|2nd Semester |October: |2nd Semester |2nd Semester |

| |Sequence of Events- historical, | | |

|January: |science,etc. |January- The Human Body |February: The earliest Americans |

| |Describe how sentences and paragraphs |the muscular system |Crossing the land bridge |

|Metric length, Mass and Volume |follow a logical sequence |the skeletal system |Native Americans |

|Real World Problems: Measurement |Compare and Contrast ideas and details |the nervous system | |

|February: |about two pieces on the same topic |vision: how the eye works | |

|Bar Graphs and Line Plots |November: Literature |hearing: how the eat works |April: Early Explorations of |

| |Cause and Effect in historical events | |North America |

|Fractions |Literal and Non-Literal Language |February: Light, Optics and |Early Spanish exploration and |

|March: |Refer to parts of the story when |Sound |settlement |

|Customary length, weight, and |speaking about text |Speed of light |Exploration and settlement of the|

|capacity |Poetry |Transparent and opaque |American southwest |

|Time and temperature |Questioning to Understand text |objects |May : The Thirteen Colonies: Life|

|April |December: |Reflection |and Times before the revolution |

|Angles and Lines |Understanding the message of fables |How sound is caused |Geography |

|Two-Dimensional Shapes |folktales and myths - 2 weeks- |How sound travels |Southern colonies |

|May: |Compare and contrast themes, settings, |Qualities of sound |New England colonies |

|Area and Perimeter |ploys and stories written by the same | | |

| |author | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |2nd Semester | | |

| |January: | | |

| |Genre’s of Fiction | | |

| |Refer to parts of the story when | | |

| |speaking about text | | |

| |Predictions and clarifying questions | | |

| |Making inferences and connections to | | |

| |understand text | | |

| |Understanding the Author’s purpose for | | |

| |writing | | |

| |February: | | |

| |Plot and its components | | |

| |How setting affects the outcome and | | |

| |elements of the story | | |

| |Illustrations contribute to mood, | | |

| |characters and settings | | |

| |Describe characters in a story | | |

| |March: | | |

| |Character motivation | | |

| |Characters actions and sequence of | | |

| |events- how contributes to what is | | |

| |taking place in the story | | |

| |Narrator’s Point of View | | |

| |Developing your own point of view | | |

| |April: | | |

| |Recalling and drawing conclusions | | |

| |Compare and contrast themes, settings | | |

| |and plots of stories written by the | | |

| |same author | | |

| |Describe how parts of fiction build on | | |

| |each other | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

* The schedule is subject to change depending on the progression of the year.


Welcome to the 3rd Grade!

We live in an era where people fighting for social justice and the betterment of society comes in all shapes and sizes. Where kids across the nation are actively taking a stand protesting by for Treyvonn Martin and where kids like Cain of Cain’s Arcade, are creating their own visions of how the world should look. These children are fostering a sense of curiosity, self-worth and a desire to create a better world. When I imagine my classroom, I picture a group of curious, eager and excited students. I believe that children are inherently equip with traits to be justice crusaders, lawmakers, stakeholders, community activist, health professionals, artists, and entertainers. When I see my students 10 years down the road, I see a group of young adults who in what ever career they choose have a strong sense of what it means to be apart of a community, what it means to be a advocate and justice crusader, and adults who foster a sense of purpose and dedication to forming just, thriving and peaceful communities for everyone.

In order for my students to reach this vision, they must be prepared both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. They must have stamina, urgency, and be committed to pursuing truth, beauty and goodness. My students must be above grade level and be able to think critically to solve problems and analyze text. They also need to be able to master all Common Core aligned math, reading and writing standards.

Qualitatively my 3rd graders need to be eager, have stamina, and foster a strong sense of urgency. They also need to be able to create big goals and enact a plan to accomplish these goals. They need to be apart of a loving community, committed to excelling academically and crusading socially. They need to know that they are crucial in the uplifting of their families and communities and most importantly they need to know that they are valuable members of society and even 3rd graders can make a tremendous difference in the world.

