Muscle Sites - Saddleback College

Muscular System Web Sites Biology 11

Saddleback College

Dr. Jane Horlings

Charlie Harrison’s Human Anatomy Home Page. Useful photographs of cat dissections, our models and more.

Muscular System. Great photos of cat musculature from Biology 129, Penn State.

Muscle Anatomy. More cat photos and includes a good paragraph describing their location and how to identify them! From the University of Wisconsin at La Cross. This includes detailed descriptions.

Web Based Cat Dissection Review Tutorial. From McGraw-Hill and Penn State University. The Muscular Dissection Chapter is a free demo. It is very nicely done with much detail and information.

Cat Images, from Illinois Valley Community College. I like these because of the good quality of the photos, and the nice labels/tables. Might make nice study sheets if you have the color ink to spare! There’s a short “practical” to take, as well.

Cat Muscles, from Midlands Technical College. Can hide labels or show. Good icon at upper right shows you where you are on the cat body! Pull down menus take you to different views on the cat body. You can hide labels without hiding the lines to make quizzes for yourself for labeling.

Central Florida Community College. Online Cat dissection. Very clear unlabeled photos!

Cat Muscles. From Tyler Junior College.

Cat Anatomy Tutorial from Kenyon College, Gambier, OH.

Virtual Cat, from Delaware County Community College. The Cat Box.

Muscular System. Virtual Cat Dissection Site. Also from Penn State, but not as nice as the Strauss site!

Cat Muscles. Unlabeled photographs with prompts of what you should be able to identify. Good for self-quizzing.

And More Cat Muscles! Show labels after quizzing yourself in this nice progression of slide/photos.

Cat Muscle Dissection Videos. Quicktime videos of skinning, musculature of selected parts of the body from a Zoology class.

List of Muscles. Information on human musculature. Identifies individual muscles with a diagram, and a listing of the origin, insertion, action, and innervation. From Loyola University Medical Education Network. Rather like electronic flash cards.

. This has lots of information to look through, and the initial screen is a fun one that you can do mouseovers on body to see muscle names. Good for review.

Complete Muscle Tables of the Human Body. This site contains comprehensive information on human muscles. More than you’d ever want to memorize!

Muscle Models

Biology 210. From Midlands Technical College. THE best site out there for models—and models are really just cartoons of reality….. good stuff here! Use the drop-down menus to navigate. You can show or hide labels and/or the lines. If you hide labels and leave on the lines, you can create quizzes for self-testing.

Biology 210. From Midlands Technical College. A pretty in-depth quiz on muscles on models.

Photographs of models showing musculature. From Palomar College.

Muscles Tutorial. Another web site that shows muscle models.


Muscular System. Jay Doc Histo Web. The University of Kansas Histology site. You can click on cartilage and bone to view photomicrographs and electron micrographs of histological sections. Expanded views show much detail.

Histology of Muscle Tissue. A few nice photomicrographs and accompanying descriptive text.

Muscle Tissues. From North Harris College. Worth a quick look.

General Resources (might want to bookmark these):

Anatomy and Physiology WWW Sites. From North Harris College, Houston, Texas. What a resource! Check out the links on this page!

Links to Human Anatomy Web Pages. From Bluegrass Community and Technical College. Among other things, links listed by system, including a good list of histology links.

Updated 8 February 2006 Dr. Jane Horlings; Saddleback College


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