is (Las Posadas)?; what do they do on (Las Posadas)?; parade of months; pocket poster.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Flashcards.

- Video.

- Stick and say.

- Enrichment.

- Word maps.

- Get ready.

- Celebrations review.

- Write about the pictures.

- Use always or never.

- Write about you and your family.

- Ball toss.

- Make a birthday survey.

- Ask all your classmates.

- Interviews.

- Making sentences.

- Before/during.

- Echo read.

- Choral read.

- Plan a class parade.

- Ask and answer questions.

- Make a family pocket poster.

- Play a game!

- Know it? Show it!

- Now I know.

- What was your favourite part of this unit?

- What celebrations do you want to learn more about?

- What was easy/hard to understand?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Participate with initiative in activities proposed in class.

­ Show interest in and enjoy the celebrations and holidays.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in learning from own mistakes and those of classmates.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We encourage the children to enjoy family and social celebrations.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: revision of previous structures and notions, activities and celebrations found in the months of the year, use of pronouns.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: activities that correspond to moments in the year.

← Social and civic competence: celebrations.

← Cultural and artistic competence: writing about a holiday.

← Learning-to-learn competence: composing a chant with words that are difficult to memorise.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: illustrated dictionary.

IV. Assessment

← We will control the use of language in activities like the board game.

← The pupils do positive self assessment when they are satisfied on having reached the objectives of the unit.

← The pupils have to complete the test of unit 8 on page 34.

← Finally we will talk about what we have learnt in the unit and we will show them how to make chants with words they find difficult to memorise.


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