
Floating Camera Widget


Consider u need a camera on your smart phone which is always open irrespective of any app you open it is still there and u need it all the time. Then we present you this system which we call Floating Camera Widget, which acts like a Widget and its floating no matter any app is opened it sits always on top of your app. The Working of this system is very simple as the app is launched the system will ask you for the camera mode i.e. front camera or back cam also it will ask you the size of the camera ranging 1% TO 100% and if it has a smaller size, u can move it and can keep it anywhere on your screen that won’t interrupt the camera preview. The preview has two options one is close and second is return home. If u click on close it will close the camera and if u click on home it will take u back to the home page where u can change the camera properties i.e. the mode and size. In android camera can only have one instance opened so if u open a app which uses a camera, the preview which sits on the top will be stopped.


• Camera Properties: Change the camera mode and size.

• Camera Preview: The user can see the camera preview and can also return back to change the properties or close the preview.

Software Requirements:

• Windows XP, Windows 7(ultimate, enterprise)

• Android Studio

Hardware Components:

• Processor – i3

• Hard Disk – 5 GB

• Memory – 1GB RAM

• Android Phone with Kitkat and higher


• Doesn’t need Internet.

• Doesn’t require for the app to be Active.

• Camera preview is working in background.

• Is always floating above all the apps.


• If any other camera apps are launched, the floating preview will be stopped.


• This application can be used by any person who wants to use his camera all the time, this camera doesn’t perform any action but is capable of.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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