
Ancient World History Mrs. Steury Room 3224Christina.steury@apsva.usCOURSE OBJECTIVEThe goal for this course is to provide Ancient World history students with historical knowledge and skills that will allow for application in the world outside the classroom. In order to achieve this I hope to foster a creative, cooperative, tolerant classroom environment which will allow every student to feel successful and valued.DAILY MATERIALSEach day you will need to come prepared with: Student Binder (Must be 2in.)Notebook paper Pen or pencilAny homework or assignments that are dueCOURSE MATERIALSPrimary Textbook: Ancient World History: Patterns of InteractionThis is housed electronically in our class’s Blackboard site. Additional supplemental readings: Will be provided both in hard copy and electronicallyCOURSE OVERVIEW (Subject to change)1st QuarterUnit 1: Foundations of Human SocietyUnit 2: River Valley CivilizationsUnit 3: Classical Asian Civilizations2nd QuarterUnit 4: Ancient GreeceUnit 5: Ancient Rome3rd QuarterUnit 6: Byzantine Empire & Early RussiaUnit 7: Islamic EmpiresUnit 8: Middle Ages Europe4th QuarterUnit 9: Postclassical Regional CivilizationsSOL ReviewEnd of Year Final ProjectsCLASS WEBSITEMy class website will house all online resources and materials for this class. This includes, but is not limited to, notes, homework assignments, additional readings, PowerPoints, study guides, and review resources. Hard copies of the majority of these materials will also be provided in class. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONSCome to class prepared to learnOn timeStudent Binder, pen/pencil, homework, assignmentsAlert and ready to work!Please no cell phones or other distracting technology unless the lesson requires itParticipate in class activities with a positive attitude.Follow directions the first timeContribute to group workDo not distract othersRespect Others Polite languageRaise hand to ask/answer questionTreat others with courtesyThis classroom strictly follows all APS policies as stated in the Student Handbook.POLICY ON PERSONAL TECHNOLOGYSocial technology (phones, ipods, etc.) should only be used for academic purposes and otherwise should be kept in the student's backpack or locker. If the technology is distracting the student from their work, I reserve the right to collect and the phone for the duration of class (I will provide a secure spot for the device). Having a phone or other device out at inappropriate times in grounds for a warning.Phones will be placed in the student’s backpack or purse during tests and quizzes. Phones, headphones in, or other devices seen during a test will be confiscated and the test or quiz will be given a zero.CONSEQUENCESPossible consequences for failure to follow classroom expectations include but are not limited to:Moving seatsMeeting with Ms. Steury after classLunch/afterschool detentionParent notificationAdministrator notificationSaturday SchoolGRADINGEach quarter grade will be calculated on a percentage basis. Grades will contain a mixture of formative assessments (i.e. assessments that check for student understanding throughout the unit such as quizzes, self-assessments, and discussions) and summative assessments (i.e. assessments that gauge student understanding of content at the end of a unit of study such as unit tests, cumulative projects, and essays).Interactive Student Binders: 20%Quarter Exam: 20%Tests & Quizzes: 20%Projects: 15%Participation/class work: 15%Homework: 10%Your final grade in the class will be based on the following formula:80% of your grade = The average of your 4 quarter grades20% of your grade = Your final examFinal Exam Exemption: If a student earns all A’s for 1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th quarters OR a B+/B 1st quarter and all A’s for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter he or she will be exempt from the final exam.The Grading Scale is as follows: 90-100% = A87-89% = B+80-86% = B77-79% = C+70-76% = C67-69% = D+60-66 = D59% and below = EPlease note: Student grades reflect student achievement and not student behavior. Additionally, per school policy, quarter grades will be rounded up when the percentage is .5 or higher.WHAT TO EXPECTINTERACTIVE STUDENT BINDERS (ISBs)The interactive student binder is your home for this course, you will not need any additional binders or notebooks. The ISB will be divided by unit. This will be where I give you credit for all the work you do in class. I will maintain a Table of Contents on the bulletin board for you to check in order to keep yourself organized. It is very important that you stay on top of your interactive notebook! The interactive binder will help you study for any test or quiz. Announced and Unannounced Binder Check quizzes will be given throughout each quarter to keep students accountable for their binders. These will count as major classwork grades.Each student must bring in a 2 Inch Binder (available at Staples, Office Depot, etc.). If you think you may have trouble providing the notebook, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can