|June 2014 |

| |4th Grade |

Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday | |Saturday = "Sunday" 1 "" |Saturday = "Monday" 1 0 0 2 "" |Saturday = "Tuesday" 1 0 0 3 "" |Saturday = "Wednesday" 1 0 0 4 "" |Saturday= "Thursday" 1 0 0 5 "" |Saturday = "Friday" 1 0 0 6 "" | | | 1 |2

| 3 |4 |5 | | 7 | | |Complete Problem 1

Work on Multiplication Facts - 0,1,2 |Read a book.

|Complete Problem 2

Work on Multiplication Facts- 3’s |Read a book.

|Complete Problem 3

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 0,1,2,3 |Read a book.

| |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 | | |Complete Problem 4

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 4’s

|Read a book. |Complete Problem 5

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 4’s |Read a book.

|Complete Problem 6

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 3,4 |Read a book. | |15 | 16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21

Reading | | |Complete Problem 7

Work on Multiplication facts - 5’s |Read a book. |Complete Problem 8

Work o Multiplication

Facts- 4,5

|Read a book. |Complete Problem 9

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 6’s |Choose a question/

activity from Level

1 or 2 and complete.

| |22 |23 | 24

Reading |25 | 26

Reading |27 |28

| | |Complete Problem 10

Work on Multiplication

Facts-6’s. |Choose a question/activity from Level 3 or 4 and complete. |Complete Problem 11

Work on Multiplication

Facts - 6’s |Choose a question from Level 5 or 6 and complete.

|Complete Problem 12

Work on multiplication

Facts- 5,6 |Read a book. | | 29 | 30

Complete Problem 13.

Work on Multiplication Facts - 7’s | | | | | | |

June Calendar Math Problems

1. Ramon’s mother plants 37 tulip bulbs and 22 daffodil bulbs. How many bulbs did she plant in all?

2. The students sell cameras for $16.00. Today the students sold 4 cameras. How much did they get for the cameras?

3. Frank is making 5 guitars. Each guitar will have 6 strings. How many strings does Frank need?

4. Lanie is buying recorders for 3 friends. Each recorder costs $6.o0. How much money does she need?

5. There are 3 softball teams. There are 9 students on each team. How many students play softball?

6. Time takes trumpet lessons once a week. Each lesson costs $12.00. How much do his lessons cost each month?

7. Tim buys music for $5. He also pays for 2 lessons at $12 each. How much does he spend in all?

8. It is 22 miles between Ms. Costa’s home and her office. She drives to and from work 5 days a week. How many miles is this?

9. A pet store sells 4 cans of cat food for $2.00, 8 cans for $4.00, and 12 cans for $6.00. How many cans would you get for $10.00?

10. Chris is looking at 7 cakes on the table at the bake sale. Each cake has six slices. How many slices of cake are there in all?

11. Angie feeds her dogs 3 cups of food 2 times a day. How many cups of food does he feed his dog in 7 days?

12. Shelby has 8 gerbils, 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 1 rabbit. She has twice as many birds as cats. How many pets does Shelby have in all?

13. There are 16 friends bowling in each of 4 lanes. How many friends are bowling in all?


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