CARROLL COUNTY BOARDSMALL COURTROOMAPRIL 18, 2019 9:30 A.M.The meeting was called to order by Chairman Reibel, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.Roll call was called for showing Reibel, Preston, Payette, Stitzel, Yuswak, Anderson, Imel and Cole all being present, with Hartman being absent.Motion by Mr. Payette, second by Mr. Preston to approve the agenda with moving the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proclamation and JCWIFI Discussion after Tabled Items. Motion carried.Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Stitzel to approve the March 21st County Board meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.FINANCIALBills paid in vacation were presented. Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve the action of the clerk. Motion mittee on claims were presented. Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Imel to approve the bills as presented.Transfers – NoneMonthly Financial Report – The report was submitted in the packet.Board Members Services – N/ATABLED ITEMS – Motion to approve three-year contract with Century Link – No discussion.Lacey Yoeman, representing Riverview Center, presented a proclamation, proclaiming April as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” and asked the County Board for support of the proclamation. Mrs. Anderson moved to support the proclamation as presented, second by Mr. Preston. Motion carried.Scott Piehn, representing Computer Dynamics and JCWIFI asked the county if they would enter into an agreement that would allow Computer Dynamics to install some equipment into the basement of the County Highway office building. The space would become an important terminal to improve the speed for I Fiber. A tentative agreement will be prepared and presented at a future meeting for more discussion.DEPARTMENT REPORTSSheriff & Property – Sheriff Doran reported on tree issues and a new tree will be replanted on Arbor day. Also tuck pointing will begin soon.State’s Attorney – No reportTreasurer – Treasurer Powers reported she attended a training program in Springfield and the tentative mailing date of tax bills will be May 20th.Circuit Clerk – No reportAssessor – SOA Gruhn is working on the Quadrennial in Savanna and York Townships.County Clerk & Recorder – Clerk Woessner reported on the election and has started tax extension.Animal Control – A monthly report was submitted in the packet.Highway – A monthly report was submitted in the packet. Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Preston to approve the contract with Midwest Testing Services for structure borings for Section 18-04120-00-BR and authorization for the County Board Chairman to execute the agreement. Motion carried.GIS – No reportZoning – No reportZoning Board of Appeals – No reportProbation – No reportOther Departments – No reportsAFFILIATE AND LIAISON REPORTSLRA – Mr. Hartman – No reportCEDS – Mr. Imel – No reportUCCI – Mr. Payette – No report911 – Mrs. Anderson – No reportHealth Department – Mr. Yuswak – No reportVAC – Mr. Hartman – No reportSenior Services – Mr. Imel – No reportHotel/Motel – Mrs. Cole – No reportTri-County Opportunities Council – Mr. Preston – A monthly report was submitted in the packet and it was reported a new CEO was hired, starting in June.708 Board – No reportExtension – Janice McCoy from Extension announced the hiring of Molly Sedig as the new 4-H Extension Advisor filling LeAnn Rahns position.OLD BUSINESSA resolution in support of the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution and Article I, Sec 22 of the Illinois Constitution was presented for approval. Discussion ended and Mr. Payette moved to approve the resolution as presented, seconded by Mr. Stitzel. A roll call vote was called for showing Preston, Imel, Cole, Reibel, Stitzel, Payette and Yuswak all voting aye, and Anderson voting nay, with Hartman being absent. Motion carried.Circuit Clerk Patty Hiher presented a new ordinance that establishes new circuit clerk fees and criminal and traffic assessments to be charged by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve the ordinance as presented. A roll call vote was called for showing Preston, Imel, Cole, Anderson, Reibel, Stitzel, Payette, and Yuswak all voting aye, no one voting nay and Hartman being absent. Motion carried.Assistant State’s Attorney Aaron Kaney presented an amended liquor license ordinance. The main changes dealt with tougher background checks on the applicant. It was presented for discussion only and will be offered for action at a later meeting.NEW BUSINESSAdministrator Doty presented three documents pertaining to the Carroll County Transit and asked for their approval:Resolution Authorizing Execution and Amendment of Sec 5311 Grant AgreementPublic Transportation OrdinanceAcceptance of the Special Warranty Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve all as presented. A roll call vote was called for showing Preston, Imel, Cole, Anderson, Reibel, Stitzel, Payette and Yuswak all voting aye, with no one voting nay and Hartman being absent. Motion carried.Administrator Doty stated the June 6th board meeting will include a farm tour with the Farm Bureau members followed by a lunch.CHAIRMAN REPORTS – No reportAPPOINTMENTS – Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve the reappointments of Charla Spathies and Cheryl Cole to the Hotel/Motel Tax Board. Motion carried.Motion by Mr. Yuswak, second by Mr. Preston to approve Sherry Morel as a reappointment to the Community Mental Health Board-708. Motion carried.Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Imel to approve the following Fire District Trustees - all reappointments:Chadwick - Cynthia OttensLanark - Chris LowerMilledgeville - Keith OnckenMt. Carroll - Marty RappSavanna - Tom Ritchie Shannon - Jim EndressThomson - Paul MoltmannMotion carried.PUBLIC COMMENTS – NoneEXECUTIVE SESSION - 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)(2)(8) & (11) Personnel, Union Contract Negotiation,Security & Litigation – Motion by Mr. Payette, second by Mr. Stitzel to enter into Executive Session. A roll call vote was called for showing Preston, Imel, Cole, Anderson, Reibel, Stitzel, Payette and Yuswak all voting aye, with no one voting nay and Hartman being absent. Motion carried.Chairman Reibel announced the meeting back into regular session. No action taken.Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mrs. Cole to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.Brian Woessner Carroll County Clerk ................

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