

|Cases Provided by Experts |

|1 |Albania |ALB 1 |Drug Trafficking Case – Not Specified. |Drug Trafficking. |

| | |BRA 1 |Diamante Operation |Drug Trafficking from Colombia to Brazil, Venezuela, United States and Europe, frequently passing through Guyana and Surinam. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|2 |Brazil | | | |

| | |BRA 2 |Carabelas Operation |Drug Trafficking involving Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, United States and Portugal, and Laundering of Proceeds of Crime. |

| | |BRA 3 |Fenix Operation |Drug Trafficking, firearms trafficking, laundering of proceeds of crime and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 4 |Columbus Operation |Corruption, crimes against Public Administration, smuggling, embezzlement and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 5 |Holland Connection Operation |Cybercrime, tax evasion, evasion of foreign exchange and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 6 |Diluvio Operation |Corruption, crimes against National Financial System, smuggling, embezzlement and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 7 |Chumbo Grosso Operation |Firearms trafficking, illegal trade of firearms and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 8 |Gladio Operation |Drug Trafficking, firearms trafficking, corruption and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 9 |Liquidaçao Operation |Drug Trafficking, firearms trafficking and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 10 |Curaçao Operation |Laundering of proceeds of crime, crimes against the National Financial System and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 11 |Nautilus Operation |Environmental crimes and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 12 |Oxossi Operation |Environmental crimes and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 13 |Woodstock Operation |Environmental crimes and participation in an organized criminal group. |

| | |BRA 14 |Farol da Colina Operation. |Drug Trafficking, laundering of proceeds of crime, firearms trafficking, corruption, crimes against the National Financial System |

| | | | |and participation in an organized criminal group. |

|3 |Canada |CAN 1 |Lindsay 2004 and 2005 Cases. |Attempts, conspiracies, accessories and parties. Participation in a criminal organization. Property offences, Extortion, |

| | | | |Corroboration, Criminal Organization. |

| | |CAN 2 |Terezakis Case. |Criminal Organization and Drug Trafficking. |

| | |CAN 3 |Accused No. 1 Case. |Criminal Organization. |

| | |CAN 4 |Pereira Case. |Criminal Organization. |

| | |CAN 5 |Beauchamp Case |Criminal Organization, Fraud and Trafficking of Credit Card Data. |

| | |CAN 6 |Ciarniello Case. |Criminal Organization. Sections of Criminal Code dealing with criminal organizations infringed s. 7 of Charter. |

| | |CAN 7 |Punko 2010 and 2011 Cases. |Conspiracy to produce and traffic methamphetamine for benefit of criminal organization. |

| | |CAN 8 |Meloche Case. |Controlled drugs and substances. Possession for the purpose of trafficking. Other substances. Conspiracy. Attempts, conspiracies and|

| | | | |accessories. Participation in criminal organization |

| | |CAN 9 |Ward Case. |Criminal Organization. (The five accused apply for a declaration under s. 52 of the Constitution Act 1982 that ss. 467.13 and 467.1 |

| | | | |of the Criminal Code are of no force and effect because they contravene s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for |

| | | | |being vague and/or for being overbroad). |

| | |CAN 10 |Giles Case. |Possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking in association with a criminal organization. |

| | |CAN 11 |Cedeno Case. |Conspiracy, Criminal Organization. |

| | |CAN 12 |Ellis Case. |Conspiracies, Fraud, Property offences, Forgery, Criminal Organization. |

|4 |Colombia |COL 1 |Vanguardia Operation – FARC Case. |Drug Trafficking, trafficking in firearms, terrorist acts and logistical supply. |

| | |COL 2 |Zeus Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Conspiracy. |

| | |COL 3 |Cronos Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering. |

| | |COL 4 |Beto Renteria Case. |Drug Trafficking and Conspiracy. |

| | |COL 5 |Apocalipsis Operation. |Homicide, terrorism, aggravated theft, kidnapping, extortion and personal injury. |

| | |COL 6 |Alberto Martínez Case |Financing of terrorism, management of resources related to terrorist activities, conspiracy. |

| | |COL 7 |Fenix II Operation. |Financing of terrorism and management of resources related to terrorist activities. |

| | |COL 8 |Cuchillo Case |Drug trafficking, manufacture and/or possession of drugs, conspiracy, murder, aggravated murder, manufacture and trafficking of |

| | | | |firearms or ammunition, extortion, forced displacement, aggravated robbery, disturbance of possession of property, damage to |

| | | | |resources, environmental pollution, resource management for terrorism and kidnapping. |

