Ja: (1) A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the ...

Ja: (1) A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. (2) In The Magus: (a) One of the names of Jehovah. (b) A name used in the conjuration of Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. (3) One of the 34 consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Jaaborou Hammaim: A Hebrew term used in the fifteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Jaala: See Jael.

Jabamiah: See Habbamah.

Jabniel: A Hebrew name meaning "Jehovah causes to be built". In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: One of the ruling angels of the 3rd heaven.

Jabriel: See Jibril.

Jabril: See Jibril.

Jabriyel: See Jibril.

Jabulum: A variation of the Hebrew name Zabulon (q.v.) used in the thirteenth, fourteenth and seventheenth degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Jach: Probably a variation of the name Jah (q.v.). In the Grimoire of Armadel: One of the names which appears on the Sigil of Samael.

Jachin: Variations: Jakin, Yachin. A Hebrew name meaning "he that strengthens" or "will establish". The white right hand pillar of King Solomon's temple and of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, representing mercy. It is associated with the office of the Dadouchos in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Jachinai: A corruption of the Hebrew term Shekinah (q.v.) that appears in some French texts.

Jachniel: In Hechaloth Lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the south wind.

Jack O'Lantern: See Samhain.

Jacob: A Hebrew name meaning "supplanter". (1) A name used in a conjuration of Acham in the Grimoire of Honorius. (2) A name used in a spell for favour and love in the Greater Key of Solomon.

Jae: A variation of the name Jah (q.v.). (1) A name used in the consecration of ritual ink horns in The Book of True Black Magic. (2) A name used in the conjuration of Acham in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Jael: Variations: Jaala. May be a Hebrew name meaning "wild she goat" or a corruption of the name Joel (q.v.). (1) In Judaic mythology: One of the twin Cherubim on the mercy seat of the arc of the covenant, the other being Zarall. (2) In the Lemegeton, an angel related to air and the sign Libra.

Jagniel: In Hebrew mythology: One of four angels ruling Shehaqim (q.v.).

Jah: Variations: Jae, Jach. A poetic abreviation of the name Jehovah (q.v.). Sometimes confused in grimoires with Jod (q.v.). (1) In the Lemegeton: (a) A name that appears on the Almadel (q.v.). (b) A name used in the First Conjuration of a spirit. (2) A name inscribed in the Circle of White Magic in the Grand Grimoire. (3) A name used in circle casting and in the conjuration of the book in the Grimoire of Honorius. (4) In The Magus: (a) A name of Jehovah, "answering to the numbers of Saturn". (b) One of the ten general names of Jehovah listed. (c) A name used in an exorcism of the spirits of the air. (5) One of the names of Jehovah used in the conjuration of spirits in the Grimoire of Armadel.

Jaheb: The thirteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Jahoel: See Jehoel.

Jaina Cross: An alternate name for the Swastika (q.v.).

Jakata: One of the Voodoo Loas.

Jakin: See Jachin.

Jaldabaoth: See Iadalbaoth.

Jamersil: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Sazquiel.

Jaluha: In Gnosticism: The angel who is the reciver of the Sabaoth Adamas. He bears the cup of oblivion to souls being judged.

Jamiel: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Samil.

Janastardy: A name used in the invocation of Acham in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Janax: In The Magus: An angel of Monday residing in the 1st heaven who is invoked in the east.

Janic: A name used in the conjuration of Thursday in The Magus.

Janiel: One of the angels of the fifth heaven ruling in the south on Tuesday in The Magus.

Janna: A name used in the grand conjuration of Lucifuge Rocofale in the Grand Grimoire.

Janor: The name of the second hour of the day in The Magus.

Janua: One of the seventy two names of Jehovah in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Janus: (1) In Roman mythology, the God of doorways and the turning of the seasons. In his aspect as morning he is known as Matutinus. The month of January is named for him. (2) A name which appears in the cry of the aethyr Lil in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli.

Januviel: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Osgaebial.

Jaoel: See Jahoel.

