
2021 Business/Sports Plan Community Contact Information:Phone Number: 907-538-4050Address: P.O. Box 140316, Anchorage, AK 99514Email: Anchorage@Facebook: Location: Public Storage on DowlingOrganization and Administration:Volunteer Community Director/POC: Kim Ferko, CDTechnology/GMS: Edie KnappFundraising: Competition: Patty LayouFinance: Kim FerkoVolunteers: Frank RuddIntake Meetings: Kim Ferko, Donna DavidsonCommunity/Public Relations/Social Media: Other: Mona Murphy, Nancy Alzheimer, Barb Knaak, Broyles Family, Jasmine Dirkes, Tom MorinTotal Budget: $55.000COVID-19 2021 Projected Overall BudgetNormal Overall BudgetINCOME$63,000 LETR$45,000.00$50,000 ERHL Hockey $5,000.00$8,000 Sponsorships/Grants$2,500.00$2,500 General Donations$2,500.00$2,500Total Income$55,000.00$63,000EXPENSES?Sports $30,000.00?$21,000 Facilities – Swimming$1,600.00$1,600 Facilities – Basketball $3,100.00$500 Facilities – Snowshoe$1,500.00$500 Facilities – Floor Hockey$6,000.00$500 Facilities – Bocce$1,800.00$1,200 Facilities – Bowling $15,000.00$15,000 Facilities – Golf $3,000.00$5,700 Equipment –$1,500.00$5,000 Other (Registration fees, Healthy Initiatives)$10,500.00$13,000Travel – $0$2,000Total Sports Expense$44,000.00$45,000??Non-Sports?Food$500.00$2,500Personnel (recognition, coaches education, etc.)$1,000.00$1,000Supplies (local competition, postage, copies, etc.)$2,500.00$2,500Rentals (storage unit, LETR, etc)$3,000.00$4,000Awareness/Advertising (banners, adversails, LETR)$4,000.00$3,000Total Non-Sport Expense$11,000.00$15,000Overall Total Expense$55,000.00$60,000 Law Enforcement Torch2021 Law Enforcement Torch Run and Pledge Drive—Saturday, May 15 (Virtual if COVID-19 resumes)Goal for “Normal Year”: $50,000Goal for COVID Projected Budget: $45,000Goal: increase delegation and family involvement (donors and participants) by 100% Goal: increase use of Firstgiving by 25% (LE and delegation)Community contact: Name: Teri Cunningham Email: teri@ Phone: 907-250-1584LE contact: Name: Matt Fraize Email__mfraize54@________Phone:907-952-0234Firstgiving Lead: Name: Teri Cunningham Email:__ teri@ Phone: 907-250-1584SPECIAL OLYMPICS ALASKA RETURN TO ACTIVITIES PHASESPhase 0COVID Risk Level: 25+ cases per 100,000 people on rolling 14 day average. No events or activities of any sort to be held in person. Individual sport training sessions in own home using own equipment. Coaching occurs virtually.Fitness and healthprogramming offered virtually or at home.Meetings, conferences or trainings to be held virtually.Phase 1COVID Risk Level:10-24 cases per 100,000 people on rolling 14-day average. High Risk Individuals are unable to participate in person and should continue to train/compete from home.Practices, health/fitness programs, fundraising and local events, with ≤10 people MAY resume if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitization protocols.No direct or indirect contact (e.g. through a ball in the hand) should take place.Virtual programming will continue to be made available for those not able to attend in person.School-based activities led by schools should comply with guidance from schools/districts.Phase 2COVID Risk Level: 1-9 cases per 100,000 people on rolling 14-day average. High Risk Individuals are unable to participate in person and should continue to train/compete from home.Practices, health/fitness programs, fundraising and local events, with ≤30 people MAY resume if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitization protocols.Indirect contact (e.g. through a ball in the hand) MAY resume. No direct contact should occur in sports.Virtual programming will be made available for those not able to attend in person.School-based activities led by schools should comply with guidance from schools/districts.Phase 3COVID Risk Level: Less than 1 case per 100,000 people on rolling 14-day average.High Risk Individuals can resume public interactions, but should practice physical distancing, minimizing exposure to social settings where distancing may not be practical, unless precautionary measures are observed. Large Competitions and Events (with people traveling from multiple communities who are in same phase) MAY potentially occur, if local and federal restrictions allow holding of mass activities. Virtual programming should still be made available to those not able to attend in person.2021 Goals JBTCContinue to utilize the facility for sports training, volunteer trainings, CMT meetings, event, activities, new athlete intake meetings, etc.Opportunities for health and wellness education will be made and information will be sent out via the Anchorage email list and mailing list.We will begin to develop a team of volunteers who will be identified as facility support.Advance Quality Sports & Competitions (COVID-19 plan in RED) Sports Seasons:2020/2021 Winter SeasonThe following sports may be offered within Phase 1 or 2 of Return to Play (RTP): Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Cross Country Skiing, Snowshoeing; Unified Floor Hockey and Figure Skating will not be offered unless Anchorage is in Phase 3 of reopeningSeason duration: Dec. 2020 – March 2021; Registration open Nov. 2020Competition Expectations: Local competitions should be held second/third week of Feb. 2021; 2021 Winter Games will not be offered in the traditional format. Outside communities will not travel to Anchorage for an in-person Games. Instead, Winter Games competitions (individual sports only, no team sports) are expected to be conducted within each community by a traveling committee to ensure standardized competitions.2021 Summer Season The following sports may be offered within