| | |COL 9 |Garra Case. |Conspiracy to import, distribute and possess cocaine and heroin and money laundering charges. |

| | |COL 10 |Chely Case. |Conspiracy, aggravated murder, extortion, drug trafficking, forced displacement, kidnapping, disappearance and escape of prisoners. |

| | |COL 11 |Domingo Biohó Case. |Terrorism, extortion and personal injury. |

|5 |El Salvador |ELS 1 |Elena Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in Organized Criminal Group. |

| | |ELS 2 |Hurricane Operation. |Organized criminal group participation. |

|6 |France |FRA 1 |Stihl Operation. |Drug Trafficking. |

| | |FRA 2 |Venture Operation. |Drug Trafficking. |

| | |HUN 1 |Prosecution vs. Baksa Tímea and others. |Organized criminal group participation, money laundering and cybercrime. |

|7 |Hungary | | | |

| | |HUN 2 |Prosecution vs. Dénes Güray Dicle and |Drug Trafficking and participation in criminal organization. |

| | | |others. | |

| | |HUN 3 |Lotus Operation |Smuggling in Migrants. |

| | |HUN 4 |THB Operation |Trafficking in Persons. |

| | |ITA 1 |Prosecution vs. Giacomo Medici and |Trafficking in cultural property and participation in organized criminal group. |

|8 |Italy | |Gianfranco Becchina – Italy. | |

| | |ITA 2 |Sesterzio Operation. |Trafficking in cultural property. |

| | |ITA 3 |Plotter Operation. |Trafficking of cultural property, counterfeiting, laundering of proceeds of crime and organized criminal group. |

| | |ITA 4 |Red Skorpion Operation. |Trafficking in firearms and organized criminal group. |

| | |ITA 5 |Augusto Imperatore Operation. |Trafficking in cultural property. |

| | |ITA 6 |Morgan Operation. |Drug Trafficking, organized criminal group and illegal assets. |

| | |ITA 7 |Alfabeto Operation. |Smuggling of foreign tobacco, illegal assets and organized criminal group. |

| | |ITA 8 |Accord Operation. |Drug Trafficking, organized criminal group and illegal assets. |

| | |ITA 9 |Boucher Operation. |Trafficking of cultural property, laundering of proceeds of crime and organized criminal group. |

| | |ITA 10 |Viola Operation. |Drug Trafficking, organized criminal group, trafficking in persons and smuggling in migrants. |

| | |ITA 11 |Broker Operation. |Laundering of proceeds of crime, organized criminal group, corruption and other serious crimes. |

| | |ITA 12 |Not Specified - Smuggling case 2009/2011.|Smuggling of Migrants. |

| | |ITA 13 |Ulisse Operation. |Trafficking in cultural property. |

| | |ITA 14 |Ultimo Imperatore e Grande Muralha |Laundering of proceeds of crime, organized criminal group, counterfeiting and other crimes. |

| | | |Operation. | |

| | |ITA 15 |Gomorrah Operation. |Counterfeiting, organized criminal group and other serious crimes. |

| | |ITA 16 |Milan Operation. |Counterfeiting and organized criminal group. |

| | |ITA 17 |Most Operation. |Counterfeiting. |

| | |ITA 18 |Giotto Operation. |Counterfeiting. |

| | |ITA 19 |Andromeda Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |ITA 20 |Ticket to Ride Operation. |Smuggling of Migrants. |

| | |ITA 21 |Loptice Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |ITA 22 |Stop Intrusion Operation |Cybercrime. |

| | |ITA23 |Ropax |Smuggling of Migrants. |

| | |JAM 1 |Prosecution vs. Kerry-Ann Graham. |Money Laundry and participation in organized criminal group. |

|9 |Jamaica | | | |

| | |JAM 2 |Prosecution vs. Norman Ramcharan Etal. |Drug Trafficking, Money Laundry and participation in organized criminal group. |

|10 |Kenya |KEN 1 |Criminal case No 1365 of 2004. |Drug Trafficking. |

| | |KEN 2 |Hassan M Ahmed & 9 others - vs. - |Piracy. |

| | | |Republic. | |

| | |MEX 1 | Asociación religiosa – Colombia |Trafficking in Persons. |

|11 |Mexico | |Operation. | |

| | |MEX 2 |Canadiense-Tijuana Operation. |Cybercrime and money-laundering. |

| | |MEX 3 | Globeritos – Tapachula Operation. |Trafficking in Minors. |

| | |MEX 4 |Coliseo Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |MEX 5 |Operation: 17-mar-2004. |Smuggling of Migrants and Laundering of Proceeds of crime. |

