Georgetown University

FADE IN: ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE – A FEW HOURS AFTER SUNRISEIn the center of Stonehenge, the sky marked by dense, dark clouds. Blades of grass shimmer in the wind as the air pulses through the stones and swirls above. DISSOLVE TO:ARRIVING TO STONEHENGE – STILL MORNINGANGEL, age of 26. No distinctive features to his appearance with the exception of a slouch on the right-hand portion of his mouth. Well under 2 meters in stature but carried himself with an alluring confidence. Broad shoulders for his height contrasted with otherwise indistinct attributes. An air of subtlety to his presence dictated his movements as he walked along. ANGELHere, we have reached it. The temple of Stonehenge.A gust of wind bellows amongst the edifice as Tess turns to Angel. A robin darts from the top of one of the stone pillars and takes off toward the country. Blades of grass rustle in the wind and the two companions find themselves suddenly at nature’s will. TESS, age of 16. Fair features that sit elegantly on a soft, pale skin. Indeed, somewhat beautiful but lacking altogether any supplement of confidence in her appearance. TESSThis. This is Stonehenge. The heathen temple I’ve always heard about. I had never thought it would be like this. It seems… rather plainANGELYes, my dear, this is it. Remnants of a time nearly lost in history. Really this is all that’s left, save anything you hear about in the stories past around by the families of this areaTurns to Tess. Her head pops up, and he addresses her more sternly. You know how old these pillars are? I can only give my best guess. Older than any English family, that I know for sure. Can you imagine? Such a thing could outlive any aristocracy. Long pause. Anyway, I believe it is time we find shelter. We do need to get a move on. TESS takes a moment to survey his face as she can sense his restlessness.TESSBut Angel I am so exhausted. Please, my dear, may we rest here only a moment? I feel I need it very much.ANGELTess, I really don’t think we can at this moment-TESS disregards ANGEL’S words and hurls herself upon a nearby slab at the base of a westward pillar. A gust of wind picks up as Angel lowers himself to grasp her head. He positions her upright against the stone and kneels before her. The sun had warmed the stone by this point in the day and Tess lets out a sigh. Her dress slowly dampens from the still wet grass.TESSI can’t. I believe I just can’t go on. This is just too much now. Pause. I do not want to proceed Angel. I wish for us to stay here for the time being.ANGELNo, Tess. We must go, and it is urgent. You do not realize how it is we are up here. For the moment we are too exposed and vulnerable. Please, we must get going. They could find us at any moment. We must keep a move on.TESSBear my opinion just this one time, dear. My ancestors, shepherds among these fields long ago, tended to their animals on this land. And what you said at Talbothays, about how I was a heathen. I can see that I am at home, now, among the very same fields. In a way, I have returned. I want to stay.ANGEL reaches forward and kisses her gently on the lips. No more than a second or two, a brief embrace. ANGELI can sense you are tired, and the journey has indeed been very long. I think it’s best that you rest here for now. TESSI would indeed like that very much. I feel like one with the earth here. In its loneliness I find strength. In its solitude, peace of mind. After such happiness, I find nothing more amazing than to observe the sky above me. And if there every were only two people in the world, just us, I would quite enjoy that. I like imagining that it is just us in the world now, and that it could stay like this forever. ................

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