Medicine Through Time – Knowledge Test - History on the Net

Medicine Through Time – Knowledge Test – Prehistoric to Middle Ages

1. What does prehistory mean?

Before written history

1 mark

2. Which people living today are a good source for prehistoric medicine?


1 mark

3. Give 3 facts about prehistoric people’s health.

• Healthy teeth, osteoarthritis, strong muscles, high death rate among babies, people died young

3 marks

4. How did prehistoric people treat illnesses and injuries?

Herbs and plants. Could set broken bones, trephining

3 marks

5. How did communication affect ancient Egyptian medicine?

Treatments and remedies could be written down and passed on accurately

Improved trade links with India,China and Africa brought new herbs and plants

2 marks

6. What was the name of the Greek God of healing?


1 mark

7. Describe what happened in an Asclepion temple.

Went to temple, made offering to the God, went to sleep, God visited, patient had a dream and woke up cured.

5 marks

8. Describe the theory of the four humours.

Linked to four seasons and four elements, four humours were – phlegm, blood, yellow bile, black bile, to be healthy all had to be in balance, phlegm cold moist – water – winter; blood – spring, hot moist; yellow bile – summer – hot and dry; black bile – cold dry, autumn.

8 marks

9. Why was Hippocrates important

known as father of medicine, Hippocratic oath, books, four humours, observations and records, natural treatments not Gods.

5 marks

10. What part did the army play in the development of Roman medicine

surgeons gained experience and found new cures. Army needed to stay healthy so more care taken to find new cures.

3 marks

11. Who was Galen?

Army doctor, treated gladiators, public experiments, heart controlled body not the brain, became doctor to Emperor, visited medical school in Alexandria, four humours, observation, dissection, wrote books, Galen fitted with church’s ideas.

8 marks

12. Describe Roman public health

aqueducts, fresh water supply, public baths, sewerage to river, drains and sewers, public toilets,

4 marks

13. Why are the Dark Ages called the Dark Ages?

After Romans gone, little new learning, books scattered across Europe

1 mark

14. Name two things people did to try to cure illness in the Dark Ages.

• Herbs and potions, praying, visiting a shrine

2 marks

15 Name two individuals important to Islamic medicine

• Rhazes, Avicenna

2 marks

16 Describe how Islamic medicine differed from that practised in Dark Age Europe.

Importance of learning, belief that God provides a cure for all illnesses, hospitals, medical training, physiotherapy, drugs then surgery, only qualified people allowed to practice, importance of cleanliness.

5 marks

17 Name four things that people thought caused the Black Death

• planets, common sense, humours, god and devil, poison fumes

4 marks




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