AIM: Analyze the factors that led to the decline of the Roman Empire. How did economic, political, and social problems lead to the “fall of Rome”?Do Now: Guided Reading/The Long Decline. Work in pairs. Keep handout. Create three policies that may save the empire from collapse.Outline: I. The Long DeclinePolitical problems (Pax Romana came to an end starting in about 180 C.E., or A.D.)Emperors were repeatedly overthrown or assassinated.In one 50-year period, 26 emperors ruled, and only one died of natural causes. Economic & Social ProblemsHigh taxes to support the army burdened business people and farmers. Poor farmers were forced to work and live on wealthy estates.Over cultivated farmland lost its productivityReliance on slave labor _______________________________.Two ReformersDiocletianDivided the empire into two parts to make it easier to governTried to increase the prestige of the emperorFixed prices to slow inflation, or the rapid rise of pricesEstablished laws to ensure steady production of food and goodsConstantineContinued Diocletian’s reformsGranted toleration to Christians - led to the rapid growth of ChristianityBuilt a new capital at Constantinople, making the eastern part of the empire the center of power Foreign Invasions/MapThe Decline and “Fall” of RomeDid Rome “Fall”?The Roman Empire did not disappear from the map in 476. An emperor still ruled the eastern Roman Empire, which later became known as the Byzantine empire and lasted for another 1,000 years.Pivotal Questions: How did Roman emperors try to end the crisis in the empire?How did Hun invasions contribute to the decline of Rome?How did economic and social problems lead to the fall of Rome?Why didn’t price-fixing work?Video: : To learn what led to the decline of the Roman Empire. To learn about the futile attempts to prevent the long decline. ................

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