What did educators aim to do?Create well-rounded citizensHow were the lives of burghers and workers similar?They both lived miserable lives and & made up most of the urban population of ItalyWhat was the purpose of marriage? To strengthen business or family timesWhat did Anabaptist believe?Name the two things they refused to do?The complete separation of church and stateHold political office or bear armsWho believed people could become more religious & how?Christian Humanist, by reading the classics & the fundamental teachings of Christianity What invention changed Warfare?CannonWhat was expected of the nobility in Renaissance society?To fulfill certain ideals.What were the ancient Greek and Roman writers considered to be and by who?The intellectual equals of HumanistsWhat were Anabaptist considered to be?Dangerous Radicals.How did Jesuits use education?To spread their message and establish schools.What were the major territorial states?Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome and NaplesWhat did Machiavelli think about the connection between politics and moral principles? That morality was unrelated to politicsWhy was English Reformation rooted in politics?Because King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife and the Pope was unwilling to annul it.How was intellectual life viewed?Use a dictionary to define the answer once you have found it.As one of Solitude, A state of being aloneWhy did Byzantine and Islamic scholars do?Provided knowledge of the ancient Greek language and Islamic scholars served as transmitters of ancient Greek culture.What did the Act of Supremacy of 1534 declare?That the King was the only supreme head on earth of the (new) Church of England.What was declared necessary to get salvation?FaithWhat had set the stage for religious change?The widespread intellectual changes during the preceding centuryWhat does renaissance mean?RebirthWhat did Italian engineers change to resist attack?City WallsWhat did Martin Luther conclude after studying the Bible?That the Bible was the only valid source of religious truthWhat did the Protestant Reformation have an important effect on?The development of education in Europe.What was believed about liberal studies?That they enabled individuals to reach their full potentialName the two things the printing of books encouraged?Scholarly research and stimulated an ever-expanding reading public’s desire to gain knowledgeWho was Dante and why didn't he write in Latin?A writer, he felt that if he did only scholars would have understood him.How were church officials viewed? As using their church offices to advance their careers and wealthWhat did Erasmus believe?That Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basisWho are the rulers of the Italian City states?The MerchantsWhat ended the success of Siena?The Black PlaqueWhat did the Modern Devotion movement stress?The need to follow the teachings of JesusWho did Luther support in the Peasant Wars and why?The Lords. He felt the state & its rulers were called by God to maintain peaceWhat is humanism?Interest in the Ancient World (Roman/Greek)How did the growth of monarchical states in Europe affect the Italian states?Their riches attracted the French King, Charles VIIIWhy did Italy expand during the Middle Ages?It prospered from extreme trade success.Republic ~ a form of govt. in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to voteMercenary ~ a soldier who fights primarily for payVernacular ~ the language of everyday speech in a particular regionFresco ~ painting done on fresh, wet plaster with water-based paintsPerspective ~ artistic techniques used to give the effect of three-dimensional depthStyle ~ having a distinctive quality or formIndulgence ~ a release from all or part of punishment for a sin by the Catholic ChurchAnnul ~ to declare invalidBurgher ~ middle class person that lived in a city or town. ................

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