ensure that each student has a notebook.TESTS/QUESTS/QUIZZESAt the end of each unit of study we will take a test. Short quizzes will also be used to give you practice and show you where you may need to spend extra time studying.PROJECTSThroughout the year we will have opportunities to complete projects. Some will be completed in-class, others will be out-of-class work. Some projects will be completed in small groups, while others will be done individually.. PARTICIPATIONThe best way to learn social studies is to be social and interact with it, so participation in class activities is very important. Students who regularly volunteer, raise their hands, read aloud, give their best to projects and presentations, and maintain a positive attitude will receive high participation scores. HOMEWORKShort homework assignments will be given throughout each unit. It is very important that students keep up with their homework and bring it to school. All homework is meant to either prepare or reinforce the content learned in class and to help students prepare for their tests and quizzes.ATTENDANCE POLICYYou are responsible for ALL WORK missed while absent, regardless of whether it is an excused or unexcused absence. You are to come to me on the day you return during Generals’ Period, before, or after school to receive any missed work or assignments and update your Interactive Student Notebook.RE-TAKE POLICYThe option to re-take tests and quizzes will be given for students who receive a failing grade (59% or below). Students must arrange a time with the teacher to complete their re-take and the average of the two grades will be recorded.LATE WORKStudents must turn in work on time to receive full credit. All late work that is turned in before the unit test can earn at most ? credit. No work will be accepted after the quarter that it was assigned. MAKE-UP WORKExcused AbsencesFrom the Washington Lee Attendance Policy:“Students returning from excused absences have one week from the last day of the absence to complete assignments missed during their absence, unless special arrangements have been made with the appropriate dean. ?Teachers will, within reason, assist students when the absence is excused.”What To Do If You Are Excused:Email Ms. Steury as soon as you know you will be out of class. I am happy to send you an email detailing what we did in class and how to catch up at home. Email: christina.steury@apsva.us Check class website for the day’s notes, powerpoints, assignments, etc. When you return to school, come see Ms. Steury during General’s Period to turn in work and update your binder. Remember: You have one week from the last day of the absence to get any missing work AND turn it in.***Class Time is NOT to be used for catching up from an absence. This is makes is more difficult for you to keep up with new material as well as distracts the teacher and other students. ***Unexcused AbsencesFrom the Washington Lee Attendance Policy:“Students are responsible for work missed even if the absence is unexcused. However, according to APS policy, credit?for make-up work is only given?when the absence is excused.Three unverified absences in any class will result in referral to the student’s administrator, parent notification and assigning of Saturday School or alternate consequence.”TARDIESFrom the Washington-Lee Student-Teacher Handbook??? “Three unexcused tardies (UC’s) during one quarter will result in an after school detention assigned by the teacher.? Parents will be notified. ?HONOR CODEBy signing this syllabus, you pledge that all work completed for this class – both at school and at home - will be YOUR OWN, and that you will not share it with anyone. If you are caught copying someone else’s work, OR allowing someone to copy your work, you will receive a zero and a referral will be written. There is no excuse for cheating. My door is always open and I am here to answer any questions you may have or provide any assistance you may need on any assignment PLAGIARISM POLICY: Any student caught plagiarizing will receive a zero on the given assignment. Students will not have an opportunity to make-up points in these instances. Students are expected to follow the W-L honor code as noted in the student handbook.One of your first homework assignments is to share this syllabus with your parents/guardians. Please sign/date it and turn THIS PAGE in on Monday 9/12 or Tuesday 9/13. Keep the actual syllabus in your notebook.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I have read and understand the syllabus for Ancient World History. If I have any questions about the syllabus or future matters, I will contact Ms. Steury either in person or by email. Student nameClass PeriodStudent signatureDateParent/Guardian signature DateParent/Guardian email address: Parent/Guardian phone number: Parents/Guardians: Is there anything you would like for me to know about your student? Please explain below or on the back of this sheet. ................

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