Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses

Committee Charters 2013 – 2016

|MARN Mission Statement: Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses (MARN) is committed to the advancement of the profession of |

|nursing and of quality patient care across the Commonwealth. |

|Date of Charter Development: July 2013 |

|Awards and Living Legends Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Maura Fitzgerald |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: The Awards and Living Legends Committees meet in person in June and by teleconference 2-3 other times each |

|year. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement: |

|The Awards and Living Legends Committees are committed to the advancement of the profession of nursing by annually honoring the |

|accomplishments & contributions of our colleagues at the MARN Awards dinner. The Awards committee also advances the profession by |

|presenting the Davis and Fitzgerald Scholarships each year at the Awards dinner. These scholarships allow the recipients to advance |

|their education or career by attending school or a nursing conference, or working on a humanitarian aid project. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|To have at least two nominations for each award and scholarship |

|To present 1-2 Living Legend Awards each year. |

|To develop one new scholarship & or award |

|To solicit applications for annual MARN awards and scholarships, review applications, and select the most deserving awardees as agreed |

|upon the committee that reflects the awards and scholarship criteria and mission of MARN. |

|To host the annual MARN Awards dinner |

|ByLaws Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Mary McKenzie |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: as needed |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|none |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|Present bylaw changes and review policies annually |

|Conference Planning Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Cynthia LaSala |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: As needed, usually monthly. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|Inherent in the commitment to advancing the profession of nursing and of promoting quality patient care is the notion of life-long |

|learning related to professional issues across all nursing roles and settings. The Committee provides this resource to nurses in the |

|commonwealth. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|Provide relevant continuing education programs that address the educational needs of professional nurses and nursing students across |

|Massachusetts at a reasonable cost. |

|To increase attendance at each educational offering in order to increase MARN’s visibility and membership. |

|To explore alternative methods of providing nursing continuing education. |

|Establish procedures and guidelines for committee activities that can be followed by succeeding committees e.g. selection of topics and|

|speakers, timelines, exhibitor contacts and forms, poster submissions, etc. |

|Recruit additional Committee members to enable the Committee to not only maintain its current activities but explore other innovative |

|educational programming alternatives while maintaining communication, cohesion and support. |

|Continuing Education Committee/Accredited Approver Unit |

|Nurse Peer Review Leader: Judy L. Sheehan, MSN, RN |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: |

|Monthly meetings are held, usually face-to-face but may be via conference call on the first Wednesday of the month. Recently, the |

|dates have been fluid for the sake of convenience. Meetings have recently been divided alternately: Full meetings for the entire group|

|and Executive Meetings of the Nurse Peer Review Leader and Senior Nurse Peer Reviewers only in an effort to be sensitive to the ability|

|of nurse peer reviewers competing employment time schedule. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|The Approver Unit supports the vision and values of MARN by insuring that nurses throughout the Commonwealth and beyond have available |

|to them, the highest standards of continuing nursing education through ANCC accreditation. Life-long learning is the responsibility of|

|all professional nurses in order to insure the nurse’s ability to respond to the ever changing health care environment and the health |

|care needs of the population. |

|Annual Goals 2013 |

|To implement the 2013 ANCC criteria including certification of all nurse peer reviewers and distribution of all new forms and |

|applications to providers. |

|To move the function of the committee to an electronic rather than paper milieu; to make agenda, minutes and other documents available |

|for committee members to review on line in a CEC web site developed and monitored by the NPRL. |

|To continue to work on moving toward an electronic activity application process. |

|To reevaluate the work flow of the committee; to utilize support systems as appropriate. |

|To continue to provider an educational provider symposium in both the Eastern and Western sections of MA. |

|To continue to focus on recruitment and retention of peer reviewers on the Accredited Approver Unit and to adjust meeting times and |

|agendas to better meet the needs of peer reviewers; to reassess the orientation process via a sub-committee |

|To investigate new sources of revenue for the CEC e.g. consultation. |

|To continue to remain up to date with ANCC information via such activities as monitoring the ANCC web site and attendance at ANCC |

|educational workshops or webinars. |

|To continue to monitor the CEC/Approver Unit Outcomes/Evaluation Plan on an ongoing and as needed basis. |

|To maintain a relationship with the MARN Board of Directors to facilitate the work of the CEC via working closely with the liaison and |