Japhet: Variations: Japheth, Iaht, Iaphat, Taphat. A Hebrew name meaning "extension". A name of Jehovah used in a conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.

Japheth: See Japhet.

Japnoill: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Jefischa.

Jareahel: See Jarihael.

Jareriel: See Jazeriel.

Jariel: In Judaic mythology: An angel of the divine face or presence.

Jarihael: Variations: Jareahel. One of the angels of the second heaven ruling in the north on Wednesday in The Magus.

Jason: Variations: Iason. A Greek name meaning "healer". (1) A hero of Greek mythology, being the leader of the Argonauts who found the Golden Fleece. (2) A person mentioned in Liber CCC.

Java: One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus.

Javan: Variations: Yavan. A Greek name ("Yavan") for Greece. In Judaic mythology: An angel with dominion over Greece.

Jaym: A name used in the conjuration of Thursday in The Magus.

Jayon: The name of the tenth hour of the day in The Magus.

Jazar: Variations Jaazer, Jazer. A Hebrew name meaning "whom God aids". One of the Genii of the seventh hour, called a "genius who compels love", found in the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.

Jazel: One of the angels of the fifth heaven ruling in the west on Tuesday in The Magus.

Jazer: See Jazar.

Jazeriel: Variations: Jareriel. A name probably derived from the Hebrew name Jazar (q.v.). An angel ruling over the thirteenth of the twenty eight Mansions of the Moon (q.v.) in The Magus.

Je: (1) A name used in the consecration of parchment in the Grimorium Verum. (2) A name invoked in the conjuration of Friday in The Magus.

Jean Philippe Pethro: One of the Pethro Loas of Voodoo.

Jean Pierre Pongoueh: One of the Nago Loas of Voodoo.

Jean Zombi: A Loa of the Pethro, Banda and Crabigne Traditions of Voodoo.

Jeduthun: A hebrew name meaning "praising" or "judgement". In Qabalistic lore: Lord of the evening choirs of angels in heaven. Psalms 39, 62 and 77 are dedicated in their titles to Jeduthun..

Jefefiyah: See Yefefiah.

Jefischa: In the Lemegeton, an angel ruling the fourth hour of the night, whose chief officers include Armesial, Nedruel, Maneij, Ormael, Phorsiel and Rimezin. His lesser officers include Rayziel, Gemezin, Fremiel, Hamayzod, Japnoill and Lamediel.

Jehoel: May be a variation of the name Joel (q.v.). Variations: Jehuel, Jaoel, Yahoel. (1) In Judaic mythology: An angelic mediator and prince of the presence who keeps Leviathan (q.v.) in check. Sometimes used as a name for Metatron (q.v.). (2) In Qabalistic lore: A principal angel of fire.

Jehoh: A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus.

Jehosua: A name used in a Grand Appellation in the Grand Grimoire and the Red Dragon.

Jehova: A variation of the name Jehovah (q.v.). (1) In the Grimoire of Honorius: (a) A name used in a universal conjuration. (b) A name used in a conjuration of Surgat. (c) A name used in a conjuration of Acham. (d) A name inscribed on the grand pentacle of Solomon. (2) A name inscribed on the mirror of Solomon in the Grimorium Verum. (3) A name used in a Grand Appellation in the Grand Grimoire and the Red Dragon.

Jehovah: Variations: Jah, Jehova, Iehovah, Jehovam, Jeova, Jova, Java or Jehovam. (1) A modern name of the Judaic or Christian God, derived from the original Hebrew Tetragrammaton (literally "four letter word") YHVH, which stands for the Hebrew letters Yod He Vau He (See Tetragrammaton). (2) The name of the angel referred to in Genesis 48:16. (3) A name used in the Invocation of the King and the Chain Curse in the Lemegeton. (4) A name used in a conjuration of Lucifer in the Grimoire of Honorius. (5) A name invoked in a rite of necromancy in the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. (6) A name "answering to the numbers of Saturn" in The Magus.

Jehovah Elohim: (1) One of the ten names of Jehovah listed in the Scale of the Number Ten in The Magus. (2) The Divine name associated with the Sephira Binah in Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic.

