
SOCIAL STUDIES: ANCIENT EGYPT TEST DEC. 21CAUSE AND EFFECTName: __________________________________________________Fill in the CAUSE or EFFECT for each of the aspects of Ancient Egypt listed below. The goal is for you to demonstrate an understanding of the cause or effect, beyond the definition.CAUSEEFFECTCAUSE: Geography played a key role in the development of Egyptian civilization (pg. 86)The Nile River brought life to Egypt. Lower Egypt developed above Upper Egypt due to the Nile’s flow. The Nile River floods produced silt which made the soil fertile. Egyptian farmers used irrigation to farm in dry weather. EFFECT: Ancient Egyptians enjoyed a varied diet because Egyptian farmers were able to grow wheat, barley, fruits and vegetables, and raised cattle and sheep. Also, many types of fish, wild geese and ducks were hunted. (pg. 88)Ancient Egyptians believed that Egypt belonged to the gods, and that the pharaoh was a god. EFFECT: Pharoahs had absolute power over all the land and people in Ancient Egypt. However, Egyptians blamed the pharaoh if crops did not grow well or disease struck. (pg. 90)CAUSE: Ancient Egyptians practiced polytheism. (pg. 92)Egyptians had many gods to help them understand natural events. Gods were connected to events like death (Osiris) and things that occurred in nature (Ra, the Sun God)Egyptians believed in an afterlife, or life after death. EFFECT: Egyptians decorated their tombs with paintings, and believed in the concept of “ka,” or life force. Ancient Egyptian burial practices included mummification and building pyramids.(pg. 92-93)CAUSE: Ramses the Great was the longest ruling Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, known as a fierce warrior and builder of monuments (pg. 98, 101)Ramses became an army captain at age 10. He is best known for building, and built the largest temples at Abu Simbel, Karnak and Luxor. CAUSE: Egyptians are remembered for their cultural achievements. (pg. 102)Egyptians created hieroglyphic writing, papyrus, pyramids, and obelisks.The Egyptians developed papyrus which allowed their writing to survive throughout time. EFFECT: Today, historians can read Egyptian government and historical records, science, text, medical, literary, and myths. (pg. 103)CAUSE: Cataracts in the Nile kept Kush safe from Egyptian invaders from the north (pg. 108)The cataracts were difficult to navigate, and prevented the Egyptians from attaching Kush.CAUSE: Egyptians rulers feared Kush would grow more powerful and attack Egypt (pg. 109) To keep Kush powerless, the Ancient Egyptian army took over the Kush capital. Eventually, Kush became a part of Egypt.Iron ore was discovered near Meroe, and the Kushites used it to make tools and weapons.EFFECT: Meroe became the economic center, and capital city, of the Kush empire (pg. 111) ................

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