Mrs. Weber- Anatomy and PhysiologyFinal ExamUsing Figure 1.1, answer the following multiple-choice questions.Figure 1.1Label A points to the __________________________ cavity.CranialThoracicVentralAbdominalLabel B points to the __________________________ cavity.ThoracicAbdominalCranialDorsalLabel C points to the ___________________________ cavity.VentralDorsalAbdominalPelvicLabel D points to the ____________________________.Abdominal cavityVentral cavityRibcageDiaphragmLabel E points to the ____________________________ cavity.DorsalAbdominalCranialPelvicLabel F points to the _____________________________ cavity.PelvicAbdominopelvicDorsalVentralGroups of similar cells that have a common function are called __________.TissuesOrgansOrgan systemsCellsGroups of similar tissues that perform a specific function are called __________________.CellsTissuesOrgansOrganismsThe small intestine is part of the _____________________ system.ExcretoryReproductiveNervousDigestiveThe system that stores minerals and produces red blood cells is the _________________________ system.CirculatoryDigestiveSkeletalEndocrineThe study of microscopic structures found in the body is ___________________.Microanatomy Comparative anatomyGross anatomyAnatomy and physiologyThe body’s ability to maintain a balance with the outside environment is called ______________________.MetabolismHomeostasisEquilibriumEndocrinologyThe skull is _________________ to the bellybutton.DorsalPosteriorAnteriorMedialThe wrist is __________________ to the elbow.DistalProximalMid-SagittalDorsalAnother term for the horizontal plane is the ____________________ plane.SagittalDorsalTransverseVerticalThe study of the structures of the body is called _____________________.AnatomyPhysiologyGross anatomyBiologyThe outer layer of the skin is _____________________.DermisSubcutaneous layerEpidermisHypodermisThe innermost layer of the skin is ___________________.EpidermisSubcutaneousHypodermisDermisThe area at the bottom of the Dermis that contains a layer of fat is called the __________________________.SubcutaneousDermisEpidermisHypodermisThe substance responsible for the color of skin is___________________.MelaninSerotoninMycinActinAll of the following are functions of skin except:ProtectionTemperature regulationSensationVitamin B synthesisThe most common form of skin cancer is _____________________.MelanomaSquamous cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinomaSarcomaA second degree burn is characterized by ___________________.Red peeling skinWhite patchesBlistersBlack, charred skinThe _____________________ is the tiny muscle that makes your hair stand on end.Erector piniErector pileErector penileErector piliVitiligo is characterized by:Scaly skinRed patchesAbsence of pigmentPustulesThe two divisions that make up the skeletal system are the:Appendix and axelAppendicular and apexAppendage and apicalAppendicular and axialAll of the following are functions of the Skeletal System except:Production of RBC’s ProtectionSupportBreakdown of enzymesThe adult Human Body has _____________ bones.206230216300The substance that connects muscle to bone is______________.LigamentTendonCartilageConnective tissue_________________ is the material that separates the bones in our vertebral column.TendonCartilageLigamentBursaThe longest and strongest bone in the body is the __________________.SternumTibiaHumerusFemurThe Central Nervous System consists of:Brain and Spinal CordSpinal cord and Peripheral nervesPeripheral nerves and BrainCerebrum and MedullaThe scientific name for a nerve cell is:NeurologyNeural linkSensory organNeuronThe gap between one neuron and the next neuron is the:AxonCytonSynapseNeurotransmitterThe part of the brain responsible for memory is the:CerebrumMedullaPonsCerebellumThe senses felt by the skin are:Pressure, touch, heat, cold, and painTouch, heat, and cold onlySight, smell, hearing, and tastePressure, hearing, touch, painMotor neurons carry nerve impulses to the muscles from the____________.SensesBrainSpinal cordCerebellumAn example of a reflex arc is:A knee jerkPutting your hand on a hot pot and removing itAll of the aboveNone of the aboveWhat part of the eye adjusts to help us focus more clearly?RetinaPupilCorneaLensThe part of the brain responsible for vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing is the:CerebrumMedulla oblongataCerebellumPonsWhich of the following is the name of the nerve that allows us to see?OpticAuditorySciaticaRenalWhat is the name for any factor that causes a sensory neuron to begin to function?An effectorA receptorA responseA stimulusApart from hearing, what is the other major function of the ear?TasteHormone secretionReduction of nerve impulsesBalanceA stimulant is a type of drug that:Increases the rate of the CNSDecreases the rate of the CNSHas no effect on the rate of the CNSCauses an overdoseUsing the Diagram below, answer the following questions.Number 1 represents:Axon terminalsDendritesSynapseCytonNumber 2 represents:DendritesCytonMyelinAxonNumber 3 represents:NucleusCytonSynapseMyelinNumber 4 represents:Terminal branchesMyelinAxonDendritesNumber 5 represents:Axon terminalsCytonNucleusMyelin coatingUsing Figure 1.2, identify the following:The Oral Cavity is indicated by letter______.BC AMThe Large Intestine is indicated by letter _____.HEFJThe Salivary Glands are indicated by letter ____.ABOCThe Small Intestine is indicated by letter____.IFLJThe Liver is indicated by letter _____.DACBThe Tongue is indicated by letter _____.ONABThe Esophagus is indicated by letter ____.NOCDThe Stomach is indicated by letter ____.DEMLThe Spleen is indicated by letter _____.EMJKThe Rectum is indicated by letter ____.IGHFThe Pharynx is indicated by letter ____.NOABThe Anus is indicated by letter ____.IHLGThe Appendix is indicated by letter ____.JFIHThe Pancreas is indicated by letter _____.DELCThe Gall Bladder is indicated by letter ____.EDJFThe Large wrinkle like folds in the stomach wall that allow for expansion when the stomach fills up is:RugaeRugbyRuggerRougeFood that resembles chunky soup, after being processed by the stomach, is called:ChemicalsChemoChimeChymeThe process of eliminating indigestible residues from the GI tract is called:EgestionIngestionIndigestionDigestionBile is formed by the _______ and stored in the ____________.Liver, gall bladderLiver, spleenLiver, pancreasLiver, stomachWhen full, the average stomach can hold approximately:1 liter of food2 liters of food3 liters of food4 liters of foodThe release of food from the stomach into the small intestine is regulated by the:Pyloric sphincterAnal sphincterEsophageal sphincterOral sphincterProtein digestion begins in the:StomachPancreasLiverMouthThe primary site of water absorption is the:MouthLiverSmall intestineLarge intestineThe site of vitamin k synthesis is the:Large intestineSmall intestineStomachLiverSite where starch digestion begins is the:StomachMouthSmall intestinePancreasToo much water being absorbed in the large intestine will cause the following:DiarrheaUlcersGasConstipation ................

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