Jehovah Podashocheia: A name used to invoke Zayariel in the True Magickal Work of the Jesuits.

Jehovah Sabboath: A variation of Jehovah Tzabaoth (q.v.). One of the names of Jehovah from the Scale of the Number Nine in The Magus.

Jehovah Saboath: A variation of Jehovah Tzabaoth (q.v.). One of the ten names of Jehovah listed in the Scale of the Number Ten in The Magus.

Jehovah Tzabaoth: Variations: Jehovah Saboath, Jehovah Sabboath, YHVH Tzabaoth. A Hebrew name ("YHVH TzBAVTh") meaning "the Lord of Armies". A Divine name assigned to the Sephira Netzach in Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic.

Jehovah Zidkenu: One of the names of Jehovah from the Scale of the Number Nine in The Magus.

Jehovam: A variation of the name Jehovah (q.v.). (1) A name used in the consecration of ritual wands in the Grimorium Verum. (2) Used in a conjuration of Lucifuge Rocofale in the Grand Grimoire.

Jehuda: See Judah.

Jehudiam: In The Zohar: An angel who keeps the accounts of the righteous and carries the keys to Jehovah's treasures.

Jehudiel: (1) In Judaic mythology: The angelic ruler of the movements of the celestial spheres. (2) In Transcendental Magic, Levi asserts that Jehudiel was the name that the Christian Gnostics gave to Oriphiel (q.v.).

Jehuel: See Jehoel.

Jeia: A name used in the conjuration of Monday in The Magus.

Jeiah: A name inscribed on the grand pentacle of Solomon in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Jeksan: A Hebrew name of one of the sons of Abraham used in the third degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Jekusiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 1st heaven.

Jekutiel: Variations: Jekuthiel. In Vocabulaire de L'Angelologie: An angel invoked by women at childbirth.

Jekuthiel: See Jekutiel.

Jeliel: In La Kabbale Pratique: An angel of the order of Seraphim (q.v.) whose name is inscribed on the Tree of Life (q.v.). He is the ruler of Turkey and controls the destiny of kings. He is also reputed to inspire passion between the sexes and insure marital fidelity.

Jen: A corruption of the name Teu (q.v.). A name used in an exorcism of the spirits of the air in The Magus.

Jeou: In Gnosticism: A heavenly power that binds Iadalbaoth (q.v.) to his fate.

Jeova: A variation of the name Jehovah (q.v.). A name used in the consecration of ritual swords in the Grimorium Verum.

Jephthah's Daughter: Also known as the "daughter's degree". The first degree of the Order of the Eastern Star. Jephthah ("God opens") is a Biblical character, appearing in Judges 11.

Jeqon: Variations: Yeqon, Yikon. A Hebrew name meaning "inciter". In Enoch I: A fallen angel who tempted other angels with the sight of mortal women.

Jerazol: In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: An angel of power invoked in conjuring.

Jeremiel: A variation of the name Eremiel (q.v.). In Enoch I and II Esdras: An angel cognate with Remiel.

Jerescue: Variations: Jeruscue. In the Heptameron: An angel of Wednesday residing in the 3rd heaven and invoked in the west.

Jerico Rose: Variations: Rosa de Jerico. In Santeria: A plant used in spells to bring good luck.

Jerimiel: See Eremiel.

Jeruscue: A variation of the name Jerescue (q.v.). One of the angels of the second heaven ruling in the west on Wednesday in The Magus.

Jes: A name used in a love spell in the Book of True Black Magic.

Jesod: A variation of the name Yesod (q.v.). A name invoked in the consecration of ash in Levi's Transcendental Magic.

Jesodoth: (1) In Rabbinic lore: An angel who recieves knowledge directly from Jehovah and transmits it to human kind. He is 10th inthe hierarchy of the Elohim (q.v.). (2) In Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy: An angel who receives benificence from the 10th of the divine essences.

