
|Part A – Cardiovascular |

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Apply the terms listed in the content column |Application of terms | |Readings: |

|appropriate to the patient situations involving the|Afterload | |McKinney |

|cardiovascular system. |Ascites | |Lewis |

| |Bruit | |Estes |

| |Corpulmonale | |Adams |

| |Gallop rhythm | |Berman & Snyder |

| |Jugular vein distention | | |

| |Paroxysmal nocturnal dysnea (PND) | |TVCC Library – Nursing Education on Video |

| |Perfusion | | |

| |Point of maximal impulse (PMI) | | |

| |Polycythemia | |Heart Medications: Blood |

| |Preload | |Pressure Medications and Anticoagulants |

| |Pulsus paradoxes | | |

| |Syncope | |Heart Medications: Heart |

|Compare and contrast the normal anatomy and | | |Failure Medications and Cholesterol- |

|physiology to the pathophysiology of selected |Anatomy & Physiology of Cardiovascular system | |Lowering Agents |

|commonly occurring disease processes in the |Developmental considerations | | |

|cardiovascular system. |Infant | |VCR: |

| |Child | |#1011 – Care of the Patient With Heart |

| |Adolescent | |Failure |

| |Adult | |#1141 – Hypertension |

| |Older adult | |#1129 – Heart Failure & Pulmonary |

| | | |Edema |

| |Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system | |#1190 – Coronary Artery Disease and |

| |Altered cardiac output | |Angina Pectons |

|Analyze factors included in the assessment of the |Selected commonly occurring problems | | |

|patient experiencing commonly occurring problems of|Interview | |CD-ROM |

|the cardiovascular system, including the |Chief complaint | |#4083 – Intermediate & Advanced |

|developmental and cultural considerations. |Precipitating event | |Nursing Skills Tissue Perfusion |

| |Medical history | |Management |

| |Family/ Social/occupational history | |# 4092 – Pediatric Nursing Skills – |

| |Medication history | |Elimination, Cardio Respiratory, Airway Clear |

| |Prescription | | |

| |Nonprescription | |DVD |

| |Knowledge of health maintenance | |#6007 – Cardiovascular System |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Physical exam – cardiovascular | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Level of consciousness | | |

| |Heart sounds | | |

| |Heart rate & rhythm | | |

| |Peripheral pulses/point of maximal | | |

| |impulse (PMI) | | |

| |Edema (peripheral/sacral) | | |

| |Color (central & peripheral) | | |

| |Jugular vein distention (JVD) | | |

| |Weight | | |

| |Intake & output | | |

| |Capillary refill | | |

| |Diagnostic tests | | |

| |Radiology | | |

| |Chest x-ray | | |

| |Laboratory studies | | |

| |Complete blood count (CBC) | | |

| |Electrolytes | | |

| |Digoxin level | | |

| |Other | | |

| |Electrocardiogram (EKG) | | |

| |Echocardiogram | | |

| |Telemetry | | |

| |Risks | | |

| |Hereditary | | |

| |Environmental | | |

| |Health beliefs/practices | | |

| |Developmental | | |

| |Age specific assessment data | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Fluid /electrolytes | | |

| |Nutritional | | |

| |Behavioral/emotional response to health care providers | | |

|Discuss analysis, planning, implementation, and | | | |

|evaluation for the nursing management of patients |Common Occurring Cardiovascular Problems | | |

|with commonly occurring cardiovascular disease |Cardiovascular | | |

|processes |Atherosclerosis | | |

| |Arteriosclerosis | | |

| |Hypertension | | |

| |Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) | | |

| | | | |

| |Selected Nursing Diagnoses/Implementation/ Evaluation | | |

| |Decreased cardiac output | | |

| |Independent Interventions | | |

| |See cardiac assessment | | |

| |Assess for signs of systemic congestion | | |

| |Assess for signs of pulmonary congestion | | |

| |Level of activity | | |

| |Schedule daily activities to prevent fatigue | | |

| |Positioning | | |

| |Monitor pertinent diagnostic test | | |

| |Intake and Output | | |

| |Daily weight | | |

| |Collaborative Interventions | | |

| |Administer medications and monitor for desired effects/ adverse | | |

| |effects/ side effects. | | |

| |Cardiac glycosides | | |

| |Coronary vasodilators | | |

| |Antilipedimics | | |

| |Antiplatelets | | |

| |Diuretics | | |

| |Thiazides | | |

| |Loop diuretics | | |

| |Potassium sparing diuretics | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Adrenergic inhibitors | | |

| |Central acting alpha adrenergic antagonists | | |

| |Alpha-adrenergic blockers | | |

| |Beta-adrenergic blockers | | |

| |Direct vasodilators | | |

| |Angiotensin inhibitors | | |

| |Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) | | |

| |Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS) | | |

| |Calcium channel blockers | | |

| |Supplemental oxygen | | |

| |Fluid restrictions | | |

| |Nutrition: Age specific | | |

| |Recognition of Complications | | |

| |Pulmonary Edema | | |

| |Cardiac dysrhythmias | | |

| |Death | | |

| |Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient will have improved cardiac | | |

| |output as evidenced by: | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Peripheral pulses | | |

| |Activity tolerance | | |

| |Breathing pattern | | |

| |Breath sounds | | |

| |Heart sounds | | |

| |Intake and output | | |

| |Edema | | |

| |Weight | | |

| |Absence of jugular vein distension | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Altered health maintenance: knowledge deficit regarding | | |

| |atherosclerosis /arteriosclerosis. | | |

| |Patient teaching | | |

| |Assess readiness to learn, ability, and knowledge level. | | |

| |Avoid aggravating factors | | |

| |Promotion of alleviating factors | | |

| |Reportable signs / symptoms | | |

| |Medication teaching | | |

| |Rest/activity | | |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Life style modification | | |

| |Nutrition | | |

| |Low fat, low cholesterol | | |

| |Low sodium | | |

| |Monitor BP at regular intervals | | |

| |Community Resources | | |

| |American Heart Association | | |

| |American Dietary Association | | |

| |Support groups | | |

| |Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient will have improved health | | |

| |maintenance as evidenced by: | | |

| |Identifying aggravating and alleviating factors. | | |

| |Identifying reportable signs and symptoms | | |

| |Describing the purpose, correct | | |

| |administration and side effects of meds | | |

| |Ability to discuss diagnoses | | |

| |Participate in exercise program | | |

| |Compliance with prescribed diet | | |

| |Stop smoking | | |

| |Utilizing community resources | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|N:ADN/Fresh/2504 Unit IV Cardi | | |Revised 11/12 |


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