History and Culture

S1 Worksheet

Topic 4: Development of Eastern and Western Civilizations and the

Empire’s Emergence

(2070 BC – 220 AD)

[The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire]

(Teacher’s Copy)


I. Introduction

II. The development of Ancient Rome

III. The rise of the Roman Empire

IV. The Roman Empire - From Rise to Fall

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

I. Introduction

The old saying “Rome was not built in one day” originated in the history of ancient Rome, it means a process is always necessary to do anything, patience is needed. The city of Rome cannot be built in a single day, and for Rome of Italy to develop into a world-wide Empire spanning the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa is a very long historical process.

II. The Development of Ancient Rome

The development of Ancient Rome can be studied in the following three periods:

|1st Period |2nd Period |3rd Period |

|Monarchy |Republic |The Roman Empire |

|(2000 BC to 509 BC) |(509 BC to 27 BC) |(27 BC to 476 AD) |

| | | |

III. The Rise of the Roman Empire

The Romans started to embark on territorial expansion during the Republican period. By 150 BC, the Romans became the dominant people of the Mediterranean Sea, they established control over a great many places along the Mediterranean coast, and proclaimed the Mediterranean to be “our territorial sea”

• In 27 BC, Octavian took the name Augustus and became the first ruler of the Roman Empire with almost absolute power, his reign lasted more than 40 years, and the foundations of the Roman Empire was laid during this period.

• The period from 27 BC to around 200 AD was a golden age for the Roman Empire. During this period, the territory of the Roman Empire spanned Mesopotamia in the east, and the British Isles in the West. In the entire history of the Western world, Europe has never been so closely united within such a vast geographical region like that during the Roman Empire’s time.

• In 180 AD, Roman citizens would only need to carry a passport and a single currency and they can safely travel in the roadway networks linking Egypt and France. This also reflected the immense organisation and the unity of the Roman Empire.

1:Web study

The students may be divided into groups to browse the websites below, and then complete the tasks that follow.


Task 1

Find a map of the Roman Empire during its golden age and paste the map onto the space below.

Task 2

Based in the information found on the internet about the “Roman Roads”, explain the meanings of the saying “every road leads to Rome”.

(Reasoning based on facts would be acceptable)




Task 3

Discuss the relationship between the Roman military and the great power of the Empire.

(Reasoning based on facts would be acceptable)




IV. The Roman Empire - From Rise to Fall

2︰Sequence of events

Try to put the letter codes of the following events into the correct brackets.

A. The golden age for the Roman Empire - “Pax Romana”

B. Decline and fall of Eastern Roman Empire

C. The assassination of Julius Caesar

D. The fall of Western Roman Empire

E. The first absolute ruler of the Roman Empire - Augustus

F. The division of the Roman Empire into eastern western parts.


3: Believe it or not

3: The causes for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire

Political and economic crises began to emerge from the third century AD, and by 395 AD the Empire was divided into eastern and western parts. In 476 AD, the Roman Empire came to an end. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire can be attributed to internal causes and external causes, try to look at the pictures on the left, and choose the relevant causes to fill in the answers.







44 BC

27 BC

200 AD

395 AD

476 AD

1453 AD












The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

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