
 A leader of this state attacked legitimists at the first battle of Rivas and rose to power through the practice of filibustering. Another leader of this state was "Tachito" (*)Somoza DeBayle, was a wealthy blood reseller. Somoza eventually fled the country and seceded power to the Junta of National Reconstruction, who fought a civil war with The(*) Sandinista National Liberation Front. The Sandinistas were later opposed by the US indirectly through the Iran-Contra Affair. For ten points, name this central american country with capital at Managua that is currently led by Daniel Ortega.ANSWER: The Republic of Nicaragua <VR/World History/Finals>One member of one of these bodies was exiled to Circeii after trying to take control of Sicily. That man served as Master of the Horse to another member of one of these groups. One member of these bodies died in the disastrous battle of (+) Carrhae, where one of these bodies finally dissolved. That member of these groups started the concept of property insurance by helping with the control of(*) fires. Lepidus and Crassus were members of these alliances, which ended with the Battle of Actium. Julius Caesar, Octavian, Mark Antony, and Pompey the Great were all members of, FTP, what bodies in Rome that were composed of three members each. Answer: Triumvirates (Accept either First or Second Triumvirate) <SD/ Greco-Roman Ancient History/ Finals>Songtsen Gampo founded this region’s empire, who is responsible for officially adopting a Brahmic Script. This region was separated into the kingdoms of Guge, Kham and U-Tsang after its empire fell, but was ultimately conquered by the(+) Yuan Dynasty who established Drog?n Ch?gyal Phagpa as a puppet ruler. Güshi Khan later supported the establishment of the Ganden Phodrang, which was ruled by(*) Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso. The Qing Dynasty later conquered the Golden Phodrang, and established the Dalai Lama as its regional ruler. For ten points, name this autonomous region of China with capital at Lasa.ANSWER: Tibet (Accept Tibetan Empire) <VR/World History/Finals>A document signed during this war promoted war measures policies and the banning of torture devices called the Manifesto of the 121. In the so-called “Battle of the Transistors,” one side in this war used a series of radio pleas to suppress the (+) Generals’ Putsch. Raoul Salan created the OAS during this war, which featured massacres at Philippeville and Oran. This war began on “Red-All Saints Day,” and was brought to an end when Charles de Gaulle signed the Evian Accords. For ten points, give this war which saw Ahmed Ben Bella’s FLN achieve independence for a French colony in North Africa. Answer: Algerian War of Independence <SD/ World History/Finals> Raden Wijaya founded an empire that was located in this modern day country. Amy Goodman was beat by troops of this country during the Santa Cruz massacre. One leader of this country liquidated its(+) communist PKI party, leading the way for the adoption of the Pancasila ideology. “Guided Democracy” was advocated by one leader of this country, which was led by(*) Suharto and Sukarno. For ten points, name this largest archipelago nation in the world that has its capital at Jakarta.ANSWER: Indonesia <AJ/World History/Finals>note to players: description acceptable. Theodoric the Great performed this feat after defeating Odoacer at Isonzo over the Julian Mountains. Alexander Suvorov also conducted this maneuver through the Panix Pass. That event caused him to be referred to as the Russian variety of another man who completed this task by descending into(*) the Po Valley with his brother. Another man who performed this action went through the Great St. Bernard Pass in the Aosta Valley, which was painted by(*) Jacques-Louis David. The first army to conduct this maneuver was led by Hasdrubal and his brother during the 2nd Punic War. For ten points, name this militaristic feat in which Napoleon and Hannibal crossed a European mountain range into Italy.ANSWER: Crossing the Alps [Prompt on just “Alps’’ or crossing a mountain range] <VR/Historical Geography>During this man’s early life, he joined the KAR group and saw heavy fighting in the Shifta War, where this man led his battalion. In another early post, this man led a raid on the (+) Kabuka Palace and seized Mutesa II, where this man also deposed his predecessor. Along with that man, this man seeked revenge for an action in retaliation against this man’s country, so this