
Ancient China ProjectThis project has two parts- be sure that you do your best to complete both parts.Part one- Timeline- 70 points.Students will be given a timeline sheet, which we will set up together in class and label all year markers. From there, students will place all events properly on the timeline. A list of the events is provided for students below. Students will need to find the year in which the events occurred and order them from oldest to newest. Then students will place the event in the appropriate place on their timeline. Students will include a short description of the event and the year that it occurred. Students will then select 10 of the 25 events to illustrate on the timeline paper. These illustrations may be hand drawn or printed but need to be in color. The grade will be determined based on if all requirements are met, the timeline is neat and the information is accurate. The following events need to be displayed on the timeline :The Han capital of Luoyang was destroyed The death of Genghis KhanBeginning of the Tang dynastyWhen Yong Le moved the capital to BeijingThe beginning of the Qin dynastyEnd of the Tang dynastyGrand Canal links northern and southern ChinaInvention of the magnetic compassThe beginning of the Zhou dynastyThe meeting of the Mongol leaders that lead to the election of Genghis KhanWhen Kublai Khan finished conquering southern China.The beginning of the Han dynastyThe first recorded flood of the Huang HeThe end of the Shang kings ruleThe death of ConfuciusZheng He’s final voyageThe estimated time Buddhism spread to ChinaThe beginning of the Song dynastyWhen Kublai Khan become the Mongol leaderThe end of the Qin dynastyEnd of the Han dynasty The first of Zheng He’s voyagesThe printing of paper moneyThe estimated birth of ConfuciusEnd of the Song dynastyPart Two- Summary Writing- 30 pointsThis part may be done neatly on the back of your timeline or on a separate sheet of paper (typing is fine) and attached to the back of your timeline. Students will answer the following six questions as outlined below. This section is to contain ONLY what we learned from the textbook, students are not to do any other outside research to summarize what we have learned. These will be graded on accuracy, neatness, and display of a complete understanding of what was been taught in these two chapters.How did the Mongols impact China throughout Chinese history? (Include important leaders, changes in the empire during that time, fights/battles/fighting styles, the way Mongol’s rules, and the overall impact they had on China)- This needs to be at least 4 sentences.What inventions changed the Chinese peoples? (Include the specific inventions mentioned and the impact they had on the Chinese people or the civilization overall.)- This needs to be at least 4 pare and contrast two of the dynasties described in the book. (Included the impact they had, events that developed during each rule, and any positive or negative effects of the rule of the dynasty). This needs be at least 5 or 6 sentences.Throughout the history of China, describe the benefits which came from China being united. (Include specific examples of how it helped or hurt them, ways in which they were united or split apart, as well as any reasoning behind the unifications or separations). This needs to be at least 3 sentences.Explain how the geography of China impacted the development and history of the civilization. (describe the geography/geographic features, ways in which it helped or hurt settlements or developments, and any necessary changes that were made to adapt to the environment). This needs to be at least 4 sentences.Describe the various religions which were part of Chinese history. Give a brief description of each, how it impacted China, and any important major beliefs that played a part. (Include Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism and Buddhism. You may refer to other chapters to refresh your understanding of the religions – chapter 9). This needs to be at least 6 to 8 sentences.Student need to be sure to attach their writing to the timeline portion before turning the project in. The student’s name and period need to be on the back of the time and/or on the writing attached to the timeline. Students will have one class period to begin the project. The project will be due February 6. Late projects will be deducted 10 points for each A day that it is late. ................

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