Comprehensive Angular 2

嚜澧omprehensive Angular 2

Review of Day 2


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? class with logic to transform the DOM

? @Directive() 每 to decorate the class to declare as directive type

? types:

? component:

? components (@Component) = directives with a template

? structural:

? alters DOM 每 add, remove, replace elements

? built-in:

? ngIf:

? *ngIf = ※boolean_condition§

? if false, DOM block is not instantiated

? recommended over CSS hidden

? ngFor:

? *ngFor = ※let variable of array§

? loops through array building DOM block for each loop

? ngSwitch:

? experimental

? works with ngSwitch and ngCase tags

? attribute:

? alter appearance or behaviour of existing elements

? built-in:

? ngClass supports:

? setting many CSS classes at one time

? allows for logic to be applied to style choices

? [ngClass] = ※setClasses()§

? where setClasses is method in component which

determines classes to apply

? ngStyle supports:

? setting many inline styles at one time

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courtesy of Zitiso Inc.

Comprehensive Angular 2

Review of Day 2


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? allows for logic to be applied to styles to useClass

? [ngStyle] = ※setStyles()§

? where setStyles is method in component which

determines classes to apply


? class delivering specific reusable purpose:

? function 每 e.g. logger

? feature 每 e.g. message bus

? value 每 e.g. application configuration

? coding:

? annotate class with @Injectable() decorator:

? supports allowing Angular engine to resolve class*s dependencies

? all other Angular types are subtypes of Injectable

? put logic of service in class

? using service:

? register:

? import module containing service

? define the provider element:

providers: [ Service] // new instance created using the Service class to create it

// short hand for next option 每 when registration name and

// class to use is the same

providers: [{provide: Service, useClass: ServiceClass}] // new instance created

// using the ServiceClass to create it

providers: [{provide: Service, useExisting: ServiceObjectClass}] // create if

// needed, else existing object used

providers: [{provide: Service, useValue: serviceObjectReference}] // use existing

// object, bypasses the injector*s need to create instance

? use service in code, e.g. component can declare a reference to service

object and call its functions

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Comprehensive Angular 2

Review of Day 2


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Dependency Injection:

? Angular provides an injection engine 每 called ※DI§

? Resolves dependencies at run-time automatically

? Services are singletons per injector:

? Injector engine looks up the tree to find an instance

? Creates new instance if none exist

? Multiple instances possible:

? sandbox service instances

? use @Host decorator to stop upward search at host component for


? Allow for service to not be available:

? some services may not be instantiated due to system issues

? if not needed, add @Optional:

? returns null if service unavailable

? code to test for null

Lifecycle Hooks:

? callbacks at stages in object*s lifecycle:

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Comprehensive Angular 2

Review of Day 2


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? use in code:

? import interfaces

? add ※implements§ to class declaration

? code the interface method:

? OnChanges 每 ngOnChanges()

? OnInit 每 ngOnInit()

? OnDestroy 每 ngDestroy()

Inter-component communication:

? Parent to child:

? in child component:

? @Input() variable: ParentProperty

? use variable in code and template

? Child to parent:

? in child component:

? @Output() variable = newEventEmiter():

? EventEmitter API

? in logic when data needs to be passed up to parent:

? this.variable.emit(data_reference)

Component styles:

? bundle component styles to use for view:

? @Component element:

? internal 每 styles: array// multi-line string

? external 每 stylesUrls: url // resolves to location of .css file

? selectors for styles:

? :host = target styles in the element that hosts the component

? :host-context = apply style to fit with parent elements

? /deep/ = force style down to children

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Comprehensive Angular 2

Review of Day 2


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Change Detection:

? State change triggers:

? user event

? HTTP request or web socket message, e.g. XHR request fetching


? Timer

? Mechanism:

? each component has own change detector

? strategies:

? Declare in @Component using ※changeDetection§ element

? ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default:

? one change triggers update to whole tree

? ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush:

? only change specific component


? Design options:

? Template driven:

? use FormsModule:

? add tags to view:

? ngForm:

? added automatically if not done

? controls the elements tagged with ngModel

? monitors state, e.g. validity

? ngModel:

? track changes

? manage element validation

? data binding

? create #reference_variables for ngModel in views

? use to check element state

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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