man killed (*) Dora Bloch. This man deposed Milton Obote, and this man expelled over 60,000 Asians in one decree. The most famous act by this man was the Entebbe raid, which attacked the Netanyahu brothers. FTP, name this Ugandan leader who was not a cannibal. Answer: Idi Amin Dada <SD/ World History/ Finals>One of these events that was led by Guillame Cale was suppressed at the Battle of Mello, and it resulted in the death of Parisian mayor Etienne Marcel. Another one of these events was ended after the Battle of(+) Frankenhausen, and the losing side of that event of this type unsuccessfully tried to pass the Twelve Articles. The most notable of these events was led by its namesake as a result of the unfair(*) poll tax. For ten points, name these events which were led by people like Thomas Müntzer and Wat Tyler, during which lower class citizens revolt against their oppressive regime.ANSWER: Peasant Revolts [accept obvious equivalents; the clues refer to the Jacquerie, German Peasants Revolt, and Wat Tyler’s Revolt, respectively] <AJ/European History> Riots in Memphis and New Orleans occurred during this time period. The Dunning school was active in this period and opposed leaders such as Thaddeus Stevens of the Radical (+) Republicans. The Wade-Davis Bill was proposed by one faction to use this era's policies before it officially began. That bill was pocket vetoed by the sitting president and instead replaced by the Ten Percent plan instead of the proposed (*) “Ironclad Oath”. This era ended with the outcome of the election of 1876, where Rutherford B. Hayes compromised to end this era. For 10 points - name this era which characterized the rebuilding of the south after the Civil War. ANSWER: Reconstruction Era (Accept any answer with Reconstruction) <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>A letter sent by the Immortal Seven helped instigate this event. Gilbert Burnet recorded the conversations of one leader of this event, during which an attempt to repeal the(+) Test Act was made. The Glencoe massacre occurred during this event’s aftermath, which caused a mass panic called the “Irish Fright”. The birth of(*) Mary of Modena’s son partially instigated this event that also resulted in the creation of the English Bill of Rights. For ten points, name this event in which James II was overthrown by William III and Mary II as the rulers of England.ANSWER: Glorious Revolution <AJ/European History>One work by this artist depicts the title person finding the milking of a cow anomalous. Another work by this artist of(+) Ovid among the Scythians sees the Ottoman army murdering Greek civilians as a baby grabs a corpse’s breast. This artist also created a work in which the title king lies on a red bed while his possessions are murdered by his servants in the background. This most famous work of artist of the(*) Massacre at Chios and The Death of Sardanapalus includes a corpse wearing a blue sock as a bare-breasted woman proudly flies the tricolor flag. For ten points, name this French artist of Liberty Leading the People.ANSWER: Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix <AJ/Historical Fine Arts> (4)The Erie War was fought over these entities. The Black Friday gold crisis was an event where two investors tried to artificially increase usage of these entities. Theodore (+) Judah was an early pioneer about these entities, whereas a company called B&O was an early leader. The industry of these entities were dominated by The Associates, better known as the (*) “Big 4”, such as the man who placed the Golden Spike, Leland Stanford. Another leader was “The Commodore”, better known as Cornelius Vanderbilt. For 10 points - name these entities, such as a transcontinental one constructed for trains to cross the United States. ANSWER: Railroad(s) Industry (Generously accept trains or locomotives) <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>One ruler of this state had crushed the revolt of Taxila, and later had a namesake “hell” disguised as a beautiful temple, which he legendarily used to torture prisoners. This state was visited by the greek ambassador(+) Megasthenes. Another ruler of this state married the daughter of Selucius Nicator, and overthrew the Nanda Empire. A ruler of this empire fought in modern day Odisha during the(*)Kalinga war, and after viewing its carnage, converted to Buddhism. That ruler later carved out his rock edicts across his empire. For ten points, name this empire ruled founded by