|attending the quarterly BOD Chair meetings. |

|To utilize the forum of the MARN Newsletter to communicate with actual and potential providers. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|Change in operations to achieve strategic goals by moving the Approver Unit from dependence on volunteers to a sustainable business |

|model |

|Operational improvements |

|Introduce an electronic version of the Individual Activity application |

|Health Policy Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Maura Flynn |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: |

|The HPC will meet every other month on a weekday evening TBD by the committee. At least 4 meetings will be face-to-face and others will|

|be via conference call or other meeting technology. Additional meetings will be added as needed depending on pertinent legislative |

|activity. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement: |

|The Health Policy Committee will advocate for patients and the profession of nursing through policy and legislation consistent with the|

|MARN mission and vision. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|HPC will: |

|Identify a legislative platform |

|Educate and engage members on legislative and policy issues |

|Establish a visible presence at the State House and educate legislators and policy-makers on nursing priorities. |

|Membership Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Janet Ross |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: Monthly meetings until all goals have been achieved. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement: |

|The work of the Membership Committee supports the advancement of both professional nursing and quality patient care within the MARN |

|organization. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|Develop a committee charter that clearly and concisely articulates the value of the committee, concise statement(s) of purpose, goals, |

|and prescribed outcome measures of success or rationale for sunset and/or to repurpose itself into a contemporary task force centered |

|on a selected/focused issue. |

|Develop operating policies and procedures within the first 12-months of the approval of this organizational plan, to include at minimum|

|term limits for committee members and chair, as well as the process for becoming the committee chair. |

|Organize, publicize and hold at least two networking events which will encourage social and collegial interactions between MARN members|

|across a wide range of nursing practice experience within the first 12-months of the approval of this organizational plan. |

|Reach out to at least 15 current MARN members who might potentially want to join either the Membership or another MARN committee, |

|focusing efforts on contacting 5 members each from three equally-sized groups: long-term, medium and shorter-term members. |

|Achieve a core Membership Committee group of 6 to 8 nurses. |

|Learn to use the technology (both in the form of equipment and support) as advised by a technology consultant to meet the committee’s |

|approved strategic plan. |

|Develop a committee participation mentoring program, by obtaining volunteers from each MARN committee who are willing to reach out to |

|any member who is interested in joining their committee. |

|Once goal 5 is achieved, re-populate ¼ of each committee per year with new members, in collaboration with the marketing/branding |

|consultant’s recommendations, and the Board of Directors. |

|Increase the attendance at the annual business meeting by 5% per year, in collaboration with the technology consultant’s |

|recommendations, and the Board of Directors. |

|Newsletter Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Myra Cacace |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: Face to face meeting at least annually and by email on a quarterly and as needed basis |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|The MAssachusetts Report on Nursing reports on the organization’s leadership and advocacy efforts and provides education to enhance |

|practice. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|1. Increase timely article submission by new authors from various practice venues and by others with important information pertinent to|

|the profession. |

|2. Timely distribution to maximize the ability to articulate the message of the organization |

|Nominations Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Judy Beal |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: The Nominations Committee meets 3-4 times in late winter and early spring to recruit candidates and prepare|

|a slate for elections and as necessary for any special elections. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|MARN is committed to the advancement of the profession… The Nominations Committee’s work supports this mission by selecting |

|candidates who are well qualified professionals who are dedicated to the profession of nursing. |

|The mission shall be unrestricted… The Nominations Committee’s work supports this mission by recruiting a diverse candidate pool for |

|the slate. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: |

|To establish leadership criteria for positions and a vetting process for candidates. |

|To recruit and prepare a slate of candidates for the ANA Membership Assembly |

|To recruit and prepare a slate of candidates for the annual election of officers |

|Technology Committee |

|Committee Chair(s): Susan Conrad, acting |

|Committee Meeting Schedule: Virtual meetings once a month, usually first Monday at 5PM. |

|Statement of Congruence between the Committee to the Mission Statement |

|The activities of the Technology Committee are directed to better utilizing technology as a tool to accomplish the Association's |

|mission, vision, and functions. |

|Goal(s) of the Committee for 2013 - 2016: Goals 2013 – 2014 |

|Evaluate the upgraded MARN website, monitor the traffic, and make recommendations for improvements to increase traffic. |

|2) Provide education to board members and committee chairs on the upgraded website and/or SkyDrive. |

|3) Increase participation by professional nursing organizations in the Community Calendar |

|4) Investigate the role of technology and this committee in the marketing of MARN. |


Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses


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