Jessemon: A name inscribed on the grand pentacle of Solomon in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Jesu: A variation of the name Jesus (q.v.). (1) One of the seventy two names of Jehovah found in the Grimoire of Honorius. (2) One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus.

Jesubilin: Variations: Serabilin, Serabilem. A corruption of the name Ierahlem (q.v.). A name used a preparatory prayer in the Grimorium Verum.

Jesus: Variations: Jesu, Jhesu. A Hebrew name meaning "saviour". (1) In Judiac and Christian mythology, Jesus was the Saviour or Messiah. Some early Christian writers classify him as an angel. (2) In Santeria (a) The image of the infant Jesus is associated with the Orisha Orungan (q.v.). (b) Jesus Christ is synchretized with the Orisha Olofi (q.v.).

Jesus Hominum Salvator: A Latin expression commonly expressed as the Christian acronym J.H.S. Related to the acronym I.H.S. (see In Hoc Signo).

Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judecorum: A variation of the common Latin expression "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaerum" ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"), from which the acronym I.N.R.I. (q.v.) is taken. In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A phrase used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor Grade.

Jetrel: One of the fallen angels in the Books of Enoch.

Jetros: A name of Jehovah, used in the Second Conjuration of a spirit in the Lemegeton.

Jeu: In the Pistis Sophia: An angel who is the overseer of light and arranger of the Cosmos, occupying the space on Jehovah's right hand.

Jevanael: In Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy: One of the 7 angelic princes standing before Jehovah.

Jewels: (1) All Masonic Lodges have six jewels, three of which are moveable and three immovable. In America the moveable jewels are the rough ashlar, the perfect ashlar, and the trestle or tracing board. The immoveable jewels are the square, the level, and the plumb-line. (2) Various different jewels are representative of the different degrees of Freemasonry.

Jewish Magic and Superstition: A text written by Joshua Trachtenberg in 1939.

Jewish Mayombe: See Palo Mayombe.

Jeysmy: A name used in the consecration of parchment in The Book of True Black Magic.

Jha: One of the 34 consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Jhana: A Buddhist term that is the equivalent of "Dhyana" (q.v.), used in Liber LXXI.

Jhesu: A variation of the name Jesus (q.v.). A name of Jehovah given in The Magus.

J.H.S.: See Jesus Hominum Salvator.

Ji: See Gi.

Jiai: One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus.

Jibellum: A corruption of the Hebrew name Zabulon (q.v.) used in the third degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Jibril: Variations: Jabriel, Jabril, Jabriyel. An Arabic form of the name of the angel Gabriel, used inthe Koran.

Jijipahe: See Gigipah.

Jiluyaseph: See Helayaseph.

Jimaguas: See Ibeyi.

Jimi-calazodoma: See G Micalz Oma.

Jinayo: See Gnay.

Jinn: In Islamic mythology: Spirits created 2,000 years before the creation of Adam. Their ruler was Eblis (q.v.). When Eblis refused to worship Adam at Allah's command, Eblis was cast out of heaven along with the Jinn, who became demons. Female Jinn were known as Jinniyeh.

Jinniyeh: See Jinn.

Jirosabe: See Grosb.

Jizodajazoda: See Gizyaz.

Jizodyazoda: See Gizyaz.

Jnanashakti: "Understanding", "intellect", one of the six aspects of the Goddess Shakti (q.v.).

Jobel: A Hebrew name of Jehovah used in the thirteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Jod: A variation of the term Yod (q.v.). (1) Used in the consecration of parchment in the Grimorium Verum. (2) Jod: One of the Ten Principal Names of Jehovah in The Magus, the others being Eheia, Tetragrammaton Elohim, El, Elohim Gibor, Eloha, Tetragrammaton Sabaoth, Elohim Sabaoth, Sadai and Adonai Melech.

Jod Jehovah: One of the ten names of Jehovah listed in the Scale of the Number Ten in The Magus.

Jod Tetragrammaton: A name used in the cry of the aethyr Maz in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli.

