Anderson School District Five

P.O. Box 439 / 400 Pearman Dairy Road (Anderson, SC 29622

Phone: (864) 260-5000 ( Fax: (864) 260-4463 (

Dear Volunteer:

We appreciate your willingness to volunteer in our schools. Having caring and compassionate volunteers working with our young people is a priority of District Five. Another priority of the District is the safety and security of our students. We work very hard to ensure that our students are provided with a safe and secure environment on a daily basis.

With our students’ safety in mind, District Five requires a background check on any individual who will be in a supervisory role or in direct contact with a District Five student or students. For example, tutors, volunteers, and field trip chaperones must all have background checks before working with our students. The type of background check completed is dependent upon the volunteer’s role at the school. At a minimum, the district will perform a National Sex Offender Registry check on all volunteers. A South Carolina SLED check may be required for volunteers with close contact with students.

Parents visiting our schools as guests that have not been assigned responsibilities with students are not required to have background checks. However, all visitors are required to sign-in upon arrival at the school. Schools with the appropriate technology may run a driver’s license check on all visitors.

If you would like to be involved in your child’s school as a volunteer, it is vital that you complete all sections of the volunteer form; printing clearly and legibly with accurate information. If you have a child at multiple schools in District Five, only one background check is required. Please alert the appropriate school(s) that you have a background check on file with the district. All background checks are strictly confidential. Only appropriate district and school level administrators will have access to your background information.

We feel that protecting the children in District Five is a major responsibility of our schools and district: therefore, we hope that you understand the need for us to be diligent and thorough in our screening of volunteers.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Most sincerely,

Betty Bagley

Betty Bagley


Anderson School District Five

Background Checks

SLED = State Law Enforcement Division

NSOR = National Sex Offender Registry

|Employee Type |Check Conducted |Cost |

|SC Teachers, Substitutes, Teaching Assistants |SLED |None |

| |NSOR |None |

| | | |

|Clerical Staff |SLED |$25.00 |

| |NSOR |None |

| | | |

|Bus Drivers and Assistants |SLED |None |

| |NSOR |None |

| |Driver’s License Check | |

| | | |

|Buildings and Grounds and Food Service |SLED |$25.00 |

| |NSOR |None |

| | | |

|Any Out-of-State Employee |SLED |None |

| |NSOR |None |

| |SS Trace |$3.00 |

| |County Criminal Records Check |$10.00 |

|Volunteer Type |Check Conducted |Cost |

|School Volunteer/Tutor with no student one-on-one responsibilities |NSOR |None |

| | |None |

|School Mentor (must meet SLED’s definition of a mentor) |SLED |$8.00 |

| |NSOR |None |

|School Volunteer/Tutor with student |SLED |$25.00 |

|one-on-one responsibilities |NSOR |None |

|School Chaperone with overnight responsibilities |SLED |$25.00 |

| |NSOR |None |

|School Chaperone with no overnight responsibilities |NSOR |None |

| | |None |

|School Volunteer with transportation responsibilities |SLED |$25.00 |

| |NSOR |None |

| |ACCRC |None |

|Student Teachers and Jr/Sr Level Practicum Students |SLED |$25.00 |

|with student one-on-one responsibilities |NSOR |None |

| | |(Paid by college) |

|Student Volunteers and Fr/So Level Practicum Students |NSOR |None |

|with no student one-on-one responsibilities |(completed and submitted by the college) |None |

SCL 8/10

Volunteer and Mentor Background Checks

District Five has developed the following background check procedure to continue to ensure the safety of our students.


Background checks are required of any volunteer that will be in close proximity to a student or students and who may be given supervisory responsibilities. Examples include a field trip chaperone, tutor, mentor, driver of students to events, etc.

Schools will request a background check by submitting a completed Volunteer Background Check form to Carol Buck at the District Office.

The background check will include a search of the National Sex Offenders Registry. For volunteers requiring a SLED check, we will check our SLED records going back THREE years. SLED checks older than three years will have to be resubmitted. Other county records may be checked as necessary.

Volunteers that have approved SLED checks on file with the district that are no more than three years old will be accepted pending a National Sex Offenders Registry check.

In addition, volunteers for overnight activities, one-on-one tutors, mentors, and adults that drive students, other than their child, to events in lieu of district transportation MUST have a SLED check.


Schools may also request a SLED check on all of their volunteers but will be responsible for the $25.00 fee for the background check. 


The District Five Mentor Program was delegated to schools when the District Volunteer Coordinator position was eliminated. Schools that wish to implement a mentor program should request the district training materials from Wanda Whitfield in order to train mentors. Mentors must be trained, have a SLED check, and have a National Sex Offenders Registry check completed before becoming a mentor. SLED checks are $8.00 for mentors that meet SLED’s requirements. Otherwise, the SLED check is $25.00.


• Have the volunteer complete a School Volunteer Form.

• Submit the School Volunteer Form to Carol Buck at the District Office.

o Attach a check(s) to cover the cost of the SLED check if required

o Schools that cannot write checks should submit a Disbursement Voucher and a copy of the School Volunteer Form to Gloria Brown at the District Office

• Once the background check is complete, Carol Buck will forward the results back to the school principal. Questionable results are discussed with the principal. The principal will make final decision as to which volunteer(s) are included or excluded from serving.

