Contact information

|Name |Rodica IOVU |

|Address |Pieve di Cento (BO), 40066, Italy |

|Cell. No |+39 3200942715 |

|Fax |+39 051897172 |

|Email address |translations@united- |

|Website address |united- |

Language combinations

|Source language to target language |Proficiency level (1 to 5) |Price/source word (EUR) |

|The native language is marked with an asterisk |(1 = excellent) | |

|English into Romanian* |1 |0.06 |

|Italian into Romanian* |2 |0.06 |

|German into Romanian* |2 |0.06 |

|Russian* into Romanian* |1 |0.06 |

|English into Russian* |1 |0.06 |

|Italian into Russian * |2 |0.06 |

|German into Russian* |2 |0.06 |

|Romanian* into Russian* |1 |0.06 |

|Romanian* into English |2 |0.06 |

|Russian* into English |2 |0.06 |

|Italian into English |2 |0.06 |

|Romanian* into Italian |2 |0.06 |

|Russian* into Italian |2 |0.06 |

|English into Italian |2 |0.06 |

The translations into English and Italian are edited by native speakers.

Specialization fields:

|business |Financial reports |

| |Audit reports |

| |Statutes and regulations |

| |Activity reports |

| |Letters |

| |Contracts |

| |Corporate documentation |

|marketing |Booklets |

| |Pamphlets |

| |Flyers |

| |Product catalogues |

|media |Political |

| |Social |

| |Economic |

| |fields |

|agriculture |Description of plants growth methods |

| |Description of animals growth methods |

| |Technologies in processing fruit and vegetables, including drying |

|personal documents |Academic diplomas |

| |Personal certificates |

| |University analytical curricula |

| |Medical certificates |

|legal |Contracts |

| |Agreements |

| |Project documents |

| |Laws |

| |Legislation |

| |Statutes |

| |Normative acts |

| |Powers of attorney and other declarations in front of a notary |

|electoral campaigns |Reports and comments |

| |Press-releases |

|tourism | |

|sociology | |

|education | |

|textile industry | |

Educational background

|Educational institution, |Date of program |Graduated |Name of program / |

|Including location |attended |year |Degree |

|Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chisinau, |1994-1999 |1999 |Finance and Credit Department/ Economist, |

|Republic of Moldova | | |Interpreter |

Practical language-related background

|Organization name |Employment dates |Job title |Types of projects completed (e.g. translation, |

| | | |interpretation, proofreading, narration, language |

| | | |tutoring, etc.) |

|Edizioni Annuari d’Italia |01/04/2008 |Translator/interpreter of |Communication with clients and potential clients in |

| | |Russian, Romanian, English, |East-European countries |

| | |German to Italian and vice-versa | |

|UNDP Moldova |December 2007 |Book “Gender and Mass Media” |Translation from Romanian into English (33760 words)|

|Rosabela SRL (greeting card |2005-2007 |Consultant |Translation for corporate clients. |

|production and translation | | | |

|company, Chisinau, Republic of | | | |

|Moldova | | | |

|Financial company, Chisinau, |February 2007, July 2007|Audit reports, agreements, |From German and English into Romanian (56 000 words)|

|Moldova | |contracts and certificates | |

|Italian company, Chisinau, |June-July 2007 |2 equipment exploitation and |Translation from Italian into Russian and Romanian |

|Moldova | |maintenance manuals |(49 500 words) |

|Textile factory, Anenii Noi, |December 2006, February |Management analysis report, |Translation from German into Romanian (17 900 words)|

|Republic of Moldova |2007 |training textbook | |

|Legal NGO |October 2006 – July 2007|Reports and press releases in |Translation from Romanian into Russian and English |

| | |electoral campaigns |(85 155 words) |

|CNFA, Moldova |September 2005- October |Assistant and interpreter for |Consecutive interpretation in English, Romanian and |

| |2006 |foreign visitors |Russian (total duration of 120 working days) |

|Individual client, Chisinau, |June 2006 |Analytical curriculum for Business|Translation Romanian-English |

|Moldova | |administration specialty |(12 400 words) |

|Sport Organization, Chisinau, |May 2006 |Charter of a sport organization |Translation – Romanian-Russian (2150 words) |

|Moldova | | | |

|NGO on preventing Human |May-Sept. 2006 |Project documents and agreements |Translation English-Romanian (74600 words) |

|Trafficking, Chisinau, Moldova | | | |

|Insurance company in Chisinau, |April 2006 |Insurance agreement |Translation Romanian- English |

|Moldova | | |(2 500 words) |

|Individual client, Chisinau, |February 2006 |Tourism text for a website |Translation German-Romanian |

|Moldova | | |(7 240 words) |

|Journalism NGO in Chisinau, |January 2006 |Mass-media articles |Translation Rom- Eng (21 220 words) |

|Moldova | | | |

|Financial company in Chisinau, |Sept. 2004 – August 2005|Head of Administration and |Translation of agreements and financial reports from|

|Moldova | |Translator |English, German, Romanian and Russian into Romanian |

| | | |and English |

|Translation agency in Chisinau, |November 2002 –August |Director |Translation and proofreading of various documents in|

|Moldova |2004 | |various fields from/into Romanian, Russian, English,|

| | | |German, Italian, French; consecutive interpretations|

| | | |with English, Romanian, German and Russian |

|Translation agency in Louisville,|February 2004 |Business stage |One-month intern in and English-speaking |

|Kentucky | | |environment, in a translation agency with over 14 |

| | | |year of activity. |

|Language School in Chisinau, |February 2001 – November|Administrative Manager |Solving administrative issues for English teachers -|

|Moldova |2002 | |native speakers from UK and USA (permit of stay, |

| | | |apartment rent, medical assistance, various |

| | | |certificates and other assistance) |


|Organization |Contact name |Position |Phone no. / email |

|Edizioni Annuari d’Italia |Meris Corghi |Information Systems |meris.corghi@ |

| | |Manager | |

|Rosabela SRL |Ana Iovu |Director |email: rosabela@ |

| |Edward J. Valentine |American expert in fruit |ejvalentine@ |

| | |processing | |

|Educational Center Pro Didactica |Silvia Barbarov |Coordinator | |

| | | | |

|Center "Partnership for Development|Daniela Terzi |Executive Director | |

|" | | | |

Hardware, software and translation tool availability

|Computer equipment available |MS Windows XP Home edition, HPprinter/scanner/fax |

|Software programs available |Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat Reader, Corel Draw |

|Translation tools available |Paper, CD-Rom & online dictionaries and glossaries |

| |Wordfast |

| |Trados |

General availability and response times

|General reachability (cell phone etc.) |+39 3200942715 |

|Skype |united-translations |

|General response time to customer inquiries |immediate |

|Ability to take on projects overnight or over weekends |Over weekends, ok. |

Other key skills / special achievements not related to languages:

|Please feel free to fill in additional information (e.g. additional training received, sales skills, personal accomplishments, etc.) |

|I have an economic background, I play the accordion and the guitar, I own a greeting cards producing company. |

Additional information

|Please feel free to fill in additional information (e.g. hobbies, volunteer activities, awards, interests, etc.) |

| profile |

| Profile () |

Date completed: July 19, 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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