
PRACTICE IDENTIFYING THE ARGUMENT- WEDNESDAYDirections: In each of the following writing examples, HIGHLIGHT (or make BOLD) the argument or overarching claim (the author’s opinion or statement they are trying to support or prove). Sample A “Thank You M’am” by Langston Hughes is a story about a young man named Roger who tries to steal Mrs. Jones’ pocket book. Throughout the story, Mrs. Jones displays extreme generosity. Not only does she choose not to report Roger to the police, but she also takes him to her home, feeds him, cleans him, gives him the money to buy a pair of new shoes, and teaches him the lesson of a lifetime. Through her words and actions, Mrs. Jones proves that she is a truly forgiving and generous person. Sample B Every student at Whitnall Middle School needs an iPad. iPads allow students the possibility of having the world of information at their fingertips. Students can learn and display responsibility by taking care of the equipment. Staying organized is easier with the use of apps and calendars. Furthermore, interacting with technology on a daily basis will help students prepare for future jobs by learning 21st century digital literacy skills. Sample C Hi. My name is Matthew D. and I am running for Student Council Vice President. I am asking for your vote because I know I will make an excellent candidate, and I will represent our class with respect, energy, and strong leadership. I have a lot of exciting and effective ideas to share with you all. I plan to start a student faculty committee for planning safe and fun school dances. I want to keep everyone informed of important issues, and I pledge to make this a great school year. EFFECTIVE ARGUMENT (SUPER CLAIMS) - WEDNESDAYRemember that an argument (super claim) is arguable; readers can either agree or disagree with the author’s argument. An argument must be proved with reasons and evidence. Effective arguments show confidence and take a strong stance. In each of the sets below, identify the most effective argument (super claim). Topic: SmokingA. ___ Every year, smoking kills approximately 443,000 people in the United States. B. ___ The government must support a ban on smoking in the United States. C. ___ As of December 2012, 28 states have banned smoking in all public ic: Vietnam Veterans Memorial A. ___ The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was designed by Maya Lin in 1981. B. ___ The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is arguably the most emotional memorial in D.C. C. ___ The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a moving tribute to our soldiers’ sacri?ces. Topic: Hair Dye A. ___ Our right to express ourselves through hair color must be protected. B. ___ I believe brightly colored hair is distracting and inappropriate at school. C. ___ The current trend among students is to dye their hair bright colors such as blue. Topic: Clean Energy A. ___ Though many clean energy solutions exist, they are expensive for companies. B. ___ It is imperative that we invest in clean energy options to protect our future. C. ___ Some clean energy options include solar energy, windmills, and ic: Vegetarianism A. ___ Vegetarianism is a perfectly healthy and ethical choice for many people. B. ___ Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from eating meat. C. ___ Vegetarians are dierent from vegans because they consume eggs and milk.THURSDAY Paragraph Puzzle (#1) Directions: Cut out the strips below and arrange them to make a strong argumentative paragraph. If you cannot print this, use the numbers by each sentence to tell me the order you would put them in.5. However, providing kids with the opportunity to help those in need is actually a wonderful idea because it will likely cause just the opposite. ==================================================================1. Additionally, it will teach kids responsibility. ==================================================================2. Without a doubt, these are admirable qualities, therefore, it would certainly be in the best interest of our community to foster these qualities by having kids volunteer. ===================================================================6. Recently, our Board of Education announced it would require middle school students to spend a certain number of hours each semester doing volunteer work or community service. ===================================================================4. This responsibility will transfer to other parts of their lives, like becoming more responsible in school. ===================================================================8. Kids who perform community service, like serving in a soup kitchen or helping out at the Boys and Girls Club, will get a chance to work with members of our community who are less fortunate. ===================================================================3. Opponents of this idea claim that forcing people to do anything will make them angry and resentful. ===================================================================7. This will lead them to become more compassionate and understanding human beings. Sentences in order are:___________________________________________________________________PRACTICE GENERATING A THESIS- THURSDAY As you have learned, a thesis is a powerful statement that includes the topic and the author’s opinion on that topic. It can be short (Abolish the death penalty now.) or long (World War II was the deadliest, most tragic war in the history of mankind.) But it must be an opinion. Below is a list of topics with some background information. For each topic, you will write a thesis statement reflecting your opinion on the topic. Remember not to give any reasons why you have that opinion (avoid the word ‘because’). Simply state which side of the argument you are on. It often helps students to begin with the phrase “I believe,” then cross it out afterward. EXAMPLE Topic: Animal Testing Background information: Some people believe that testing products on animals should be banned. They believe that there are other ways to conduct research that don’t harm animals, and that animals have rights, too. On the other hand, others believe that testing on animals is important for society. They believe that most animals are treated well, that this kind of research protects humans and helps develop important advancements for society, and that animal life is less important than human life. My practice thesis: I believe the United States government should ban animal testing. My Final Thesis: The United States government should ban animal testing. Topic: Food Labels Background information: Some people believe that all food products should have labels indicating the nutritional information. This would protect the consumers by informing them of the ingredients, would encourage food companies to provide better or higher quality foods, and might encourage people to make healthier choices. On the other hand, others believe that food labels aren’t always necessary. Hiring a laboratory to conduct nutritional testing on food is expensive and may drive up the price of some products. Many people simply ignore nutritional information, and dishonest food companies could report false information on the labels. My Practice thesis: I believe _________________________________________________________My Final Thesis: __________________________________________________________________Topic: Music that Glorifies Violence Background information: Some people believe that music that glorifies violence should be banned as a protection of human rights. They believe this message is inappropriate and harmful to all people, it encourages disrespect, it encourages violence, and it would be fairly easy to restrict or ban. On the other hand, others believe that music should never be restricted or banned to allow for the freedom of expression. Some people believe that a ban of this kind would be nearly impossible to impose, and that once the door is opened for restrictions on self-expression, it will become easier to continue making new bans and restrictions. My thesis: I believe _________________________________________________________________My Final Thesis: ____________________________________________________________________ Topic: Physical Education class Background information: Some people believe that physical education class should be mandatory for all students throughout their education. They believe that PE promotes a healthy lifestyle, teaches valuable life skills, and improves attitude and well-being of society as a whole. On the other hand, others believe that PE should not be mandatory. They believe that physical activity is unnecessary and risks injury, it is a waste of educational time and resources, and parents should have the right to make decisions about their child’s body. My thesis: I believe ____________________________________________________________________My Final thesis: _______________________________________________________________________ ................

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