When to send background check forms for FIELD TRIPS:

• Background check forms for field trips should be submitted no more than four (8) weeks prior and no less than one (1) week before the field trip.


School Volunteer Form



|First Name | | | | | |

| |

|Phone #’s |(H) | | |(W) | | | |

| | |Month | |Day | |Year |

|Area(s) in which you wish to volunteer: Please check below all that apply | | |

| |Tutor | |School Volunteer | |Chaperone | |Other – describe |


| |Mentor (Must complete the Mentor Application) | |Overnight Chaperone | |One-on-One Tutor |

| |Approved driver of students to events | | | | |

Have you served as a tutor or chaperone in one of our schools before? YES NO

If YES, which school(s)

Child’s Name Grade

Anderson School District Five promises to provide a safe, nurturing environment for our students. We respectfully request that all volunteers having a supervisory role with students complete a background check. All of our school employees do this at time of hire. All background check information is confidential and is kept in accordance with state, federal and local regulations. Thank you so much for helping our students and our schools!

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Principal’s Signature: _______________________________ School: _________________________




|Last Name |First Name |Middle Name |

| | | | |

|Current Street Address |City |State |Zip Code |

|E-Mail Address | |

Please list any additional addresses residences in the last 7 years (most current first).

| | | | |

|Street Address |City |State |Zip Code |

| | | | |

|Street Address |City |State |Zip Code |

Would you prefer to be matched with a male student or female student? ( Male ( Female ( No Preference

What grade level of child do you prefer? K-2 _____ 3-5 _____ 6-8 _____ 9-12 _____

What special skills do you feel you have to offer a young person? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

For the protection of our children, we ask you to respond to the following questions. Thanks for understanding.

Have you ever been charged with and/or convicted of a criminal offense? YES ___ NO ___

If YES, please explain in detail: __________________________________________________________________________




Have you ever been investigated, charged, or convicted of child abuse, neglect or any other offense involving a child?

YES ___ NO ___ If YES, please explain in detail: ___________________________________________________________




If you have a school preference, please name the school: _____________________________________________________

By signing below, you are authorizing Anderson School District Five to secure any and all personal information from any source of record that they deem necessary in order to perform a background check on you. You further authorize and release District Five from legal liability for collecting and reporting your personal background information.

All background check information is confidential and is kept in accordance with state, federal and local regulations. Thank you so much for helping our students and our schools!

_____________________________________________ _________________________________________

Mentor Applicant Signature Date

When completed, please return to: Tripp Dukes, Assistant Superintendent, P.O. Box 439, Anderson, SC 29622 or fax to 864-260-4463.



AUGUST 13, 2009

Section 23‐3‐115 (B), SC Code of Laws states:

“(B) The fee allowed in subsection (A) is fixed at eight dollars if the criminal record search is conducted for a charitable organization, a bona fide mentor, or for the use of a charitable organization. The division shall develop forms on which a mentor or charitable organization shall certify that the criminal record search is conducted for the use and benefit of the charitable organization or mentor.”

For reduced fee name based criminal records checks for mentors, all of these requirements must be met:

1. The mentor must be part of an organized and documented mentoring program at the school.

2. The mentoring program documentation must be available for submission to SLED upon request.

3. The mentoring program must require a commitment of one semester.

4. The mentoring program must require a minimum of 4 hours of work per month.

5. The mentoring must occur at the school and must occur before, during, or after the school day.

6. Based on the school district’s guidelines, the mentor must be qualified to assist with the schoolwork.

7. The mentor must focus a minimum of 75% of their time directly assisting students with their schoolwork.

8. The mentor must assist students with schoolwork which is part of the normal school day curriculum.

9. The mentor must not receive any monetary compensation for the school for any reason.

10. For reduced fee checks for mentors, the school district must maintain a log for submission quarterly to SLED.


Dear Volunteer,

Please read the Anderson School District Five Policy on Staff Conduct. Sign below indicating that you have read and understand this policy. This form should be returned to the volunteer coordinator.


Code GBEB Issued 7/03

Purpose: To establish the board's vision for appropriate staff conduct.

The board reaffirms one of the oldest beliefs in education: One of the best methods of instruction is that of setting a good example.

The board expects the staff of the district to strive to set the kind of example for students that will serve them well in their own conduct and behavior and subsequently contribute to an appropriate school atmosphere.

To that end, in dress, conduct and interpersonal relationships, all staff should recognize that they are being continuously observed by students and that their actions and demeanor will be reflected in the conduct of the students. The administration shall establish an administrative rule implementing the expectation that staff members dress in a professional manner.

The personal life of an employee will be the concern of and warrant the attention of the board only as it may directly prevent the employee from effectively performing assigned functions during duty hours or as it violates local, state or federal law or contractual agreements.

Adopted 9/18/01; Revised 7/29/03

|Signature | | |Date | |

Anderson County School District Five









Sept. 2010


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