My African Empire NotesName: ___________________________Period: ______________1. How large is the continent of Africa?2. Three important facts about the Sahara desert: 3. What is a griot?4. Describe an African ruler’s throne:Ancient Africa Cornell Notes1. What Kingdom grew up south of Egypt, along the Nile? What were both of its names?2. What similarities did ancient Kush have to Egypt?3. What was the first and second capitals of ancient Kush? Why did they move the capital?4. After Meroe became the capital of Kush, list at least 3 ways in which Kush became different from Egypt.5. What was the major industry of Meroe?6. When and why do some scholars believe the ancient kingdom of Kush came to an end?Kingdoms of the Nile Cornell Notes1. What contributed to the rise of the kingdom of Ghana and it’s great wealth?2. How did the kings of Ghana benefit from the gold trade?3. What animal contributed to trade across the Sahara? What were its benefits?4. Who was Al Bakri?5. Why was salt so valuable? How valuable was it?6. What responsibilities did the kings of Ghana have?Ghana: Land of Gold Cornell NotesMali and Songhai Cornell Notes1. When did Mali take over power from Ghana? How long did Mali remain in control?2. What country finally took over from Mali? How long did it remain in power?3. What religion and language spread throughout Northern and Western Africa?4. Who was the first ruler of Mali? How did he create the Mali empire?5. Who was Mali’s 2nd great King? What journey is he most famous for?6. What city was the center of Islamic learning?7. Who was Sunni Ali? 8. What change did Askia Muhammad bring to Songhai’s military?1. What is the Ashanti kingdom now known as? When did the Ashanti empire begin?2. What is the legend about how the empire first began?3. Who were the advisors to the king? How did this help the king govern well?4. How were the British first welcomed to the Ashanti empire? How did the British respond?5. When did the Ashanti win back their independence?6. What is kente cloth? What is its significance?Ashanti Kings Then & Now Notes ................

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