
Core D Ancient HistoryPEP East St Johns Mrs. Dragiff3rd Quarter—Week 3In-Class Days:Tuesday, January 26, 2021Continue discussing Christianity in the Roman EmpireDiscuss Perpetua readingThursday, January 28, 2021Roman Empire & Christianity Homeschool Days: *NOTE: Texts Used are The History of the Ancient World & The History of the Medieval WorldWednesday, January 27, 2021Do a little research on life in the Roman Empire in the first two centuries. Then, write a brief description of what life was like (see below).To Turn In: Writing Assignment: Assume that you are a Roman citizen living in Rome in the first or second century A.D. Discuss both the potential good and bad points of your daily existence. Friday, January 28, 2021Read pp. 764 – 777 in text & pp. 2 – 12 in The History of the Medieval WorldBegin reading Beowulf (pp. 3 - 71--midway down the page)To Turn In: Biblical Worldview Reading & Discussion QuestionsMonday, February 1, 2021Continue reading Beowulf (pp. 71 - 131)NOTE: The Beowulf Reading Guide does NOT need to be completed & turned in. The questions are just for you to think about as you read.Written work is due on: Tuesday 2/2/21TO TURN IN: Roman Citizen Writing Assignment??????????Biblical Worldview Reading & Discussion Questions ................

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