| | |MEX 6 |Argentum Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |MEX 7 |Operation: 14-ago-2004. |Participation in Organized Criminal Group. |

| | |MEX 8 |Fiji Operation. |Drug Trafficking and Laundering of proceeds of crime. |

|12 |Morocco |MOR 1 |Not Specified. |Drug Trafficking and Smuggling of migrants. |

| | |MOR 2 |Not specified. |Conspiracy. |

| | |MOR 3 |Not specified. |Cybercrime. |

| | |NIG 1 |Federal Republic of Nigeria vs. Harrison |Participation in organized criminal group, counterfeiting, cyber crime and 'black money' scam. |

| | | |Odiawa. | |

|13 |Nigeria | | | |

| | |NIG 2 |Federal Republic of Nigeria vs. Emmanuel |Participation in organized criminal group. |

| | | |Nwude and others. | |

| | |NIG 3 |James Nnamdi Operation |Drug Trafficking and laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |PHI 1 |People of Philippines vs. Alice Tongco y |Trafficking in person. |

|14 |Philippines | |Terrado. | |

| | |PHI 2 |People of Philippines vs. Nelia Ogalesco |Trafficking in minors. |

| | | |y Torio. | |

| | |PHI 3 |People of Philippines vs. Glendyl |Trafficking in minors. |

| | | |Micabalo and others. | |

| | |PHI 4 |People of Philippines vs. Flora Cabral y |Trafficking in persons. |

| | | |Aldenese. | |

| | |PHI 5 |People of Philippines vs. Roselyn Estrada|Trafficking in persons and participation in organized criminal group. |

| | | |and others. | |

| | |PHI 6 |People of Philippines vs. Lito Manalo y |Trafficking in minors. |

| | | |Tapiculin and others. | |

| | |PHI 7 |People of Philippines vs. Gregorio Garcia|Trafficking in minors. |

| | | |y Felix and others. | |

| | |PHI 8 |People of Philippines vs. Denis Reci and |Trafficking in person. |

| | | |others. | |

| | |PHI 9 |People of Philippines vs. Rosie T. Ociel |Trafficking in persons and participation in organized criminal group. |

| | | |and others. | |

| | |PHI 10 |People of the Philippines vs. Lo Ho Wing |Drug Trafficking. |

| | | |and others (Operation: OPLAN SHARON 887).| |

| | |PHI 11 |People of the Philippines vs. Lin Zian |Drug Trafficking. |

| | | |Tian. | |

| | |PHI 12 |People of the Philippines vs. Li Yu Xuan.|Drug Trafficking. |

| | |PHI 13 |People of the Philippines vs. Hadja Jarma|Trafficking in Persons. |

| | | |Lalli y Purih. | |

| | |ROM 1 |Europa Operation. |Trafficking in minors, money laundering, participation in organized criminal group and illegal possession of firearms and |

|15 |Romania | | |ammunitions. |

| | |ROM 2 |Not specified – Indictment dating from |Cybercrime and Forgery Offences. |

| | | |2007. | |

| | |ROM 3 |Not specified – Indictment dating from |Money-laundering. |

| | | |2008. | |

| | |ROM 4 |Not specified – Indictment dating 2010. |Cybercrime, swindling and organized criminal group. |

| | |ROM 5 |Not specified – Public Session 2011. |Drug trafficking, smuggling of precious metals and organized criminal group. |

|16 |Russia |RUS 1 |Not specified. |Drug trafficking. |

| | |RUS 2 |Not specified. |Trafficking in persons. |

| | |RUS 3 |Not specified. |Illegal migration. |

| | |RUS 4 |Not specified. |Money-laundering/legalization of the proceeds of crime. |

| | |RUS 5 |Not specified. |Cybercrime. |

| | |RUS 6 |Not specified. |Corruption. |

|17 |Serbia |SER 1 |Valter Operation. |Drug Trafficking, Organized criminal group, Extortion, Illegal Possession of Firearms and Explosives, Instigation to a Murder, |

| | | | |Accessory after the Fact, Counterfeiting Documents |

|18 |South Africa |SAF 1 |Project Yield Operation. |Laundering of proceeds of crime, corruption, organized criminal group and other crimes. |

| | |SAF 2 |The Ranch Operation. |Laundering of proceeds of crime, trafficking in persons, corruption, organized criminal group, other serious crimes and other |

| | | | |crimes. |

| | |SAF 3 |Project Deer. |Drug Trafficking. |

| | |SAF 4 |Simon Prophet v National Director of |Drug Trafficking. |

| | | |Public Prosecutions. | |

| | |SPA 1 |Guadana Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in organized criminal group. |

