Temperance Elementary School

Temperance Elementary School

Third Grade

Mrs. Stinnett



November 26, 2018


Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! Students are now hard at work in class and preparing for the upcoming musical on December 10th.

We are currently working on math SOL 3.6 The students are determining the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less. They will compare the value of two sets of coins and bills. Students will also make change from $5.00 or less.

During whole group reading students have been working on 3.5d. Students are identifying story elements and then comparing characters, setting, and plot.

Students are working in small group reading groups to read The Witches, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, or various readers. Students are working on comprehension questions here at school and will either have reading or questions to complete for homework each night.

Students are working on using their five senses to help them write descriptive papers. They are learning how to use a thesaurus to make their writing interesting.

Our science unit is covering SOL 3.6. The students will investigate ecosystems that support a diversity of plants and animals that share limited resources. Key concepts include aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, populations and communities, and the human role in conserving limited resources. Key vocabulary includes: aquatic, terrestrial, ecosystem, population, community, resource, organism, observation, prediction, question, limited resources, swamp, marsh, pond, river, stream, ocean, desert, rainforest, forest, grassland, freshwater, and saltwater. Bolded words have been focused on so far.

Students will be learning how the contributions of Ancient China and Egypt have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written language. We will look into SOL 3.5 to view how these two ancient civilizations have changed over time. We will also be looking at SOL 3.7 to see how human activities develop in response to physical environments in both China and Egypt. We will begin learning about China first in SOLs 3.2, 3.5, and 3.7.

I will be out on Tuesday, November 27th. That afternoon is our scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences. I will be available Thursday after school to make up conferences if anyone needs to meet. Please let me know.

Dates to Remember:

November 26th-2nd nine week interims go home

November 29th- Parent/Teacher conferences for third grade

December 3rd-7th- Kris Kringle Shop

December 7th- Evening with Santa

December 10th- Winter Musical (3rd-5th) Students arrive at 6:15. Musical at 6:45

Thanks for all you do,

Carla Fitzgerald Stinnett


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