
-6292853175The World - Early Ancient CivilizationsEarly Civilizations TimelineUnit 1- Ancient Civilizations MapName:Hour: Due Date:Directions: Locate and neatly label the following on your map of the ancient world. Use your textbook and any other resources available. (Physical maps (RA4); Ch. 2 (34); Ch. 3 (68); Ch. 4 (106); Ch. 11 (344); Ch. 7 (220)) Add a compass roseCONTINENTS use pencil to label AsiaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAfricaAustraliaAntarctica BODIES OF WATER use a BLUE-ink or colored pencil to label, draw in all rivers (Use pg. RA4 – RA23)Indus River p. 72Ganges River p. 72Nile River Tigris River Euphrates River Yangtze RiverHuang He (Yellow) RiverMediterranean SeaAmazon RiverRed SeaYellow SeaAtlantic OceanIndian OceanPacific OceanArctic OceanANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS shade locations different colors on map & create corresponding key by coloring the boxes belowMesopotamia-Sumer (3500 B.C. – 750 B.C.) p.38Egypt (3100 B.C. – 500 B.C.) p. 46 Indus-Harappan (3000 B.C. – 1500 B.C.) p. 105Xia/Shang China (1700 B.C. – 1046 B.C.) p. 105Minoan (3000 B.C. – 1400 B.C.) p. 110Ancient Israel (2000 B.C. – 500 B.C.) p. 56Hittite (2000 B.C. – 1250 B.C.) p. 55Olmec (1200 B.C. – 400 B.C.) p. 353Moche (200 B.C. – 700 A.D.) p. 360Kush (1000 B.C. – 150 A.D.) p. 232GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES use a black-ink pen or pencil and label; use ^^^^ to mark mountain ranges and light dots for the deserts (Use pg. RA4 – RA23)Zargos MountainsHimalaya MountainsCaucaus MountainsAndes MountainsSahara DesertGobi DesertCRITICAL THINKING Study your completed map and answer the questions belowWhich civilizations appear to be the most naturally isolated and secure from invasion? Why?What features do you see that would make trade, migration, and invasion possible (even easy) for any of these civilizations?Create a timeline on the back of your map showing the dates of the beginning and end of each civilization. Use the same colors used on the map to draw lines and label the civilization on the line drawn. Neatness counts so use a straight edge!Looking at the timeline and longevity of the civilizations, describe the relationship between geography and the ability of a civilization to last. Besides geography, what other factors might cause a civilization to be more or less successful overtime?How would you explain these civilizations developing at approximately the same time in different parts of the world without ever meeting each other? ................

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