Group 1

Teaching Text Rhetorically John R. Edlund

“Dissoi Logoi” Exercise

This activity is based on the ancient Greek practice of Dissoi Logoi. Your group will choose a topic to work on from the assigned list. Then think about the following questions:

What are the possible positions?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?

Who is helped and who is hurt by possible policies or solutions?

Group 1

Choose one of the topics below and work out all of the arguments on each side of the issue. If you run out of arguments on one, begin on another.

Drones (Remote-controlled pilotless aircraft)

Internet Tracking Cookies

Food Stamps

Group 2

Choose one of the topics below and work out all of the arguments on each side of the issue. If you run out of arguments on one, begin on another.

Free Community College

Statewide Educational Testing

Organic Food

Group 3

Choose one of the topics below and work out all of the arguments on each side of the issue. If you run out of arguments on one, begin on another.

Online Shopping

AI-operated Smart Speakers

Public Surveillance Cameras

Group 4

Choose one of the topics below and work out all of the arguments on each side of the issue. If you run out of arguments on one, begin on another.

Genetically Modified Food

Deregulation of Environmental Standards

The Sharing Economy (Uber, AirBnB, etc.)


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