A.M. Best Company

Alan Kandel

Advocate Reinsurance Partners

William Hodson

Advocate Reinsurance Partners, LLC

Alex Fox

AGI Services

Jean R. Adams

AGI Services

George Brown

AGI Services

Joanne Smith

AJA Risk Management Consultants, Inc.

Abby Ouimet

Aon Global Risk Consulting

Gregory Larcher

Aon Insurance Managers (USA) Inc.

Kelly Bourne

Aon Insurance Managers (USA) Inc.

Mike Coulter

Aon Insurance Managers (USA) Inc.

Dawn Dinardo

Aon insurance Managers (USA) Inc.

Emi Swain

Aon Risk Services

Ron Calhoun

Arbor Properties,Inc.

Gordon Thames

Baker & McKenzie LLP

Gerald Hayes

Bank of America - Merrill Lynch

F. Ronald Dennis

Bartlett Actuarial Group, Ltd.

Andrea Bartlett

Bartlett Actuarial Group, Ltd.

Bill Bartlett

Bartlett Actuarial Group, Ltd.

Brian Johnson

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Amanda Brinkley, CPA

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Ben Glenn, CPA

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Bryan Hudson, CPA

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Neil Jones, CPA, CISA, CITP

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Christian Stormer, CPA

Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, PA

Jay Swearingen, CPA

BB&T Assurance Company, Ltd.

Billy Richard


Mims Davis

Capitol Consultants, Inc.

Andi Rawl

Caregivers United Liability Ins. Co. RRG

Daniel Hughes

Chartis Insurance Management Services

Samuel Jones

Comerica Bank

Michael McCarty

Crowe Horwath

Ken Wills

CSX Insurance Company

Jason Marigliani

CSX Insurance Company

Diann Morshead

Dixon Hughes

Converse Chellis

Dixon Hughes PLLC

Jan Waring-Woods, CPA

Dwight Asset Management

John Loud

Dwight Asset Management

Derek M. Martisus

Energy Insurance Mutual

Tommy Bolton

Energy Insurance Services, Inc.

Scott Goodell

Energy Insurance Services, Inc.

Robert Schmid

Financial Risk Analysts, LLC

Robert Van Epps

Foodservice Risk Management, Inc.

JL Nichols

Golden Gate Captive Insurance Co.

Nancy Kane

Golden Gate Captive Insurance Co.

Frank Lassiter

GPW & Associates, Inc.

Lawrence Prudhomme

GPW & Associates, Inc.

Charles Wanner

Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA

James Suddeth, III


Barry Couch

Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn

Julie Robertson

Imperial PFS

Richard Crnkovich

Inner Circle Insurance Company, Inc.

Peter Meyer

Inter-Rail Management, Inc.

Melinda Biehl

IU Health Risk Retention Group

Norman G. Tabler Jr.

IU Health Risk Retention Group, Inc

Michele Calderon Johns

IU Health Risk Retention Group, Inc.

Catherine Treen

Jarrard, Nowell & Russell, LLC

Derrick Apple

Jarrard, Nowell & Russell, LLC

William Russell

Jarrard, Nowell & Russell, LLC

Rita Ryan

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Phil Barnhill

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Gary Bowers

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Miles Hopkins, CPA

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Mollie McTeer

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Jim Murphy

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Phillip Padgett

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

John Prescott, CPA, AIAF

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Sarah Stubbs, CPA

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Jeffrey Tkacz, CPA

Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP

Doug Torchio

Johnson Lambert & Co., LLP

Lynn Kline

Johnson Lambert & Co., LLP

Cody Paul

Kane (USA), Inc.

Piper Crockett

Kane (USA), Inc.

Elizabeth Forney

Kane (USA), Inc.

Robert Meetze

Kane (USA), Inc.

Harry Rodgers

Kane (USA), Inc.

Elizabeth Steinman

Kane (USA), Inc.

Ann West, CPA

Koppers Assurance, Inc.

Randy Collins

Latitude Subrogation Services

Jacqueline Benson

Latitude Subrogration Services

Jon Coscia

Leader Care, Ltd

JoAnna Crooks

Leader Care, LTD

John O’Brien

Leader Care, LTD

Forrest Preston

Leader Care, Ltd

Richard Swanker

Leader Care, Ltd

Steve Ziegler

Leader Care, Ltd.

Billy Finley, CRM

Lincoln Financial Grop

Keith Ryan

Lionheart Insurance Group

Virginia Adrihan

Lionheart Insurance Group

Jackie Fink

Lionheart Insurance Group

Simon Kilpatrick

M.D. Sass

Bruce George


Kyle Mrotek

Marsh Captive Solutions Group

Julie S. Boucher

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Linda Danna

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Tonia Epps

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Gavin Foggon

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Robert Johnson

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Chris Leigh

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Mannu Luo

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Jason McMillan

Marsh Management Services, Inc.

Chuck Scherer

Marsh USA, Inc.

Ellyn Casazza

Metallurgical Alliance Corp.