Joel: Variations: Jael, Jehoel, Yahoel. A Hebrew name meaning "Jehovah is might". (1) Joel was a prophet for whom one of the books of the Old Testament of the Bible is named. (2) One of the twelve prophets listed in The Magus. (3) In the pseudepigraphical The Book of Adam and Eve: An angel who alloted Adam and Eve a 7th part of Eden and bade Adam name all things. (3) In The Testament of Solomon: An angel who controls the demon Onoskelis.

Jofiel: See Iofiel.

Johaben: A Hebrew name used in the sixth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, fourteenth and thirty second degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Johiel: In Judaic mythology: An angel of Paradise.

Johphiel: A variation of the name Iofiel (q.v.). A name "answering to the numbers of Jupiter" and representing the intelligence of Jupiter in The Magus.

Joltiere Visciere: One of the Loas of Haitian Voodoo.

Jomiael: See Jomjael.

Jomjael: Variations: Jomiael, Yomyael. In Enoch I: One of the fallen angels.

Jonah: A Hebrew name meaning "dove". (1) Jonah was a prophet for whom one of the books of the Old Testament of the Bible is named. (2) One of the twelve prophets listed in The Magus.

Jophiel: A variation of the name Iofiel (q.v.). The ruler of the Orphanim and the Cherubim in The Magus.

Jorkemo: See Yurkemi.

Josata: Variations: Josta. A name used in an invocation of Uriel in the Grimorium Verum.

Josephel: See Asfa'el.

Joshua: Variations: Iosua. A Hebrew name meaning "He shall save".

Josta: See Josata.

Jotchavah: A name invoked in a "Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon" to evoke "spirits belonging to religions issued from Judaism" in Levi's Transcendental Magic.

Joth: Variations: Ioth. (1) A name for Jehovah used in the Second Conjuration of a spirit in the Lemegeton. (2) A name used in an exorcism of the spirits of the air in The Magus.

Joukoujou: In Voodoo: A notched and graduated pole representing the Tree of Good and Evil, consisting of Arbre Sec and Arbre Mouille (dry tree and wet tree). The lower part of the Joukoujou is refered to as the black horse or black dog, representing death. The upper part is refered to as the white horse or white dog, representing life.

Joustriel: In the Lemegeton: An angel of the 6th hour of the day who is a lesser officer under the angel Samil.

Jova: A variation of the name Jehovah (q.v.) used in some higher degrees of Freemasonry.

Jove: (1) An alternative name for the God Jupiter (q.v.). (2) In Paradise Lost: A fallen angel.

Jovial Spirits: Spirits ruling the sphere of Jupiter in the Greater Key of Solomon. "Jovial" here is used in its original sense of "pertaining to Jove (Jupiter)" rather than "merry".

Joy: In Astrology: An obsolete term for a favourable position of a planet on a Horoscope.

Juba: In Voodoo: (a) An nanchon of Loas within the Rada (q.v.) Rites of Voodoo. (b) The title of a dance.

Jubanladaa: See Iubanladaec.

Jubanladaec: See Iubanladaec.

Jubenladece: See Iubanladaec.

Judah: Variations: Jehuda. A Hebrew name meaning "praised". (1) One of the twelve traditional tribes of Israel. (2) A tribe belonging to the second of the four triplicities of the tribes of Israel listed in The Magus, the other two in this triplicity being Zebulun and Isachar. It is listed elswhere in The Magus as Jehuda. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A tribe of Israel invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) A tribe of Israel associated with Leo.

Judecca: The fourth round of the ninth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno.

Judge, The: See Geomancy.

Judgement, The: An alternative name for the twentieth card of the Major Arcana (See Last Judgement, The).

Jugglers: (1) In The Magus: (a) One of the nine orders of devils, the others being False Spirits, Spirits of Lying, Vessels of Iniquity, Airy Powers, Avengers of wickedness, Furies, Sifters or Triers and Tempters or Ensnarers. (b) One of the ten orders of the damned, the others being Airy Powers, Tempters or Ensnarers, Lying Spirits, Revengers of Wickedness, False Gods, Furies, Sifters or Triers, Vessels of Iniquity and Wicked Souls Bearing Rule. (c) One of the twelve degrees of the damned and of devils, the others being Apostates, Lying Spirits, Vessels of Iniquity, Revengers of Wickedness, Furies, False Gods, Sifters or Triers, Tempters or Ensnarers, Witches, Airy Powers and Infidels.

