Pacing/Duration: 4 weeks First 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.12 |Diversity |read & discuss teacher selected book about diversity |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |ideas, values, ethnic origins, |

| | |students write autobiography |SS text unit 6, lesson 6 |representative democracy, diversity, |

| | |interview friend & write descriptive paragraph |Star sheet in SS resource |customs, traditions, right to life, |

| | |Brainstorm reasons America is a great country to live in (rights, freedom, equality, |binder |liberty, pursuit of happiness and |

| | |protection, etc). Make list or begin KWL chart. |The Keeping Quilt by Patricia |equality under the law |

| | |students make & share a graphic representation of themselves (Star sheet or "Me Bag") |Pollaco | |

| | |class quilt |Watch the Stars Come Out by | |

| | | |Diane Goode | |

|3.10 a, b, c |Government |read aloud " We the kids", discuss, then write a class constitution for all to sign |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |community, rules, laws, consequence, |

|3.11 a, c, d | |write class rules |We the Kids, the Preamble to |government, republican form of |

| | |Have students illustrate & discuss various scenarios of what might happen if there were NO |the Constitution by David |government, representative democracy, |

| | |RULES (classroom, zoo, store, intersection, cafeteria, bank, etc). |Catrow |Constitution, Bill of Rights, Veterans |

| | |-Why are there rules? (they let people know how to act and behave) |SS text unit 6, lesson 1 & 5 |Day, Memorial Day, rights, |

| | | | |responsibilities, basic principles |

| | |-What do rules protect? (people's safety, rights and property and allow fairness) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-How are rules like laws? (Rules may vary from place to place, but all people in our country| | |

| | |must follow the same laws. Consequences for breaking laws are more serious.) | | |

| | |Use cause & effect organizer related to laws & consequences. | | |

| | |Students generate rules/laws for different areas in the community. Categorize the laws under| | |

| | |headings: protects our rights OR protects our property. | | |

| | |Thank you letters to veterans in community | | |

| | |Venn diagram comparing Memorial Day & Veterans Day | | |

|Related SOL: K 8 & 9, 1.10-12, 2.10-12 |

Pacing/Duration: 5 weeks First 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.5a,b,e |Map Skills |define and locate the parts of a map |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |title, map legend, compass rose, |

|3.6 | |practice map skills with street, landform, weather, product maps, and letter-number grids |SS text unit 5, lesson 1, 2 |equator, prime meridian, continent, |

| |Continents, oceans |small groups create a map of classroom including title, legend and compass rose | |ocean, hemisphere, map, globe, |

| | |label James, Mississippi and Rio Grande rivers, Appalachian and Rocky mountain ranges, and | |letter-number grid, grid system, |

| |Hemispheres |Great Lakes on a U.S. map (review of 2nd grade SOL) | |regions, cardinal directions, |

| | |song about continents | |intermediate directions, coordinate, |

| | |Use maps & globes to identify/ label the equator, prime meridian and hemispheres | | |

|Related SOL: 2.6 |


Pacing/Duration: 2 weeks Second 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.7 |Economics |Concepts to review: needs, wants, goods, services, producer, consumer, resources: natural, |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |economics, needs, wants, goods, |

|3.8 | |human, capital, choices, opportunity cost, barter, scarcity, save money to purchase goods and|Econ & Me DVD |service, producer, consumer, resources:|

|3.9 | |services in future |SS Resource binder |natural, human, capital, choices, |

| | |As vocabulary is reviewed and introduced students create an "Economics and Me" flipbook. |SS text: unit 1, |opportunity cost, barter, scarcity, |

| | |(See SS resource binder) |lesson 3 unit 2, lesson 3 unit |specialization |

| | |Specialization activity: Make an assembly line - divide class into small groups. Have 2 |3, lesson 3,4 unit 5, lesson | |

| | |groups independently create cards to match teacher’s model while 2 others groups complete |3-5 | |

| | |cards in an assembly line specializing in jobs. | | |

|Related SOL: 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, K.7 |

Pacing/Duration: 2 weeks Second 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|2.1 |Ancient Civilizations: Egypt |Review ancient Egypt and China |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence | |

|2.4a,b |& China review |Begin a flip book - one page for each ancient civilization with focus on key vocabulary and | | |

| | |pictures | | |

|Related SOL: |

Pacing/Duration: 1 ½ weeks Second 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.1 |Ancient Greece |Students create map of ancient Greece with key of physical characteristics such as mountains,| VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |Greece, Europe, mountains, peninsula,|

|3.4 | |peninsula, islands, Mediterranean Sea, limited rich soil |SS text unit 1 |islands, Mediterranean Sea, limited |

|3.7 | |Human characteristics – act out shipbuilders, farmers, traders |Discovery Education videos |rich soil, physical characteristics, |

| | |Students design comic strip of life in Ancient Greece |Leveled readers |human characteristics, Olympics, |

| | |Play Olympic games | |Parthenon, columns, pottery, |

| | |Parthenon & columns – make 3D model | |sculpture, direct democracy, |

| | |Make pottery - red clay with black paint | |contribution, adaptation |

| | |Direct democracy – vote on class decisions as a direct democracy | | |

| | |Try foods from Ancient Greece: spanikopita, grape juice, baklava, feta cheese | | |

