


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities |

| | |student outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |(aka learning centers)] |

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

|What can we learn about animal babies? | | | | | |

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| |Monday | | |MATH- You can play this Counting |BLOCKS |

| |Date: 5/18 | | |Cubes Game; you can encourage your| |

| |Farm Animals By: Bobbie Kalman |What are some farm baby |You can have your child create or draw a|child to count with you. |Using different blocks or small |

| | |animal names? |farm for baby animals. As you play with |, you can encourage your|

| |[pic] | |your child, use baby animal names. Act |nt-cubes-up-to-10 |child to build their favorite baby |

| | |out the animals that they want to care |LITERACY- You can have your child |animal. |

| |9 | |for. Who helps take care of them? What |write the word Cat and circle the | |

| |Over in the Meadow by Ezra Jack | |do they eat? You can use words like: |letter Cc using a different color.|DRAMATIC PLAY |

| |Keats |What do they eat? |Nurture. | | |

| | | |Gentle/ Sleep/ Nutrients. |HANDWRITING- Have your child write|You can encourage your child to |

| | | |Some baby farm names: |the letters Cc/Ss. Can you think |pretend to be veterinary taking care |

| | | |Camel-Calf |of things that start with the |of baby animals. Where do animals go |

| | | |Cat-Kitten |letters Cc or Ss? You can write |when they get sick? (Appointment), |

| | | |Dog-Puppy |those words down on a piece of |Who takes care of them? |

| | | |Chicken-Chick |paper. |(Veterinarian). You can also create |

| | | |Duck-Duckling |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|instruments needed to take care of |

| | | |Goat-Billy |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|animals. |

| | | |Goose-Gosling |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |ART |

| | | |Rabbit-Bunny | |You can look at different pictures of|

| | | |Pig-Piglet | |farm baby animals and encourage your |

| | | | | |child to draw animal babies. |

| |Tuesday | | |MATH- You can have your child |DRAMATIC PLAY: |

| |Date: 5/19 |What are some zoo baby animal|After reading the book ABC Zooborns, you|count items around your home. Ex: | |

| | |names? |can invite your child to use this book |spoons, plates, crayons, markers, |You can encourage your child to |

| |ABC Zooborns by Andrew Bleiman. | |to help them decide which animals to |people etc. You can encourage your|pretend that he/she is taking care of|

| | |What do they eat? |include in their zoo. After they decide |child to count up to 20. |baby animals at the zoo and teaching |

| |[pic] | |on which animals to use, you can |LITERACY- Find the Letter Ss. |others. |

| | | |encourage your child to use make their |Write the letter Ss on small | |

| | | |own zoo animal book. You can encourage |pieces of paper. Then tape it |ART: |

| | | |your child to label each page. |around the house and go on a |You can have your child draw 1 or 2 |

| | | | |Letter S hunt with your child. |baby animals, name them, and try to |

| | | |Some baby farm names: |HANDWRITING-. Have your child |write those names. |

| | | |Bear-Cub |write the letter Zz for this week.|SENSORY: |

| | | |Elephant-Calf |Pages 155-160 on at |You can provide your child with |

| | | |Flamingo-Chick | and have him/her create |

| | | |Gorilla-Infant |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf |some food baby animals consume ex: |

| | | |Lion-Cub |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|birds eat worms. |



| |Wednesday | | |MATH-You can play this fun |MUSIC AND MOVEMENT: |

| |Date: 5/20 | | |interactive game with your child. | |

| | | |You can invite your child to use any |Ask questions like: How you tell |You can encourage your child to draw |

| | | |recyclable materials from home to create|that it is the same or different. |different animal babies. After |

| | | |animal babies and their habitats. You |Same and Different Game |looking at the pictures and |

| |National Geographic Baby Animals  | |can supply your child with pictures of | the way baby animals move |

| | |these animals and their habitats for the|e-and-different |(fly, walk on all fours, swim, etc), |

| |SiASdUs |Where do baby animals live? |children to reference as they create. |LITERACY- You can encourage your |you can play a guessing game by |

| | |Their habitat. |You can use the animal baby and adult |child to look for baby animals in |acting and sounding like the |

| | | |names frequently with your child as you |various books, magazines and |different baby animals. |

| | | |interact with them. |newspapers. What letters do you | |

| |[pic] | | |see? Can you think of other words |SCIENCE: |

| | | | |that start with the same letter? |Habitat Investigation: You can |

| | | |This is an amazing collection of animal |HANDWRITING: You can have your |encourage your child to examine a few|

| | | |pictures and their habitiat: |child create a collage using |of the animals provided on the slide |

| | | | |different materials to create the |show on the daily focus and have |

| | | | Cc, Ss. |him/her think about the differences |

| | | |-of-animals |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|between the animals and where they |

