UNIT 1 - AST Preparation


Questions 1- 3

Questions I to 3 are based on the statements from Animal Liberation and The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals below.

|Animal Liberation |Humane Treatment |

| | |

|Animal Liberation (AL) is an Australian animal |The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty |

|rights organisation dedicated to ending all |to Animals (RSPCA) Australia recognises that |

|human activity which harms non-human animals |animals of all species must be killed from time |

|and all anthropocentric and speciesist attitudes. |to time and demands that when this is necessary |

|As such, we act as a voice for the most exploited |it be performed humanely.\ |

|and vulnerable creatures on earth. | |

| |RSPCA· Australia believes that man must treat |

|Our aims: |animals humanely. Where man makes use of |

|• to change the laws concerning animals |animals or interferes with their habitat, he should |

|• to outlaw factory farming |bestow a level of care befitting man's own |

|• to ban circuses with animals and to ban |dignity as a rational, intelligent, compassionate |

|rodeos |being, and a level of care merited by the nature of |

|• to stop the fur trade |the animal as a sentient creature capable of |

|• to ban the duck shoot |responding to man's care and attention. Such care |

|• to end animal experimentation |should be marked by sympathy, consideration, |

|• to stop the testing of drugs and products |compassion and tenderness towards animals. |

|on animals | |

|• to foster the rights of animals | |

|• to encourage vegetarianism and change | |

|the indifference that many people feel | |

|towards animals | |

Question 1

What is suggested by the phrase “non-human animals” in the Animal liberation statement?

The phrase “non-human animals” in the AL statement suggests that

Question 2

What is suggested by the phrase 'care befitting man's own dignity' in the Royal Society for the

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' statement?

The phrase 'care befitting man's own dignity' in the RSPCA statement suggests that

Question 3

Compare and contrast the views of Animal Liberation and the Royal Society for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals.


Questions 4 - 6

One way of conserving water is to collect rainwater from roofs of houses to use for drinking.

However, after a period without rain, the first rainwater washed from a roof into a storage tank

may be contaminated with dirt.

One device used to overcome this problem is illustrated in the figure. The bent pipe delivering

water from the roof to the storage tank has a vertical extension (the device) containing a ball

that floats on water. At the bottom of the device is an outlet tap.


Question 4

How does the device attempt to solve the problem of the dirty water?

Question 5

Outline two problems related to the design of the device that could stop the device from

functioning properly.

Question 6

Suggest an improvement to the design of the device and explain the value of the changed



Question 7

What impressions are we given by the illustration on the opposite page?

And what is suggested by the drawing?

Your responses will be judged on the:

• accuracy of the description or understanding of the material; and

• substance and quality of the interpretation offered.



Question 8

A sociogram is a diagram used to show the views of members of a group about each other.

The following sociogram shows the responses of the workers on the afternoon shift in a fast

food restaurant to a question about whom they most like to work with.


Draw a sociogram of the responses of the evening shift


Question 9

What does Hermann Hesse suggest about knowledge and wisdom by the following statement?

Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom.

Hermann Hesse


Questions 10 – 13

A cable intemet service provider (ISP) has the following user plans (Table 1). Each plan has a

different monthly total download limit. If this limit is exceeded, an additional cost per 100 MB

used above the monthly limit is payable, as shown in the table below.


Question 10

Which plan does the line on the graph in Figure I represent?

Question 11

On the graph in Figure I, draw and label the lines for the other two plans

Question 12

A business is on Plan 2. At what additional monthly download is it cheaper for the business to

change to Plan 3?

Question 13

The lines for the three plans will intersect (at a point off the graph). What is the significance of

this point?


Question 14

Examine the arguments of JM and BL about prisons below.

What arguments are presented?

Which of their arguments are strong and which are weak?

Explain why you find their arguments either strong or weak.

Your responses will be judged on the:

• accuracy with which the views are presented; and

• effectiveness with which the arguments are assessed.

|Should prisons be for rehabilitation or for punishment? |

| |

|JM comments |

|There is no justification to punish the vast majority of people in prison. Most prisoners are in |

|gaol because society has forced them into a position where they have no alternative but to |

|pursue (or are simply unable to avoid) a criminal lifestyle. |

| |

|BL responds |

|No. You can take an anger management course if that's your problem. You can get a job |

|interview if you need money. You can clean up your act, you can go cold turkey, you have a |

|choice. |

| |

|It's a cop out to say that society completely influences people's actions, that the thief doesn't |

|have the ultimate choice to not commit crimes, that the rapist is 'driven' to abuse. We punish |

|people, we take our retribution from them, we want them to suffer to atone for and balance out |

|the evil caused by them. |

| |

|Prisons should only be concerned with rehabilitation in the interests of the honest and law |

|abiding. After we've punished criminals, how do we want them when they are released? We |

|want an overall reduction in crime, not an overall reduction in the amount of suffering endured |

|by those who feel a need to commit it. |

| |

|I personally believe that a major part of punishment is suffering, and that a major part of |

