Year 5 Anglo Saxon Shields .uk

Anglo-Saxon Shields

The Anglo-Saxons were well known for their involvement in violent battle. They did have some protective clothing and armour, however it looked very different to what might be worn today.

What have archaeologists found?

Archaeologists have found that most Anglo-Saxon warriors would have been equipped with a knife, a spear and a shield. Only a few could afford expensive items such as helmets, mail shirts and swords. Mail shirts were made up of thousands of rings interlinked by hand, the amount of workmanship made them very expensive.

Anglo-Saxon Shields

Most Anglo-Saxon shields were made from different types of wood as there was plenty of this material in Britain. The most common design was to have many planks together, packed into a circular shape. In some cases, they were covered in an extra layer of leather to make them stronger. Richer Anglo-Saxons would sometimes cover their shields with a metal, like bronze, to make them stronger.

Shields were essential in battle. They would be used to create a defensive `shield wall' and throw their javelins from behind this.

Anglo-Saxon Shield Design

Archaeologists have not yet discovered painted shields in the UK, however there is some evidence to suggest that some were painted. Painted shields have been discovered in Denmark and Beowulf describes his as being painted `bright' and `yellow'.

Want to find out more?

This website has further information on Anglo-Saxon warriors and their weapons.

Your Task

What would your shield look like if you were an AngloSaxon warrior? Design your shield and label its key components. You could even go onto making a prototype out of paper or card.


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