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|live. Would they be able to live |

| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |there? Why/why not? |

| | | | | |MATH: |

| | | | | |You can provide small toy animals for|

| | | | | |your child to play with. You can |

| | | | | |encourage your child to use them as |

| | | | | |animal babies. You can add blank |

| | | | | |books and writing utensils for |

| | | | | |children to write a story about their|

| | | | | |play. |

| | | | |MATH- Look at the patterns on each| |

| |Thursday | |You can create a memory game from |row on page 7, the link is |ART: |

| |Date: 5/21 | |pictures of animal babies and of adults.|attached below, and color the | |

| | |What are the similarities and|Your child can match the animal babies |shirt that comes next. |You can provide your child with an |

| |Are You My Mother? by PD Eastman  |differences in the ways |to the adults or simply match sets of | of their favorite baby animal|

| | |babies are cared for? |animal babies. To make the game more |om/2020/03/math-concept-patterns.p|and have him/her decorate it using |

| |[pic] |Who takes care of the baby |challenging, you can encourage your |df |different materials from home. |

| | when they are born? |child to write or copy the names of the |LITERACY- The letters of the week | |

| |srE2K70&feature=youtu.be | |animals they find or they match. |are Cc, Ss You can write various |SCIENCE: |

| | | | |letters on paper including the 2 | |

| | | |As you are playing the game, you can ask|letters Cc and Ss and ask your |You can provide small samples or |

| | | |your child: |child to circle the letters of the|pictures of the foods eaten by the |

| | | | |week Cc, Ss. HANDWRITING- You can |animal babies your child is |

| | | |Who takes care of these baby animals? |have your child write the word |interested in learning about. Ask |

| | | |Are these baby animals taken care of the|Seal, using uppercase S. Circle |your child if they would like to eat |

| | | |same way? What is the difference? |uppercase S in red. |each of these foods. |

| | | |Can you take care of a baby lion (cub) |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|SENSORY: |

| | | |same as a baby bird (chick)? |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED| |

| | | |You can encourage your child to choose |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |You can have your child wash their |

| | | |one baby animal and draw/write how it is| |plastic baby animals to keep them |

| | | |taken care of? | |healthy and clean. |

| |Friday | | |MATH- You can have your child look| |

| |Date: 5/22 |What are the similarities and|You can show your child examples of baby|for various items around the house|DRAMATIC PLAY: |

| | |differences in the ways |books then invite them to create baby |and sort them into: | |

| | |babies are cared for? |books for the animal babies they are |small/medium/large. |You can invite your child to pretend |

| |Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch  |Who takes care of the baby |interested in. They can draw pictures of|LITERACY- You can have your child |they are the animal babies they love.|

| | |animals when they are born? |their animal baby or cut out pictures |open their favorite book and look |They can determine where they would |

| |[pic] | |from magazines then dictate or write a |for the letters Ss and Cc. |live, what they would eat, and do the|

| | |[pic] |line or two about each picture. |HANDWRITING- Let’s trace and color|things their animal babies would do. |

| | |-Who takes care of your baby animal when|the curves on page 39. | |

| |WEXwZf8&feature=youtu.be | |they are born? | MOTOR: |

| | | |-How are taken care of? |om/2020/03/handwriting.pdf |You can use obstacle courses and |

| | | |-Compare two different baby animals and |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|encourage your child to move like |

| | | |how are they the same or different? |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|their favorite baby animal (penguin, |

| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |dog, frog, birds, etc…). |

| | | | | |SCIENCE: |

| | | | | |You can review the life cycle of |

| | | | | |animals. You provide pictures that |

| | | | | |model an animal life cycle. You can |

| | | | | |invite your child to sequence the |

| | | | | |pictures. Ask questions like: which |

| | | | | |one goes first, second, third, last. |

Common Core Goals:

D5.4 Earth Science- Observes and describes characteristics of living things

D4.4 Approaches to Learning- Demonstrates his/her ability to express ideas using a variety of methods

D2.3 Demonstrates coordination and control of large muscles

D3.3: Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults

Social/ Emotional- This week we are reviewing is 5.

Week 5 Following Direction

Play Time

Play a game with your child to practice repeating directions.

Say: We’re going to play Repeat After Me. I will ask you to clear something from the table. You will repeat what I say and then do it.

Pick up two forks from the table and put them on the kitchen counter. Wait for your child to repeat and follow the directions. When your child repeats and follows the directions correctly, it is his or her turn to give the directions.

Family members can take turns giving, repeating, and following directions until the table is cleared!

* Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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