Phase 1 or 2 of RTP: Track & Field, Swimming, Individual Skills Basketball, Powerlifting, Gymnastics; Team Basketball will not be offered unless Anchorage is in Phase 3 of reopening.Season duration: March 2021-June 2021; Registration open Feb. 2021Competition Expectations: Local competitions should be held second/third week of May 2021; 2021 Summer Games will not be offered in the traditional format. Outside communities will not travel to Anchorage for an in-person Games. Instead, Summer Games competitions (individual sports only, no team sports) are expected to be conducted within each community by a traveling committee to ensure standardized competitions.2021 Fall Season The following sports may be offered within Phase 1 or 2 of RTP: Unified Bocce & Unified GolfSeason duration: June 2021-September 2021; Registration open May 2021Competition Expectations: Local competitions should be held second/third week of August 2021; 2021 Fall Tournament will be held in typical format (Sept. 11-12), with communities outside of Anchorage traveling in for competition. 2021 Bowling Season Bowling may be offered within Phase 2 or 3 of RTP.Season duration: Aug 2021-Nov 2021; Registration open July petition Expectations: Local competitions should be held second/third week of October 2021; 2021 Bowling Tournament is expected to take place virtually using bowling tournament software (League Secretary), with teams competing against other athletes from around the state, while bowling from their local alleys. Coaches: Currently certified, active Alpine skiing – 2 (+ 1 in progress)Basketball – 3Bocce - 1Bowling – 4 Cross Country Skiing – (+2 in progress Nov 2020)Figure Skating - 0Floor Hockey – 2Golf – 0 (+1 in progress)Gymnastics - 0Powerlifting – 1Snowboarding – 2 (non-active for 2021)Snowshoeing – 2Swimming - 1 Track and Field - 1Have at least 1 certified head coach per sport. For sports with a certified head coach, have at least 1 certified assistant coach. Send to Coaches Training in 2021:(1) Bocce, (2) Basketball, (1-2) Track & Field, (1) Swimming, (1) Gymnastics, (1) Powerlifting, (1-2) Alpine Ski, (1-2) SnowboardHave 3 coaches receive their Level 3 sport certification. All Class A volunteers will utilize the SO Learning Portal for Protective Behaviors training and other online training.All coaches (whether certified or not) must complete the online concussion training.Hold a 2021 Coaches/volunteers Virtual meeting to include appreciation, update on seasons, discussion on sport budget and the need for involvement in the Torch Run.Ensure all coaches have read through and obtain copies of the 2020 Sport Rules.Hold pre-season coaches meetings (possibly Virtual). Coaches that cannot make it must have the meeting individually prior to starting the season.Recognize/thank coaches and lead volunteers after each sport season via thank you cards and/or other recognition.If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the following considerations will be taken into account for coaches education:Coaches to be educated on COVID-19 screening protocols.Coaches Trainings will likely occur in a virtual format and will be a combination of online courses and webinars.Partnerships: LE, Lions, Community Leagues, Agencies, Knights (volunteers)Build sports partnerships for volunteers, coaching and officiating, event management. Ex. Parks and Rec, Swim Clubs, School District, Officials associations, etc.If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the following considerations will be taken into account for partnerships:Provide virtual opportunities for community partners to engage with community program.Unified Sports: Ensure all Unified coaches complete the online Unified sports training prior to the start of the season.Recruit at least 3 new Unified partners if Unified Basketball is offered. If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the following considerations will be taken into account for Unified Sports:Unified Basketball and Unified Floor Hockey will not be offered in Phase 1 or 2. Unified Bowling will not be offered in Phase 1, but may (not guaranteed) be offered in Phase 2.Transition: Work with the school program in regards to activating the transition piece of athletes and partners. If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the following considerations will be taken into account for transition:School Program events may be postponed or cancelled. If that happens, other options might be available.Increase competition opportunities: Through sports partnerships, create more competition opportunities and game-like pete with other teams in the community.If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the emphasis will not be on creating more competition opportunities with outside teams/groups; Competition with outside teams/groups for team sports will be prohibited within Phase 1 and 2 of RTP. Local Competition Quality: Create Games and Tournament Organizing CommitteesWork with Director of Sports Development & Competition to division for local competition using the GMS 7 program.Utilize the “Local Competition Playbook” as a resource to plan and execute local competitionsLocal Competitions should be at the forefront of all community-based events. With COVID-19, there are no guarantees higher competition will be taking place.Emphasize the venue and competition quality for Local Competition. Attempt to make it as close to a state competition as possible.Highlight Local Competitions: Have at least 1 dignitary and one LE at each awards ceremonyHost at least 1 donor/sponsor to each competition. Identify one (or more) donor and ask them to