| | | | | |

|19 |Spain | | | |

| | |SPA 2 | Destello Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in organized criminal group. |

| | |SPA 3 |Petrolero Operation. |Smuggling of migrants. |

| | |SPA 4 |Trufas Operation. |Trafficking in persons. |

| | |SPA 5 |Chicago Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in organized criminal group. |

| | |SPA 6 |Shovel Operation. |Family Organized Criminal Group setting a corporate structure dedicated to Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking and Trafficking of |

| | | | |Firearms and Ammunitions. |

| | |SPA 7 |Clubs Operation. |Trafficking in Persons, Smuggling of Migrants and Prostitution. |

|20 |Switzerland |SWI 1 |Drug Trafficking Case. |Laundering of proceeds of crime, drug trafficking and organized criminal group. |

| | |SWI 2 |Drug Trafficking Case 2. |Drug Trafficking, Laundering of Proceeds of Crime and Organized Criminal Group. |

| | |SWI 3 |Organized Criminal Group Case. |Organized Criminal Group. |

|21 |Ukraine |UKR 1 |Not Specified. |Not a specific case. It's a report on organized crime in Ukraine. |

| | |UKG 1 |Clostern Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in organized criminal group. |

|22 |United Kingdom | | | |

| | |UKG 2 |Chappel Operation. |Drug Trafficking and participation in organized criminal group. |

|23 |United States |USA 1 |United States v. Pavel Ivanovich |Laundering of proceeds of crime, conspiracy to commit money laundering, fraud and transportation of stolen property. |

| | | |Lazarenko. | |

| | |USA 2 |Smoking Dragon and Royal Charm |Participation in an organized criminal group, laundering of proceeds of crime, Trafficking of firearms and ammunition and Currency |

| | | |Operations. |counterfeiting. |

| | |USA 3 |Pletnyov Operation. |Cybercrime and laundering of proceeds of crime. |

| | |USA 4 |Victor Bout Case. |Terrorism. |

| | |USA 5 |Not specified. |Terrorism. |

|24 |Venezuela |VEN 1 |Seizure Case. |Laundering of proceeds of crime and participation in a criminal organization. |

| | |VEN 2 |Ana Mercedes Ocanto Case |Laundering of proceeds of crime and participation in a criminal organization. |

|Cases from Secondary Sources |

|1 |France |1 |CA Douai 12/10/2007 |Smuggling of highly taxed products in organized band. |

| | |2 |CA Aix en Provence 23/02/2006 |Money laundering related to drug trafficking. |

| | |3 |Cassation, 26/05/2010 |Aggravated money laundering of the proceeds of drug trafficking in “bande organisée”, and “association de malfaiteurs”. |

| | |4 |Cassation, 8/04/2010 |Organized drug trafficking, money laundering and criminal conspiracy. |

| | |5 |Cassation 7/02/2001 |Drug trafficking. |

| | |6 |Cassation 1/03/2006 |Arrest following a European Arrest Warrant delivered by a Belgian judge. |

| | |7 |25/03/2005 |Swindle. |

| | |8 |Cassation, 9/06/201 |Organized drug trafficking, importation and exportation, criminal conspiracy, falsification of official documents. |

| | |9 |Cassation, 8/04/2010 |Organized drug trafficking, money laundering and criminal conspiracy. |

| | |10 |Cassation, 8/10/2008 |Transnational Art Fraud. |

|2 |UK |1 |High Court |Human trafficking. |

| | |2 |Queen's Bench Division (Divisional Court)| Extradition. |

| | | |12 July 2007 | |

| | |3 |Queen's Bench Division 2 March 2010 |Recovery of the proceeds of crime. |

|3 |TIP Database |1 |Case nº 87/2007 |Human Trafficking – Spain. |

| | |2 |Case nº 606/2007 |Crimes against the rights of foreigners – Spain. |

| | |3 |A.Z. Thailand v. Secretary of State for |Human Trafficking – UK. |

| | | |the Home Department. | |

| | |4 |State of Israel v. Aldenko et al. |Human Trafficking – Israel. |

| | |5 |Case nº B4388-03 |Human Trafficking – Sweden. |

| | |6 |DPP Cth v. Ho & Anor 2009 VSC 437 |Human Trafficking – Australia. |

| | |7 |R v DS 2005 153 A Crim R 194, 2005 191 |Human Trafficking – Australia. |

| | | |FLR 337, 2005 VSCA. | |

| | |8 |DPP Cth & Leech 2009 VSC 495. |Human Trafficking – Australia. |

| | |9 |R v K, R v O, R v T, R vY. |Human Trafficking – Australia. |


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