
|Application form for TAIEX Study Visit |

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|Project title: Study Visit on implementation of animal testing and 95/17/EC Directive |

|N.B.: only type-written and fully completed applications will be accepted |

|Beneficiary country: | TURKEY |

|Beneficiary Ministry/Service: |Ministry of Health |

|Date of submission: |15 June 2007 |

|Objective of the Study Visit: |

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|To observe implementation of animal testing and 95/17/EC Directive in Member States (France or Holland). |

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|1. Authorisation from Hierarchy (Head of EU integration department or technical dept.) |

|Title[1]: |Mrs. |

|First name: |Deniz |

|Surname: |Cengiz Ozay |

|Function: |Chief of Cosmetic Department |

|Office Tel.: |0 312 309 11 41-1222 |

|Office Fax: |0 312 309 71 18 |

|E-mail:  |denizcengizozay@ |

|Date of consultation: |      |

|Supporting comments: |      |

| | |

|Signature (if applicable): | |

Please complete and return to:

European Commission , Institution Building unit (TAIEX)

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels

Fax: +32-2-296 76 94 E-mail: elarg-taiex@ec.europa.eu

|2. Study Visit Content |

|a) What will be the task of the host institution concerned? |

|Legislation Implementation Institutional development |

|b) EU legislation concerned (please give reference to regulations, directives etc.) and chapter of the Acquis and details of provisions for discussion |

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|CELEX N°/Natural number: |76/768/EEC Directive, 95/17/EC Directive, 2003/15/EC Directive |

|Type of legislation: |Directive |

|Screening chapter: |Free Movement of Goods |

|c) Outline of your current situation concerning the EU legislation indicated and mention any recent developments that may be relevant in this regard (e.g. give |

|details of the stage of preparation of the legislation, outline the timetable for the adoption of the legislation etc.) |

|In our country, we put into effect related legislation (Law on Cosmetis, By-law on Cosmetics and Communiques on Analyse Methods) in line with 76/768/EEC |

|Directive. As regard to 95/17/EC Directive, we have prepared related Comminuque and it will be put into effect. |

|d) Is there any planned or currently running PHARE/CARDS/TWINNING or other project that is dealing with the issues covered by the request? Yes No |

|If yes, please indicate details: |

|      |

|e) Draft programme for the study visit: |

|Please list in detail the issues you would like to discuss with the experts of the Member State administration, such as implementing regulations, infrastructure,|

|strategies, training and any other elements of relevance: |

|We would like to organise our study visit for three days; |

|For the first day, implementation of 95/17/EC Directive, |

|For the second day, implemantation of animal testing, |

|For the third day, evaluation of the study visit and recommandations of experts. |

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|3. Logistical aspects |

|a) Is there a Member State administration/organisation that you wish to visit? |

|(this information is mandatory for applicants from beneficiary Member States) |

|Preferred Country (choice cannot always be guaranteed) |      |

| | |

|Hosting Member State Authority/Institution (if known) |      |

| | |

|Do you know the person from whom you wish to receive expertise? |

|Title: |      |

|First Name: |      |

|Surname: |      |

|Ministry or Institution: |      |

|Department: |      |

|Function: |      |

|Office address (street/number/office number) |      |

|Post code: |      |

|City: |      |

|Office Tel: |      |

|Office Fax: |      |

|E-mail: |      |

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|Have you had previous contact with your selected host Institution/Organisation/Expert? Yes No |

|b) Preferred date of the Study Visit (indicate week number and proposed duration of the visit) |

|Year: |2007 |

|Calendar week: |37 |

|Duration (maximum 5 working days): |3 days |

|c) Language knowledge (please state the language(s) and indicate your level of competence) |

|1st language: English | Very Good Good Fair Poor |

|2nd language:       | Very Good Good Fair Poor |

|3rd language:       | Very Good Good Fair Poor |

|d) Transport and accommodation preferences |

|We would like to travel by: Plane Train Other Please select one option |

|We would like TAIEX to book a hotel: : Yes No |

| |

|4. List of Participants |

|(3 participants maximum) |

Data received from you is to be used for the organisation of TAIEX events only, and for no other purpose unless stated. You are entitled to have your data deleted or removed from our database at any time.

|1. Details of the applicant acting as main co-ordinator requesting the Study visit |

|Title (Mr., Mrs.)[2]: |Mrs. |

|First Name: |Deniz |

|Surname: |Cengiz Ozay |

|Ministry or Institution: |Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacy |

|Department: |Department of Cosmetics |

|Function: |Chief of Cosmetics Department |

|Office address (street/number/office number): |Cankırı Cad. No:57/Ulus |

|Post code: |06060 |

|City: |ANKARA |

|Office Tel: |0 312 309 11 41-1222 |

|Office Fax: |0 312 309 71 18 |

|Email: |denizcengizozay@ |

|Will you also participate to the Study Visit? | Yes No |

|2. Details of the person(s) participating in the Study visit |

|a) | |

|Title (Mr., Mrs.) : |Mrs. |

|First Name: |Nilay |

|Surname: |CIVIL |

|Ministry or Institution: |Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacy |

|Department: |Department of Cosmetics |

|Function: |Pharmacist |

|Office address (street/number/office number): |Cankırı Cad. No:57/Ulus |

|Post code: |06060 |

|City: |ANKARA |

|Office Tel: |0 312 309 11 41-1222 |

|Office Fax: |0 312 309 71 18 |

|E-Mail: |nilay.yilmaz@.tr |

|b) | |

|Title (Mr., Mrs.) : |Mrs. |

|First Name: |Bengi |

|Surname: |ONENC |

|Ministry or Institution: |Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacy |

|Department: |Department of Cosmetics |

|Function: |Pharmacist |

|Office address (street/number/office number): |Cankırı Cad. No:57/Ulus |

|Post code: |06060 |

|City: |ANKARA |

|Office Tel: |0 312 309 11 41-1222 |

|Office Fax: |0 312 309 71 18 |

|E-Mail: |bengi.onenc@.tr |

|c) | |

|Title (Mr., Mrs.) : |Mr. |

|First Name: |Imdat |

|Surname: |Karakoc |

|Ministry or Institution: |Ministry of Health |

|Department: |EU Coordination Department |

|Function: |Assistant EU Expert |

|Office address (street/number/office number): |Mahmut Esat Bozkurt Cad. Umut Sok. No:19 KOLEJ |

|Post code: |      |

|City: |ANKARA |

|Office Tel: |0 312 458 52 41 |

|Office Fax: |0 312 435 75 23 |

|E-Mail: |imdat.karakoc@.tr |

|Please note: The information contained in this form will be made available |

|on-line to the Mission and the Embassy of your country in Brussels. |

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|All applications received directly from the Western Balkans' administrations will be forwarded to the EU Delegation in the country concerned, and in the case of |

|Kosovo to the EC-Liaison Office, for a preliminary evaluation. |


[1] Personal data contained in this document will be processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument

(See ) and in compliance with the Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001.

[2] Personal data contained in this document will be processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument

(See ) and in compliance with the Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001.


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