Liar and SpyRead the assigned chapters and answer 2 of the questions listed below in your reading folder each week. You will be discussing your reading and your answers with your reading club at your meeting.Schedule:Week 1 – pages 1-45; week 2 – pages 46-9; week 3 pages 91-136; week 4 page 137 – end.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Week 1Using the internet or reference books, find a picture of a map of the human tongue and copy it on a piece of paper. Now, think about your four favourite foods. Instead of the four sections of taste described in the tongue map, add your four favourite foods. Draw a picture of them, and write a few words about the way they taste and why you like them. Bob English Who Draws gets his nickname because he likes to draw pictures in his school exercise book. If you were to be given a nickname like this, what would it be and why? 3. America’s Funniest Home Videos makes Georges laugh. Is there one thing, person, movie, book or television program that always makes you laugh? Write about it and why you find it funny. 4. Liar & Spy is a book about growing up. Are you looking forward to being a grown-up? Why or why not? Week 2Georges says that measuring the volume of all the tears in the world is impossible. Can you think of some other unanswerable questions? Make a list of as many unanswerable questions as you can think of. Have you ever had to deal with something so scary you pushed the problem aside until you were ready to face it? If you, like Safer, had a fear of going outside what things would you miss most? Your favourite restaurant? Or store in the mall? The mysterious Mr.X didn’t turn out to be quite as scary as Safer had Georges believing him to be. Do you think Georges knew deep down that Safer was making it all up, but played along anyway? Why would Georges do that? Georges and Bob English, along with a big group of their classmates, were able to change the stigma of the taste bud test by banding together. Have you ever been part of a group that helped change something? Would you feel safer standing up against something you felt was wrong if you had people on your side? Were you curious as to why Georges never saw his mom? When you found out where she really was were you surprised? Weeks 3 and 4Does Safer bully Georges or is he a good friend? ? Why was Georges so angry with Safer about Mr. X? ? Why did Georges come to Safer's rescue? What would you have done in that situation? ? Were you surprised to learn where Georges' mom had been or did you have any clues?? Is the type of bullying experienced by Georges similar to what goes on in your school? In what ways?? If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? How would it reflect your personality?Safer, Pigeon and Candy are all named after things they like, or qualities they have. If your parents had named you in this way, what do you think your name would be, and why? Candy really hates eating oranges. Is there a food you really hate eating? Why do you hate it? Think about this question carefully, and avoid answering that you just don’t enjoy the taste! What is it in particular that you don’t enjoy? Georges says there are lots of unwritten rules that people live by. What are some unwritten rules that you or your family lives by? Georges says that ‘lamosity’ is not technically a word. Do you have some words that you and your friends use that are not ‘technically’ words? What are they and what do they mean? Why do you think young people make up their own slang that adults don’t understand? Consider this statement: ‘Children who are bullied should tell their parents.’ What is your opinion of this statement?Consider this statement: ‘It is better to look at the big picture than to concentrate on small moments.’ What is your opinion of this statement? Would you have joined in and worn the blue dot on your hand? Why or why not?Was there a character that who really liked or would want to be friends with?? Why does Safer spend so much time in his apartment? ? Is Safer a good friend to Georges? ? Did you find any of the informational facts (taste, parrots, Seurat, Benjamin Franklin spelling) interesting?? Did they add to the story? If not, explain why. If so, explain how.Consider this statement: Georges was wrong to not visit his mother in hospital.’ What is your opinion of this statement? ................

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