attend an event, identify an athlete / volunteer to “host” them on site.If possible, have dignitaries at local competitions. Create a high-level setting during the event.Risk Management: Create a system to update contacts & special needs/meds each season and share information with Special Olympics Alaska. Update and maintain a working database of active athletes, partners and volunteers. Identify active and non-active community members.Hold new athlete orientation or “intake” meetings before a new athlete joins the program.Implement Emergency Action Plans for each sport training season and competition. Ensure all Class A volunteers complete the Protective Behaviors Training and have a current background check prior to participating in the program.If COVID-19 continues into 2021, the following considerations will be taken into account for risk management:Athlete and Volunteer Safety is the number one priority Proper Screening will need to be addressed at and before each practiceCoaches will need to be well versed on the training protocolsIf community COVID-19 numbers exceed a threshold, please ensure to follow the RTP phased approach for sports. Please refer to RTP for resuming activity in a community once numbers are lowered Fundraising events will continue to be virtual instead of in-person.Large gatherings will not be permitted inside a Special Olympics Alaska sanctioned event unless in Phase 3 of RTP.Virtual OpportunitiesOnline ChallengesOnline Fitness/Dryland trainingZoom meetings with athletes Unified sports nightsDance partiesBuild Special Olympics Alaska Communities 2021 Community GrowthCMT’s- Find a Social Media MemberAthletes- Less on Recruit, more on Retaining for 2021Unified Partners- Try to encourage more to join Volunteers- Continue to find new community Volunteers Public Awareness & EducationSocial Media – work with Director of Communications and Development on utilizing social media to promote activities and events, educate viewers and recruit for volunteers/outreach to athletes consistently. Work with Director of Communications and Development on creating a social media calendar by December 31, 2020. Press Release - work with Director of Communications and Development to generate and send out a press release for every local competition. Dignitaries- work with Director of Communications and Development on inviting dignitaries to local games and fundraisersFamily program development: Create working Family committee Increase education and communication going out to family members. Include agencies and support providers in “family.”Offer 2 education/networking/social events for families to come together (Spring/Fall). Engage families in the LETROffer regularly scheduled intake meetings for new families to introduce them to the program.Grow Special Olympics Alaska Revenue and its Brand through connecting fans and fundsFocus: LETRIncrease Public awareness for target fans (see partnerships, fundraising, and families)Use social media as a communication platform for fundraising and awarenessIncrease education and communication to delegation and in the community develop 2021 targeted planStrengthen Special Olympics Alaska by establishing Sustainable capabilitiesSee fundraising and movement leadership2021 Local Calendar Work with the Director of Community Programs to develop a “template calendar” for 2021 (Due Dec 1, 2020) Keep the calendar updated throughout the year so it can be current on the website.Meet all timelines for 2021 to includeWinter Local Games Sanction Form- Feb 19, 2021Summer Training registration – March 8, 2021Summer Local Games sanction form – April 19, 2021Summer Local Games results and registration for State – May 17, 2021Fall Training registration – June 7, 2021Fall Local Games sanction form – July 19, 2021Fall Local Games results and registration for State – August 2, 2021Bowling Training registration – August 9, 2021Bowling Local Games sanction form – September 27, 2021Bowling Local Games results and registration for State – October 18, 2021Winter Training registration – November 22, 2021Develop Special Olympics Alaska Movement LeadershipCMT and leadership – develop working committees for fundraising events, competition, families, and athletes.Succession planning for CMTRecruit new volunteers from the community to fill vacant CMT positions.Finance, Equipment, Community/PR/Social Media, Family Services, Outreach, School Program Liaison, Youth Representative Send 2-3 CMT members (more if available) to attend the 2021 Community Leadership Conference on February 19, 20, 2021.Develop a plan for Athlete LeadershipAthlete leaders on the Torch Run CommitteeAthlete leaders speaking to media, hosting social mediaAthlete leaders planning local games and competitions2017-2021 Strategic PlanThe Special Olympics Alaska Board of Directors is updating its 5-year strategic plan (2017-2021).?As in the past, it aligns with the Special Olympics International Global Strategy.?Each local sub-program’s 2021 Accreditation (Sports and Business Plan) will align with the Special Olympics Alaska Strategic Plan while addressing its needs and goals of the special Alaskan community.? As we continue down this exciting road together towards fulfilling our mission on a daily basis, we recognize that the important work done at the local level is what makes our athlete experience the best possible.?Thank you for continuing to do what you do and to make a difference in the lives of Alaskans with intellectual disabilities, their families and the community members who engage with the program. ................

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