|Related SOL: 2.1, 2.4a,b |

Pacing/Duration: 1 ½ weeks Second 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.1 |Ancient Rome |Students create map of ancient Rome with key of physical characteristics such as hills, |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |Rome, Europe, peninsula, islands, |

|3.4 | |peninsula, islands, Mediterranean Sea, limited rich soil, Tiber River |SS text unit 2 |Mediterranean Sea, limited rich soil,|

|3.7 | |Human characteristics – act out road builders, farmers, traders |Discovery Education videos |physical characteristics, human |

| | |Students design comic strip of life in Ancient Rome |Leveled readers |characteristics, Colosseum, arches, |

| | |Colosseum, arches, aqueducts – draw, create model, online virtual tour | |aqueducts, mosaics, sculpture, |

| | |Make mosaics | |pottery, representative democracy, |

| | |Representative democracy – vote on class decisions using representatives | |republic, elect, contribution, |

| | | | |adaptation |

|Related SOL: 2.1, 2.4a,b |

Pacing/Duration: 2 weeks Second 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.2 |Ancient Mali |Students create map of west Africa with key of physical characteristics such as Sahara |VDOE Enhanced Scope & Sequence |West Africa, Mali, Sahara Desert, |

|3.4 | |Desert, Niger River, salt & gold mines |SS text unit 3 |Niger River, irrigation, physical |

|3.7 | |Human characteristics – act out farmers, miners, traders, caravan of salt & gold trade. | |characteristics, human |

| | |Focus on specialization. | |characteristics, Timbuktu, griot, |

| | |Students design comic strip of life in Timbuktu | |salt, gold, trade, bogalonfini, oral |

| | |Build model of mosque or other mud building | |tradition, contribution, adaptation, |

| | |Make bogalonfini cloth | |specialization, university |

| | |Make drum or instrument for griot/storytelling | | |

| | |Play “grapevine” game – oral tradition | | |

| | |Allow a child to be “king”/mansa for a day- use a different child each day | | |

|Related SOL: 2.1, 2.4a,b |

Pacing/Duration: 6 weeks Third 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.3 |European Explorers |What is an explorer? Concept map |SS text unit 4 |explorer, European, Europe, Spain, |

|3.5c, d | |1492 map – compare past to present map |Discovery Education videos |France, England, St. Augustine, |

| | | |Rockingham Co Public Schools |Florida, San Salvador, St. Lawrence |

| | | |Technology Integration Resources |River Valley, Quebec, Fall Line of |

| | |Christopher Columbus |Barbara Lawson books |the James River, Jamestown, sponsor, |

| | |Teacher selected read aloud | |claim, colony, achievements, American|

| | |Mapping activity to identify his route | |Indians, discoveries, motivations, |

| | |Columbus song | |settlement |

| | |Interactive note taking | | |

| | |Activity related to effects of European exploration on American Indians | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Juan Ponce de Leon | | |

| | |See applicable Columbus activities | | |

| | |Make poster advertising Ponce de Leon’s exploration | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Jacques Cartier | | |

| | |See applicable Columbus activities | | |

| | |Make brochure advertising Cartier’s exploration | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Christopher Newport | | |

| | |See applicable Columbus activities | | |

| | |Make poster advertising Newport’s exploration | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Review | | |

| | |Chart to compare 4 explorers | | |

| | |Jeopardy | | |

| | |Make poster to include map, portrait of explorers, and summary of important facts | | |

|Related SOL: 1.3 (Columbus Day), 3.6 (maps) |

Pacing/Duration: 6 weeks (3 weeks in Third Marking Period, 3 weeks in Fourth) Third 9 Week/Fourth 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

|3.11b |Famous Americans |Timeline of famous Americans |SS text unit 4 |biography, contributions, civil |

| | |Review each of these & introduce new material as documented in Curriculum Framework: (*new to|Famous American mini-books in SS |rights, citizen, government, |

| | |3rd grade) |text tub |principle, equality under the law, |

| | |Powhatan |Barbara Lawson books |Constitution, Declaration of |

| | |Pocahontas | |Independence, revolution, republican |

| | |Benjamin Franklin | |form of government, president, |

| | |George Washington | |independence, Revolutionary War, |

| | |Betsy Ross | |Civil War, slavery, justice, boycott,|

| | |*Thomas Jefferson | |national holiday |

| | |Abraham Lincoln | | |

| | |George Washington Carver | | |

| | |Helen Keller | | |

| | |Susan B. Anthony | | |

| | |Eleanor Roosevelt | | |

| | |Martin Luther King, Jr. | | |

| | |Rosa Parks | | |

| | |*Thurgood Marshall | | |

| | |Jackie Robinson | | |

| | |*Caesar Chavez | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Thomas Jefferson | | |

| | |teacher read aloud | | |

| | |virtual or real tour of Monticello | | |

| | |Declaration of Independence activity | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Thurgood Marshall | | |

| | |teacher read aloud | | |

| | |mock trial related to Supreme Court | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Caesar Chavez | | |

| | |teacher read aloud | | |

| | |mock protest, make posters, peaceful march | | |

|Related SOL: |

Pacing/Duration: 6 weeks Fourth 9 Week Period

|SOL |Topic |Suggested Activities |Resources |Vocabulary |

| | | | | |

| |Review & prepare for SOL tests | | | |

|Related SOL: |


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