Developmentally, no two students are a like, however the following is an idea of where every 3rd grade should be by the end of the school year. Students will be able to…

• Work cooperatively and productively with other children in small groups to complete projects

• Understand how choices affect consequences

• Become more organized and logical in her thinking processes

• Build stronger friendships

• Be more influenced by peer pressure because friends are very important at this stage

• Like immediate rewards for behavior

• Be able to copy from a chalkboard

• Be able to write neatly in cursive because the small muscles of the hand have developed

• Read longer stories and chapter books with expression and comprehension of the theme

• Use prefixes, suffixes, and root words and other strategies to identify unfamiliar words

• Multiply and divide single- and multi-digit numbers

• Know the products of all one-digit numbers by memory

• Tell time to the nearest quarter- and half-hour and to five minutes and one minute, using AM and PM

• Be able to conduct week(s)-long interviews and research projects and write on a topic

• Use linking words such as because, therefore, since, for example, also, another, and, more, and but to show sequence, contrast, and causation

• Be prepared for a discussion, having read or studied required material

• Take plenty of notes in class and keep them organized in your binder.

• Check and correct your homework daily using the text and/or solutions in class.

• Participate in class discussions, work on in- class problems, and ask lots of questions!

• Prepare for quizzes and tests---mostly by doing homework---but also by reviewing notes and doing the assigned review problems

• Please seek help, if you are struggling in any area. DO NOT WAIT, ASK FOR HELP ANYTIME!

3rd Grade Syllabus Teleos Preparatory Academy 2013-2014

Ms. Lucas Room: 206 Phone: 602.275.5455

Email: clucas@

Overview of Curriculum

The following is a summary of the topics we will be covering during each semester.

|Math |Reading |Science |History |

|1st Semester |1st Semester |1st Semester |1st Semester |

|August: |Throughout year: | | |

|Numbers to 10,000 |Read multisyllabic words |September: Life Sciences |August: World Geography |

|Mental Math and Estimation |Phonics |Looking at Plants and Animals |Working with maps, globes and other |

|September: |Handwriting |Where do Plants and Animals live |geographic tools |

| |Grammar | |Canada |

|Adding up to 10,000 |Using text features and information |November: Earth Science/Astronomy |Important rivers of the world |

|Subtracting up to 10,000 |tools to find info quickly |The big bang |October: Ancient Rome |

|October: |Phrases and sayings |Galaxies |Geography of the Mediterranean region |

| |Informational Text |Our solar system |Background |

|Using Bar Models Addition and |August: |Planetary motion |The empire |

|Subtraction |Prefixes and Affixes |Gravity |The decline and fall of Rome |

|Multiplication Tables of 6,7,8 and 9 |Context Clues |Exploration of space |The eastern roman empire: BYZANTINE |

|November: |Homophones |Our earth |CiVILIZATION |

|Multiplication |Questioning to Understand Text |Cycles on earth and in Space |December: The Vikings |

|Division |September: | |Geography |

|December: |Understanding Text | |What they did |

| |Main Idea and Supporting Details | |Important Vikings |

|Using Bar Models: multiplication and |Show what learned by answering questions| | |

|division |about who what when where and how | | |

|Money |Point of View- telling the difference | | |

| |between what you think and what the | | |

| |author thinks | | |

General Policies and Procedures

1. Before Class:

• Students are encouraged to use the restroom before class in the morning; visits after class starts will be for emergencies only.

• Students should have all of the supplies in their possession.

2. Entering the class:

• Students will line up outside the classroom and enter according to our line order. Socializing stays in the hall.

• Uniforms must be worn properly at all times. This is their professional student dress.

• Upon entering students will copy the homework assignment into your planner or homework log, place their take home folder (yellow) on their desk and then begin their morning work.

3. Personal Conduct:

• In our class, courtesy and respect are the guiding principles.

• Students are to raise their hand before speaking and wait to be called on. No speaking out or interrupting.

• Utilize our hand signals when they need something, in order to keep from disrupting the class.

• Keep all talk positive. Negative remarks about another person are intolerable.

• Students may only have water in a closed bottle, which will not be allowed on the desk. Other food and drinks are not allowed until snack and lunch.

4. Academy Honor Code:

• Students are expected to do their own work on every single assignment.

• Cheating of any kind, even on homework will be severely punished.

5. Absences:

• If a student is absent one or two days, they will have one day for each day you missed to make up assignments.

• If a student is absent three or more days in a row, we can work on a plan to get them caught up.

• If a student misses only a test day, expect to make it up on the day they return.