Jukar: In The Greater Key of Solomon: A prince of all the angels and caesars.

Junier: In the Dictionaire Infernal: An ex prince of the order of angels.

Junior Warden: (1) Third officer in a Masonic Lodge. (2) Sixth officer in a Commandery in the Knights Templar.

Juniores: The first degree within the Rosicrucian system, represented by the formula 9,1.

Juno: (1) In Roman mythology, the wife of Jupiter, cognate with the Goddess Hera in Greek mythology. The month of June is named for her. Her festivals are 1 January, 1-2 February, 1 and 7 March, 1-2 June, 7-8 July and 13 November. (2) In Astrology: An asteroid used by some in horoscopes. (3) A name used in the cry of the aethyrs Deo and Paz in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli.

Figure 1 Symbol of Jupiter

Figure 2 Talismanic Symbols of Jupiter and Hismael, taken from Laetitia

Figure 3 Talismanic Symbols of Jupiter and Hismael, taken from Acquisitio

Jupiter: Variations: Jove. (1) The father of the Gods in Roman mythology, cognate with Zeus in Greek mythology. He was originally a God of weather, but later became the supreme Roman God. (2) One of the seven traditional planets of the ancient astrologers. The symbol of Jupiter is depicted in figure 1. The talismanic symbols of Jupiter and Hismael, taken from the Geomantic figure Acquisitio (q.v.) are depicted in figure 3. The talismanic symbols of Jupiter and Hismael, taken from the Geomantic figure Laetitia (q.v.), are depicted in figure 2. In Astrology Jupiter is associated with knowledge, studies, philosophy, speculation, religion, the liver, the pituitary gland, and good fortune. Positive Jupiter traits include optimism, generousity, loyalty, jovial nature, just and compassionate nature, breadth of vision, good sportsmanship, and a flair for languages. Negative Jupiter traits include blind optimism, extremism, wastefulness, self-indulgence, gambling, extravagance, lawlessness, conceit, and unbalanced beleifs. (3) A name used in the cry of the aethyr Deo in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. (4) In the Greater Key of Solomon there are seven pentacles associated to Jupiter:

Figure 4 First Pentacle of Jupiter

(a) First Pentacle of Jupiter: To invoke the spirits of Jupiter and to have them reveal how to obtain treasure (see figure 4.

Figure 5 Second Pentacle of Jupiter

(b) Second Pentacle of Jupiter: To acuire honours, titles and wealth and to chase away spirits that guard treasure (see figure 5).

Figure 6 Third Pentacle of Jupiter

(c) Third Pentacle of Jupiter: To protect the magician from the spirits of Jupiter and to make them obey (see figure 6).

Figure 7 Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter

(d) Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter: To acquire wealth and honour (see figure 7).

Figure 8 Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter

(e) Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter: To experience visions (see figure 8).

Figure 9 Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter

(f) Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter: To protect the magician from earthly dangers (see figure 9).

Figure 10 Seventh Pentacle of Jupiter

(g) Seventh Pentacle of Jupiter: To protect the magician from poverty (see figure 10).

Jupiter Quebiesou: An aspect of the Loa Quebiesou (q.v.) found in the Yanvalou-Fla Rite of Voodoo.

Jusguarin: In the Lemegeton, an angel ruling the tenth hour of the night. His chief officers include Lapheriel, Emerziel and Mameroijud. His lesser officers include Chameray, Hazamil and Vraniel.

Figure 11 Justice

Justice: In Tarot, the eleventh card of the Major Arcana (q.v.), depicted in figure 4. Depending upon its position in the reading it may represent: equity, rightness, probity, executive triumph of the deserving side in law.

Jutias: In Santeria: Ebbos (q.v.) of fish, turtles, quail and opossum are known as Jutias.


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