6th Grade History - Manzanita Elementary School

6th Grade History

Chapter 10


1. What’s another name for the Huang He River, and why?

2. What is loess?

3. What is a tributary?

4. Where did China’s first civilization develop?

5. Why was early China called the Middle Kingdom?


1. Why is it difficult to learn about the Xia Dynasty?

Answer: No written records.

2. What is a dynasty?

3. Who was the first king of the Xia Dynasty?

4. What metal did Shang artists use?

5. What did the artists make with the metal?

6. What are oracle bones?

7. How did scholars learn about the Shang Dynasty?


1. Explain the Mandate of Heaven.

2. Describe the two Chinese classes in society.

3. Why was the Zhou Dynasty difficult to govern?

4. What caused the era of Warring States, and what was life like during this time?

5. Why was the Zhou Dynasty called the Era of Warring States from 441 to 221 B.C.?

6. What weapon proved to be very effective, and why?

7. What are cavalry?


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