Ancient Greece - Quia

Ancient Greece – Vocabulary

1. Assembly- A law making body of government made up of a group of citizens.

2. Acropolis- A large hill in Ancient Greece where city residents sought shelter and safety in times of war and met to discuss community affairs.

3. Agora- A central area in Greek cities used both as a market place and as a meeting place.

4. Citizen- A person with certain rights and responsibilities in his or her country or community.

5. Colony- A territory or community that is under control of another country.

6. Democracy- A system of government in which citizens vote to make governmental decisions.

7. Harbor- A sheltered place along a coast used to protect boats and ships.

8. Jury- A group of citizens chosen to hear evidence and make decisions in a court of law.

9. Monarchy- A government ruled by a king or queen.

10. Oligarchy- A type of government in which a small group of citizens control decision making.

11. Oracle Bones- In Ancient China, a cattle or sheep bone used to predict the future.

12. Peloponnesian War- A war fought between Athens and Sparta in the 400’s B.C. ending in victory for Sparta.

13. Philosophy- The study of or search for truth, wisdom, and the right way to live.

14. Peninsula- An area of land almost entirely surrounded by water.

15. Polis- A city-state in Ancient Greece.

Vocabulary Ancient Greece – People

1. Alexander the Great- King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Persia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. His conquests spread Greek culture throughout parts of three continents.

2. Aristotle- Greek philosopher who was the private teacher of Alexander the Great.

3. Homer- 700’s B.C. Ancient Greek poet.

4. Pericles- Athenian general who led Athens during the war with Sparta. He made sure that the poor as well as the rich citizens could take part in government.

5. Plato- 428-347 B.C. Greek philosopher and student of Socrates.

6. Socrates- 470-399 B.C. Greek philosopher who discussed laws, customs, values, and religion with students. He was accused of urging young people to revolt, he was sentenced to death.


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