Jim Billard

Milliman, Inc.

Allison T. Gorniak

Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele

Douglas Butler

Morris Manning & Martin

Robert H. Myers, Jr.

Murray Risk Management

Scott Alleyn Orndorff

Murray Risk Management & Insurance

Thomas Martone

National Medical Professional RRG

Norman Lutz

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP

Thomas Brumgardt

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP

Sally Caver

Oceanus Insurance Company

Ron Brandley Kurtz

Palmetto Consulting

John Weitzel

Physicians Proactive Protection, Inc. RRG

Dona Hills

Physicians Proactive Protection, Inc. RRG

Joseph Pareres

Physicians Proactive Protection, Inc. RRG

Peter Perdik, M.D.

Physicians Re Captive Insurance Co.

James Thomas

Physicians Re Captive Insurance Company

Gregory Mackay, MD

Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.

Robert Walling

Pinnacle Actuaries

N. Terry Godbold

Porter Keadle Moore, LLP

David Berry

Porter Keadle Moore, LLP

Robert Schwarzmann

Preferred Home Insurance, LLC

Constantine Flamio

Preferred Home Insurance, LLC

Ronald Yelland

Preferred Reinsurance Intermediaries

Karen Basso

Preferred Reinsurance Intermediaries

David Coulter

Preferred Reinsurance Intermediaries

Robert Sanders

Prime Captive Services

Jeffrey P. Leman

Red Clay Risk Retention Group, Inc.

William Golden, M.D.

Red Clay Risk Retention Group, Inc.

Jerry Kitchens, M.D.

Red Clay Risk Retention Group, Inc.

Charles Sharp, M.D.

Red Re, Inc.

Paul Berkemeier

Red Re, Inc.

Susan Hodson

Red Re, Inc.

Dana Newman

Risk Evaluation and Design

Josefa Monroy

Rives & Associates

Chris Chesson

Rives & Associates

Leon L. Rives, II

Saslow Lufkin & Buggy, LLP

Daniel Kusaila

Saslow Lufkin & Buggy, LLP

David Roberts

Saslow Lufkin & Buggy, LLP

Arthur Salvadori

SC Department of Insurance

Bobby G. Troutman


Laura Stuckey

Seacrest Partners

Cindy Robinett

Seacrest Partners, Inc.

Debbie Rich

Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

Gordon Breslav

Seibels Law Firm, PA

Jason Luck

Seibels Law Firm, PA

John Seibels, Jr.

Select Actuarial Services

Michael McGinnis

Select Actuarial Services

Thomas Meyer

SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group, Inc.

Lloyd Kelley

SJC/Geechee Reinsurance Company

Doreen Chery

South Carolina Department of Insurance

David Black

South Carolina Department of Insurance

Leslie Jones

South Carolina Department of Insurance

Jeffrey Kehler

South Carolina Department of Insurance

Ronald Krebs

South Carolina Physician Assurance Co.

Marjorie Heggie

Southwest Physicians RRG

Jerry Reynolds

St. Charles Insurance Co. RRG

Rogers Freedlund, Jr.

St. Charles Insurance Co. RRG

Richard Simmons

St. Charles Insurance Co. RRG

Matthew Weil

St. Joseph's/Candler Health System

David Buchanan

St. Joseph's/Candler Health System

Tammy Phillips

Stevens & Lee

Scott Spencer

Stevens & LeeY

Steven Dyer, Esq.

Strategic Risk Solutions

Brett Carpenter

Strategic Risk Solutions

Jeffrey L. Fitzgerald

Strategic Risk Solutions

Courtney Flynn

Strategic Risk Solutions

Laura Roemer

Strategic Risk Solutions

Patrick Theriault

Superior Insurance Company, RRG

Richard Berger, MD

Superior Insurance Company, RRG

James Dwyer, MD

Superior Insurance Company, RRG

Michael Gerardi, MD

Superior Insurance Company, RRG

Dennis McGill, MD

Superior Insurance Company, RRG

Mollie O'Brien

Total Captive Solutions

Cory Brown

Total Captive Solutions

Michele Crozier

Total Captive Solutions

Natalie Dunaway

Total Captive Solutions

Pete Thomas

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Tobias Burke

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Garry Coulter

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Jeff delMas

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Adam Forstot

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Melody Gage, CPA

USA Risk Group of South Carolina

Paul Newton


Thomas Anderson, Jr.

Wells Fargo

Jeffrey Pratt

Willis Management

Jocelyn Lyman

Wilmington Trust SP Services

Rebecca Di Pietro

Wilmington Trust SP Services

Lori Wind

WIN General Insurance, Inc.

Michael Bellomo

WIN General Insurance, Inc.

Dale Bitter

Xcel Energy / Energy Insurance Services, Inc.

Michael Anderson

Xcel Energy / Energy Insurance Services, Inc.

John Hernick

Young Clement Rivers, LLP

Doug Concannon

Young Clement Rivers, LLP

Michael Molony, Esq.

Zurich North America

Steven Bauman


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