Theory and practice

Technology Self-Assessment

Complete this assessment, which asks you about your current technology skills, plans for developing skills, and attitudes about technology. THIS IS NOT for a grade, but rather to help you and me evaluate your experience level with technology and determine what you'd like to get from the course. I also plan to use the information to identify class resource people for various technologies. In this way, we can share expertise about particular tools and approaches.

Add your last name to the file name when you save it and then place it in the Blackboard digital drop box.

Software, Hardware, Languages, and Activities

1. Do you currently have a website?      

If so, what is the URL?      

2. With which of the following are you familiar?

“Languages” | |Programs | |Activities | |Write in others | |HTML | | |DreamWeaver | | |Storyboarding | | |      | |DHTML | | |FrontPage | | |Web design | | |      | |XHTML | | |GoLive | | |Web programming | | |      | |XML | | |InDesign | | |Usability testing | | |      | |JavaScript | | |Photoshop | | |Accessible design | | |      | |Java | | |Freehand | | |Digital photo | | |      | |CGI | | |Fireworks | | |Video production | | |      | |Perl | | |Flash | | |Video editing | | |      | |PHP | | |Camtasia | | |Audio editing | | |      | |CSS | | |Director | | |Streaming video | | |      | |What types of hardware do you use? (PC, Mac, PDA, Camcorder, digital camera, iphone or android phone, Kindle, ipad, etc.)      

3. Preferred operating system:      

4. Preferred browser:      

5. What software do you use most frequently and why?      

6. What software do you like using the most and why?      

7. What software do you like least and why?      

8. What software (or language, or activity) would you most like to learn and why?      

Internet/Web Use

9. For what tasks do you use the internet most?      

10. What is your favorite type of Website and why?      

11. What do you like most about the Web?      

12. What do you like least about the Web?      

13. Do you blog?      

14. Do you read blogs? If who do you follow?      

15. Do you, or have you, participated in video conferencing?      

16. Do you use Twitter?      

17. Do you use Facebook?      

18. Do you use LinkedIn?      

19. What other social media do you use frequently?      

Current Perceptions of Social Media

20. How would you currently define “multimedia”?      

21. How would you currently define “new media”?      

22. How would you currently define “social media”?      

23. How would you currently define “multimedia” literacy?      

24. What do you think is important about social media?      

Technology Learning

25. How do you learn technology most effectively? (Reading instructions and articles; sitting down with someone who can show you; doing tutorials; trial and error?)      

26. What kinds of things have been the hardest for you to learn? (A particular software package? Type of Interface? Tagging system or programming language?)      

27. How do you “relate to” technology—comfortable with it? Phobic about it? In between?      

28. What do you hope to get out of this class?      


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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