Chandragupta and brought to its greatest extent by Ashoka.ANSWER: Mauryan Empire <VR/Non Greco-Roman Ancient History>One scientist from this field of science wrote the 112 Books, which included a text later translated into Latin, pioneering this field of science. Jibir ibn Hayyana worked in this field primarily, which saw the usage of the (+) “Emerald Tablet”. Thomas Aquinas was the student of one of the most famous members of this science, and another famous member of this science was chronicled in he writings of Zosimos. (*) Albertus Magnus, Maria the Jewess, and Isaac Newton were some of the most famous practitioners of this branch of science, which expanded into the full-metal type in the medieval ages. FTP, name this branch of science that seeked to turn base-metals into gold. Answer: Alchemy (Prompt on turning into gold before gold) <SD/ Historical Science/ Finals>During World War I, this man served as Chief of Staff of the Rainbow Division, which was composed of National Guardsmen from dozens of states. This man was president of the American Olympic Committee during the 1928 Summer Olympics and stated “Old (+) soldiers never die, they just fade away”. This general was replaced by Matthew Ridgeway and aboard the USS Missouri, this man accepted the (*) surrender of Japan. This man also broke up the bonus army and after the Philippine Campaign this general stated “I shall return”. For 10 points - name this five star general who was dismissed by President Truman.ANSWER: Douglas MacArthur <SC/US History>Anselm of Havelberg led the Wendish variety of these events, and the subjugation of Obotria. Another one of these events was initiated in two waves by Nicholas of Cologne and Stephen of Cloyes, but its participants were tricked into(+) flooding into slave markets. One of these events was the Varna variety, which caused the division of the Jagiellonian crown. Another one of these events targeted heretics in the south of France, and was known as the(*) Albigensian. The fourth one of these events established the Nicaean and Latin Empires, and the first established the Kingdom of Jerusalem. For ten points, name these catholic holy wars with intent to remove heresy from a particular region.ANSWER: Crusades (Accept pretty much any answer that contains the word “Crusade”) <VR/European History> The Orange Riots took place at this city where one longtime politician died at the Ludlow Street Jail. This city and the area around it was the main site of Kieft’s war. Draft riots in this city that occurred under Fernando Wood due to anger over 300 dollars.(+)Peter Stuyvesant was one early leader of this city. One incident in this city occurred in the Asch Building and was worsened by locked doors. This city, which contained the (*) Shirtwaist Triangle Accident and it used to be the colony of New Amsterdam. For ten points - name this city which is the most populous in the United States. ANSWER: New York City (prompt on New Amsterdam) <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>This ruler’s cavalry unit was called the Hackapelits, which translates to “cut them down”. After this leader almost drowned at the Battle of Vittsj?, he ended the war that battle took place in, the(+) Kalmar War, by signing the Treaty of Knared. This ruler’s army sang “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” during one of his victories in which Count Tilly was fatally wounded. After this leader’s death, he was succeeded by his chancellor(*) Axel Oxenstierna. For ten points, name this “Lion of the North” who won the Battle of Breitenfeld, the leader of Sweden throughout the Thirty Years War.ANSWER: Gustavus Adolphus Magnus [accept Gustav II Adolf; prompt on partial answer] <AJ/European History>This rapper stated that “Can’t nobody feel your pain, The world’s changin’ everyday, time’s movin’ fast” in a song that titles his 4th studio album. This rapper of(+) “All Eyez on Me” also wrote a song that says “Now let me welcome everyone to the Wild Wild West, a state that’s untouchable like Eliot Ness”. That beat of that song, “California Love”, was originally a sample of a Joe Cocker song. This rapper was(*) shot on September 7, 1996 after attending his business partner Tracy Danielle’s birthday party in Las Vegas. For ten points, name this American rapper of “Hit ‘Em Up” and “Dear Mama”.ANSWER: Tupac Shakur [or 2Pac; or Lesane Parish Crooks] <AJ/Historical Popular Culture> (4) ................

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