|punishment in our country is prison. I guarantee you that there are more people in prison who |

|deserve what they get than people who don't. |

| |

|JM responds |

|It's easy for us to say "you have a choice", but making the 'right' choice, if you want to call it |

|that, is not so easy. Ever tried going cold turkey from a serious drug addiction? Ever tried |

|growing up in poverty where all around you is nothing but crime and deviance, where everyone |

|is at war against you and your community, and where you're taught from the youngest age that |

|police are the enemy? Go live there and then tell me how easy it is. |

| |

|You want less crime? Then the first thing you want to do is change the way police operate and |

|stop sending so many people to gaol, and change what gaols are like. We see the crime control |

|problem as a 'war', a war against people who commit acts that are labelled 'crimes' and these |

|criminals then become targets in this war. Rather than being subject to severe penalties, these |

|people should be seen as indicators of severe social injustice. |

| |

|And as for gaols, well if you're not a criminal when you go in, you will be by the time you're |

|out. They're simply universities for criminals. |


Questions 15 – 17

It is claimed that a new product, Growgreat, makes plants grow 20% faster than they normally

do. Growgreat is sold as small water-soluble pills (tablets).

A gardener decides to investigate the claim. Five tests that the gardener considers are

represented in the figure below. The initial conditions of all plants are the same (same size plant,

pot, soil etc.) The growing conditions are the same for each test (same light, same fixed daily

amount of water, same air exposure etc), except for the differences indicated (the Growgreat pill

and water additional to the daily supply).


Question 15

What would a comparison of the results of treatments I and II show? Explain

Question 16

In evaluating the claim, how useful would be a comparison of the results of treatments III and

IV? Explain.

Question 17

In order to evaluate the claim, which two tests would provide the most valuable information?

Justify your answer.


Questions 18 and 19

People hold different views about the following question:

Tertiary education should be free

In the space below write two different arguments for supporting free tertiary education.

The reasons should be the strongest and most substantial you can think of.

Your responses will be judged on:

• precision with which the ideas are presented; and

• substance and significance of the arguments presented.

Argument 1

Argument 2

Question 19

In the space below write two different arguments against free tertiary education.

The reasons should be the strongest and most substantial you can think of.

Argument 1

Argument 2


Questions 20 - 23

A decrease in ozone in the atmosphere occurred after the introduction of the chemical CFC into

spray cans. The decrease in ozone has been greatest around the north and south poles.

Figure 1 indicates the relationship between percentage ozone decrease and percentage groundlevel

UV-B increase for major Australian cities between 1980 and 1990. UV-B is a form of

radiation from the Sun that causes skin cancer and other health problems. The figure also shows

predictions for the period 1990 to 2005.


Question 20

What does Figure 1 show about

• % ozone decrease and the different cities

• % ozone decrease and % UV-B increase

• % ozone decrease and the different time periods shown in the key?

Figure 2 indicates the total amount of UV-B (arbitrary units) that reached the Earth in 1980 for

various latitudes (between 10° and 45° South) on the Australian continent. The numbers on the

contour lines (3000, 2500, 2000, 1500 and 1000) are proportional to the total amount of UV-B

that reached the ground in 1980. At the 3000 contour line, three times as much UV-B radiation

reached the ground as at the 1000 contour line.


Question 21

In which of the cities named in Figure 2 did the greatest level of UV-B radiation occur in 1980?

Question 22

What is the predicted increase in UV-B radiation reaching the ground in Hobart between 1990 and 2005 (expressed in the arbitrary units of Figure 2)? Explain your reasoning.

Question 23

A 1990 newspaper article used the information in Figures 1 and 2 to predict that by 2005 the

people of Hobart would have the greatest risk of skin cancer from DV-B in Australia. Evaluate

this statement.

Question 24

What does Jean-Paul Sartre suggest about freedom by the following statement?

Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.

John-Paul Sartre


Question 25

Below is an advertisement for a computer. Explain how the text and image of the advertisement

is structured and presented to create an impression and convey a message.

Your responses will be judged on the:

• accuracy of the description or understanding of the material; and

• substance and quality of the interpretation offered.



Questions 26 – 30

Studies have shown that the height of sea waves is determined by wind-related variables such


1 Fetch - the distance the wind blows over the sea surface.

2 Wind speed - the average speed at which the wind blows.

Table 1 gives the results of a study of the height of waves for various fetches and wind speeds

(when the wind has blown for 24 hours).


Answer all questions in this unit according to the information in the table

Question 26

What is the wind speed when the wave height is 13.6 m and the fetch is 1000 km?

Question 27

Estimate the wave height at a wind speed of 90 km/h after a fetch of 1500 km.

Question 28

On Figure 1 below draw a graph line for a fetch of 700 km. The scale is linear on both axes


Question 29

Complete labels L1, L2, L3 and L4 on the graph in Figure 2 to show how this graph could

represent some data from Table J. The scale on the graph is linear on both axes


Figure 2

Question 30

What do the data in Table 1 show about the relationship between the three variables?


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