
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. Anagrams can be traced back to the time of the ancient Greeks and were used to find the hidden and mystical meaning in names. They are said to date back at least to the Greek poet? HYPERLINK "" \o "Lycophron" Lycophron in the 3rd century B.C.Here are some popular examples:Dormitory?= Dirty room.School master = The?classroom.Conversation = Voices rant on.Listen =?Silent.Astronomer?= Moon starer.The eyes = They see.A gentleman = Elegant man.Funeral?= Real fun.Anagrams are more than tricky word puzzles. They usually involve satire, criticism, or deep commentary on a subject. Throughout Long Way Down, Jason Reynolds uses anagrams in these creative ways.Now it’s your turn!Scan the following URLs and find 1 anagram that fits the themes and characters in the novel. Or…you can try and make up one on your own!In a Word document, post your anagram, and in a constructed response of 7-10 sentences, explain its connections to what we have been reading in class. REFER TO SPECIFICS FROM THE BOOK IN YOUR ANSWER! ................

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