
File 1: Dolphins in VeniceIt seems that nature is returning to the quiet streets and canals of Venice. With the human population indoors in lockdown, there has been no traffic in the waterways of the “city of canals”. In a short period of time, the effect of this has been remarkable: the water has cleared, with no pollution, meaning it is possible to see all the way to the bottom of the canals; thousands are fish are visible, swimming from canal to canal; swans and other birds have returned to live in the water; and perhaps, most surprisingly of all, families of dolphins have been sighted swimming up and down the Grand Canal, playing and jumping out of the water. Nature is on the rise again. Real or Fake? ! This information was circulated widely on social media. While it is true that the waters of the canals are clearer, it is not unusual to find swans there. There have been no sightings of dolphins in Venice, though they are sometimes seen in the canals of Cagliari in Sardinia, many hundreds of miles away in the Mediterranean. Key information: File 2: Murder Hornets The Asian giant hornet has been found in the North-West of the United States, as well as in Canada, countries it is not normally native to. This 5-centimetre predator is called a “murder hornet” as it will attack a honeybee, pulling off the its head before flying off to feed its young; or attacking beehives as a swarm. Its sting is extremely painful, and its venom can kill small animals. Although it would take many stings to kill a human, murder hornets still kill around 50 people a year in Japan (usually through an allergic shock reaction). They will, though, not normally attack humans. Scientists are still worried that they might spread across North America, something that would be very dangerous for the local honeybee population.Real or Fake? ! Key information: File 3: Drunk ElephantsPhotos have been shared in the media showing two elephants apparently sleeping in a tea garden in Yunnan in southern China. Local reports indicated that the elephants had entered a village where the humans were indoors due to lockdown. Feeling brave, the elephants searched for food. They found, and drank, 30kgs of corn wine. Unsurprisingly, even for such large animals, this was intoxicating – the elephants got drunk and eventually fell asleep in the tea garden, where an unknown individual took the photos. It is not known how bad their hangovers were the next day. Real or Fake? ! The fact we don’t know who took the photos is the first sign that this may not be true. Local officials confirmed this did not happen there, even though it is true that elephants are sometimes active in the region. However, the whole incident never happened as described. Key information: Questions for further discussion: Did you believe any of the fake stories? Did you not believe any of the true stories? Why? Which of the stories do you wish were true, and why? Why have there been so many fake news stories in the last few years? Why have there been so many fake news stories about animals during the pandemic? Have you heard any other fake news stories in recent months? What are the most harmful effects of fake news? Try to agree on 3 negative effects. What can we do to help stop fake news from spreading / to stop people believing these stories? ................

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