• If a student misses only a review day, expect to take the test with the rest of the class

*Note: If you know a student will be absent in advance, please let me know so I can provide students with the work. **Also if a student is absent more than one day, I highly encourage coming to tutoring in order to make sure that student rebuilds their confidence and allows them to stay on pace and successful master material.

Bring to Class Everyday

1. School assignment planner or homework log

2. Yellow take home folder

3. Sharpened pencils with an eraser

4. Fresh paper

5. Reading book of the week

6. Smiles and positivity(


When the basic principles of courtesy and goodness are not followed, consequences will result. I will follow Teleos Prep's policies as described in the Family Handbook. Some common examples are:

• Tardies: The first two tardies are free; tardy #3 and beyond will result in lessened recess time and a phone call home.

• Dress code violations: after several ignored warnings will result in a phone call home and/or school detention

• Seriously wrong choices, such as defiance, will result in a phone call home and visiting the Dean of Students immediately.

Within the classroom I will also use the checks and stars behavior management system.

Stars Column:

Students will aim to obtain 5 stars by the end of the week. They will earn stars by exemplifying character traits, such as friendship, humility, responsibility, etc. Turning in all of their homework and reading log. They can also earn stars by going above and beyond during lessons and serving as a leader and positive role model to their peers.

&&&&&= Brilliant Bookwork Club- where students will get to sit at a special table in the lunch room and I will bring in threats to eat with them. One perso★★★★★= Brilliant Bookwork Club- where students will get to sit at a special table in the lunch room and I will bring in threats to eat with them. One person will be selected to be the Bookwork of the week, in which they will receive special privileges and a small gift.

Checks Column:

1. Verbal warning

2. ✓= 5 min off recess and reflection letter.

3. ✓✓= no recess and a phone call home

4. ✓✓✓= phone call home and lunch detention.

Evaluation and Grades

My philosophy is to focus on learning, not grades; however a habit of striving toward mastery will usually result in obtaining a "good grade". Grades at Teleos Prep are not simply a numerical computation, though scores on assessments have a significant impact. Your grades will be based on:

• Sense of wonder and depth of inquiry:

To earn a full A, students must consistently display a strong sense of wonder, inquire deeply, and have a positive attitude, in addition to developing a deep understanding evidenced by high scores and assessments. This will account for 10% of your final grade.

• Depth of understanding and participation/attitude:

o Categories: participation (30%), homework (20%), quizzes (20%), and tests (30%)


Students will have a quiz roughly every 2-4 lessons and a test at the end of each unit. Quizzes are closed book and are designed to take 10-20 minutes while tests will generally take one class period. Quizzes serve as a check for understanding during a chapter and tests as a formal assessment of understanding.

Homework Tips for Success

It is very important that you Understand the homework problems during the course of each chapter. This means checking your answers while doing the problems, figuring out any incorrect problems, and asking questions about those you don't understand. Understanding the homework is everything!!

• Check, correct, and score your homework with a different color pencil so you will help me identify what you need help with.

• Keep all homework in its designated subject folder in order to use and to help study for tests.

• Attempt all problems! At a minimum, write down the problem, your best attempt at a solution and any questions you have about the problem to ask the next day.


Homework will be assigned daily, except after major tests and R&R days. I will post each homework assignment on the whiteboard before class starts. Upon entering the classroom in the morning students will copy the homework in their agendas or homework logs. I will check your homework daily. I will hold the following policy:

Your homework is either in the classroom or it is not. If it is at home, or simply not done you will receive a zero, until you bring it in or complete it. I will work with parents who let me know of stringent circumstances.


Please sign below stating that you have read over and understand the class procedures, and agree to work together with Ms. Lucas in order lead your child to happiness and success.

Parent Signature(s): ________________________________________________

Also, please provide the information below to help me communicate with you. This information is strictly confidential.

Primary Parent Contact: _____________________________

Best phone number during the day: _______________________

Preferred email address: _________________________________

Preferred method of contact (phone or email) and best time(s) to call:_______________________________


Secondary Contact: _____________________________

Best phone number during the day: _______________________

Signature Page for Ms.Lucas’s Class Syllabus

STUDENTS please return by Monday, August 12th

I _______________________ have read and understand the contents of Ms. Lucas's class procedures, and I agree to follow them.

Student’s signature: _________________________________________

Computer Access?? (Please check one)

_________ I DO have access to a computer outside of school.

_________ I DO NOT have access to a computer outside of school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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