TIMELINE: Neoclassicism AND the Enlightenment (ART and ...

TIMELINE: Neoclassicism AND the Enlightenment (ART and HISTORY)

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|1748 | |

|Buried Roman city of Pompeii discovered. | |

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|1751 | |

|Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d'Alembert publish first volumes of their Encyclopédie. | |

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|1752 | |

|Pope Benedict XIV issues brief condemning the philosophes, including philosophers Diderot, Charles de Secondat, and Baron de | |

|Montesquieu. | |

|Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning rod. | |

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|1755 | |

|German Art Historian J. J. Winckelmann publishes Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Art in Paintings and Sculpture. | |

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|1758 | |

|Francis Harwood: Bust of a Man, sculpture. | |

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|1759 | |

|The British Museum opens to the public. | |

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|1760 | |

|George III of England becomes king. | |

|Josiah Wedgwood founds pottery works at Staffordshire, England. | |

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|1762 | |

|Catherine II (the Great) of Russia becomes czarina. | |

|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (at six) tours Europe as a musical prodigy. | |

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|1764 | |

|French philosopher Voltaire writes Philosophical Dictionary. | |

|J. J. Winckelmann publishes History of Ancient Art. | |

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|1765 | |

|British Parliament passes Stamp Act to tax American colonies. | |

|In New York, delegates from nine colonies draw up a declaration of rights and liberties. | |

|Potato becomes most popular European foodstuff. | |

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|1768 | |

|Boston citizens refuse to house British troops. | |

|Founding of the Royal Academy, London. | |

|Thomas Jefferson begins work on his home, Monticello. | |

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|1769 | |

|Excavations of Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli, Italy, uncover some of the most important antiquities found in the 18th century. | |

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|1770 | |

|Boston Massacre: five civilians killed in confrontation with British troops. | |

|Industrial Revolution in England begins its slow spread over the world. | |

|François Boucher, master of Rococo style, dies (b. 1703). | |

|First public restaurant opens in Paris. | |

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|1771 | |

|Encyclopedia Britannica first published. | |

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|1774 | |

|Louis XVI of France becomes king. | |

|Joseph Priestly discovers oxygen. | |

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|1775 | |

|American Revolution begins; Paul Revere rides from Charlestown to Lexington, Massachusetts. | |

|Jane Austen, English novelist, born (d. 1817). | |

|James Watt perfects the steam engine. | |

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|1776 | |

|Declaration of Independence signed in Philadelphia. | |

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|1778 | |

|Jean Baptiste Greuze: The Father's Curse, drawing. | |

|French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau dies (b. 1712). | |

|Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) dies (b. 1694). | |

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|1783 | |

|Joseph Wright of Derby: Penelope Unraveling Her Web, painting, commissioned by Josiah Wedgwood. | |

|Peace of Versailles: Great Britain recognizes independence of the U.S. | |

|Montgolfier brothers ascend in hot air balloon at Annonay. | |

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|1785 | |

|Jean-Antoine Houdon travels to America to sculpt George Washington. | |

|Domenicho Salsano, Italian priest, invents seismograph for measuring earthquakes. | |

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|1786 | |

|David Roentgen: Long Case Musical Clock. | |

|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart writes The Marriage of Figaro, opera. | |

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|1789 | |

|French Revolution: Bastille prison stormed and church property nationalized. | |

|George Washington inaugurated as first president of the United States. | |

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|1790 | |

|Joseph Chinard: Allegorical Portrait of the van Risamburgh Family, sculpture. | |

|Joseph-Benoït Suvée: The Invention of Drawing, drawing. | |

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|1792 | |

|James Hoban and Benjamin Henry Latrobe begin building the White House, Washington, D.C. | |

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|1793 | |

|Louis XVI of France and Marie-Antoinette executed during Reign of Terror. | |

|Jean-Paul Marat murdered. | |

|Construction of William Thornton's Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., begins. | |

|Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. | |

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|1799 | |

|Napoleon Bonaparte established as First Consul in Paris; conquers Italy. | |

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|1800 | |

|Thomas Jefferson elected president of U.S. | |

|Alessandro Volta invents electrochemical battery. | |

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|1804 | |

|Napoleon proclaimed emperor by French Senate. | |

|Alexander Hamilton killed in duel by Aaron Burr. | |

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|1812 | |

|U.S. declares war on Britain. | |

|Grimm Brothers publish their collection of fairy tales. | |

|Parthenon marbles brought to England by Lord Elgin. | |

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|1814 | |

|Napoleon abdicates the throne and is banished to Elba. | |

|Francis Scott Key writes poem that will become U.S. national anthem. | |

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|1818 | |

|Jacques-Louis David: The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis, painting. | |

|Gérard-Jean Galle: Chandelier. | |

|Chile declared independent from Spain. | |

|Mary Shelley publishes Frankenstein. | |

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|1820 | |

|Revolutions in Spain and Portugal. | |

|Missouri Compromise: Maine enters Union as a free state; Missouri as a slave state. | |

|Discovery of the Venus de Milo, sculpture. | |

|Liberia founded to repatriate former American slaves to Africa. | |

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|1823 | |

|Mexico becomes a republic. | |

|Charles Macintosh invents waterproof fabric. | |

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|1826 | |

|Invention of photography: Joseph Niépce fixes camera's image. | |

|James Fenimore Cooper publishes The Last of the Mohicans. | |

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|1830 | |

|Revolution in Paris; Louis Philippe, "the Citizen King," becomes king. | |

|Emily Dickinson, American poet, is born (d. 1886). | |

|Eugène Delacroix paints Liberty Guiding the People. | |



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