Weekly Agenda and HomeworkWeek 4: September 26 - 30Monday, September 26Tuesday, September 27Wednesday, September 28Thursday, September 29Friday, September 30Quick WriteHow do people behave when they are suspicious? What do you think causes them to feel this way?Can you remember a time when something or someone ever seemed dangerous or untrustworthy to you? What do you think that feeling is called? How did that make you feel?Is there any justifiable reason to kill another person?What connection can you make that you have read thus far that pertain to Russian Revolution and Animal Farm. How can a fictional story make a strong point about a factual event?Daily ActivitiesTone and Style PowerPointRead together: Defining Style hand out and Elements of literary style check list –By yourself read: Their Eyes Were Watching God and outline the stylistic choices the author has made using the checklist we went over together Identify the stylistic choices the author made.Sentence structure:Pace:Expansive/economical diction:Vocabulary:Figures of speech:Use of dialogue: Point of view:Character development:Tone:Word color, word sound:Paragraph/ chapter structure:Time sequencing/ chronology:Allusions: Experimentation in language:Meta-fictional techniques:Use the 4 square strategy to identify the following:Choose 4 quotes Dialogue journal: students are to fold paper in 4. Column 1: write a quote from the story (cute the line)Column 2: Which literary device identifies with the quote you choseColumn 3: How does the quote identity with the literary device(i.e. explain)Column 4: Describe the author’s style and tone in that quote.How to identify theme in a story- PowerPointRead individually Tell Tale HeartClass discussionCreate a t chart to identify the various tones and styles in Tell Tale Heart : *see attachment example on websiteCreate a plot diagram to illustrate the events in the story and fill in the information about the characters and setting. Jigsaw ActivityRules:In groups of 4Each person is responsible for answer 3 questions from the handout. Once you have answered your three questions (make sure they are correct and you have cited your evidence) you will be an expert, thus sharing the evidence and information you have found with the rest of your group members. Re-read Tell Tale Heart and find examples of style. Then Fill in Reader response journal as they read Tell Tale Heart. *see attachment on website for exampleFill in at least 4 rows and then we will switch with a partner to share, compare and add to the chart so that all the rows are pile all your notes in order to respond to the essential questions (resource 3.7)Based on the examples of literary elements you found in the text (irony, imagery, simile, etc.) how would you describe Poe’s unique style as a write? Write a well-constructed paragraph describing Poe’s unique writing style. Support your description of Poe’s writing style with examples of the literary elements (irony, imagery, simile, etc.) he uses throughout The Tell Tale Heart. 5 question quiz on chapter 1 and 2Discuss the main events of chapters 1-2 and any reactions or comments on the story’s content.“Allegory? does anyone knows or can guess at its meaning.?. Distribute allegory example handouts containing the poem Allegory by Thomas Hood.Read silentlyClass Discussion: how is this an allegorical poem and which parts could you identify Allegory? For example: the first four lines can be symbolic of one thing while the next four symbolic of another.If time permits we will Ch. 3 Animal Farm as a class. Chapter 3 Animal Farm quizDiscussCharacter chart assignment Read over the instruction as a class and discuss the assignment. Because animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian revolution certain characters represent real people or groups in the Russian Revolution. Describe the qualities of each character on the list as well as name the group or person they symbolize from the Russian Revolution. Use the notes we took yesterday on the Russian Revolution. You will not finish this assignment today as we will need to read up to chapter 6 in order to have all the information. Today we are to only list 5 qualities of each character/group. Also briefly explain the character’s connection to the Russian Revolution. I identify the elements of plot thus far in Animal Farm.Identify the following vocabulary in the Ch. 1-2 (cite the page number) *see chart on example on websiteGrammarNouns PowerPoint and worksheet Pro Nouns PowerPointNoun and Pronoun WorksheetNoun and Pronoun WorksheetVocabularyIntro to new Words: worldly-wise lesson 3For every word you are to create chart that is attached on the website under “Monday”*** See attachment of chart on websiteContinue working on vocab chart.Continue working on vocab chart.Continue working on vocab chart.WritingDistribute Non Fiction article: In the 'land of the free,' are you free to sit out the national anthem?Read and annotate the textOnce finished annotating you are to complete the discussion grid (See attached on website)Using the article of the week discussion grid, in groups of 3 or 4, and using the annotated article, you are to share key details, surprising information, things you read that were confusing, and the WWWWWH of the article.Take turns in your groups (everyone gets to be the scribe and take notes while another group member shares by writing notes on the grid for each individual group member. Other group members listen actively).Following the discussion, group members discuss and write your answer to the thinking question at the bottom of the discussion grid. “Social injustice” on the board.Write down everything that comes to mind when you hear these two words. What do you think the term means?Can you remember what the word justice means? Type a one page reflective response to these questions. Remember I do not want you to just answer these questions, rather use these questions as a guide to type your reflective essay. (*Hint, turn these questions in statements- make sure to cite anything you may research)What are some examples of a social injustice that has happened in the world?What are some examples of social injustices that have happening in our own country? In the past how have social in justices been resolved? Were these ways effective or nor? What are some examples of current social injustices? Take notes on Russian Revolution as it pertains to Animal Farm.Relate to what has happened so far in the novel to the Russian Revolution by drawing parallels- PowerPointContinue…Take notes on Russian Revolution as it pertains to Animal Farm.Relate to what has happened so far in the novel to the Russian Revolution by drawing parallelsSocial StudiesL. 3: What is republican Government?What is republican Government?What is republican Government?What is republican Government?HomeworkVocab L.3 Part 3A Finding MeaningUsing the notes that we took in class and your group work, in 2 to 3 typed paragraphs (MLA format) answer the following question:Do you support or oppose Kaepernick’s actions? pleted vocabulary Chart with definitions is due Friday Reading logs: 120 minutes of reading + 4 summaries – due FridayAll class quick writes are due Friday. Read: Ch. 1 and 2 Animal Farm quiz on the chapter tomorrow.Answer?the following questions1. In what ways are the animals?behaving?like animals and in what ways are they behaving like humans?2. Explain why snowball says to Mollie, "those ribbons that you are devoted to are the badge of slavery."Finish Q. 13 and 14 from Tell Tale Heart Jigsaw activityVocab L.3 3b,3c,3dRead Ch. 3 Animal Farm and answer these two questions: How is farm becoming more like a civilized society?Describe the flag for the farm. Analyze the symbolism of it.Type a one page reflective essay on article: In the 'land of the free,' are you free to sit out the national anthem? Do you support or oppose Kaepernick’s actions? Explain.See rubric for guidelines Week 4 TestCompleted vocabulary Chart with definitions is due Friday Reading logs: 120 minutes of reading + 4 summaries – due FridayAll class quick writes are due Friday. ................

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